8 research outputs found

    Rational antipyretic therapy of arvi in children

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    The article presents data on the clinical features of ARVI in children: description of the febrile syndrome as one of the leading symptoms in these infections, the use of Panadol as the drug of choice during the anti-pyretic therapy in children

    Prevention of hypovitaminosis in preschool and junior school children

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    From the beginning of the school year and throughout the whole process of intensive training and visits to preschools, child's body experiences stress and lack of vitamins compounded by the implications of autumn, winter and spring seasons. During these periods children are especially in need of a balanced consumption of essential trace elements and vitamins necessary for the development of the growing organism and normalization of the brain function. Hypovitaminosis contributes to detraction and decreased physical activity which lead to low learning outcomes and misconduct


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    The article provides the data on reasons of the dry coughing in children in various nosologic forms of diseases and practicability of prescription of non-narcotic drugs of central action

    Use of homeopathic medicines for prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections at home

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    Acute infectious inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract are the most common reason for seeking pediatrician's aid globally. They account for over 85% of all visits to outpatient clinics and for 50% of all hospital admissions of children under 6 years [1]. By the beginning of the XXI century, more than 200 microorganisms were found to cause acute respiratory infections (ARI); these are encountered by people not once throughout their life, thus helping humans to acquire the specific immunity [2-4]. However, annual epidemics of influenza and other acute respiratory infections are characterized by severity and high mortality [1]


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    The article tells about the anatomical and physiological specifics of the skin of infants and the use of dermatological products for gentle care for sensitive skin. Preclinical and clinical findings on the use of a skin care series are demonstrate

    Topical anti-inflammatory therapy of atopic dermatitis in children

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    The article tells about the key etiopathogenic mechanisms of atopic dermatitis in children. The rationale for topical anti-inflammatory therapy with new generation topical glucocorticosteroids (Advantan) is demonstrated

    Cough treatment in children with acute respiratory infections using herbal extracts

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    In acute respiratory infection (ARI), one of the most common symptoms in children is respiratory syndrome which is mainly manifested by cough. Statistically, cough is a complaint of 1/5 of all people with ARI. Cough is especially painful for children, creating a state of discomfort both for the sick child and his parents. Cough is one of the most frequent reasons for seeking pediatrician's aid

    Atopic dermatitis in children

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    Infant's skin is very sensitive and susceptible to irritants and allergens. Combined with precipitating factors, genetic predisposition plays the key role. Chronic skin inflammation, or atopic dermatitis, is one of the most common pathologies which hinders and limits every day life of the baby and its parents. In the therapy of atopic dermatitis the focus should be on timely and adequate skin care aimed at reducing irritation, preserving the integrity of the child's skin and preventing complications, thereby improving the quality of life