427 research outputs found


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    The features of effective implementation of contracts in the context of improving the wages in health care organizations. A review of the main problems identified during the implementation of effective contracts. Obtained conditions of applicability of the effective contracts relevant to healthcare organizations. Formulated guidelines for the justification of the performance indicators of staff


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    The features of effective implementation of contracts in the context of improving the wages in health care organizations. A review of the main problems identified during the implementation of effective contracts. Obtained conditions of applicability of the effective contracts relevant to healthcare organizations. Formulated guidelines for the justification of the performance indicators of staff

    Optimizing DNA visualization with a solver P47H atomic-force microscope

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    The conditions for visualizing DNA molecules with a Solver P47H atomic-force microscope (NT-MTD, Moscow, Russia) were optimized. The DNA samples had different sizes, types, and conformations (pBR-322 plasmid DNA and chicken erythrocyte DNA) and were immobilized on mica. The microscope was equipped with a Smena-B detecting head and was operated in a tapping mode. The dependence of the amplitude of tip oscillations on the spacing between the tip and the test sample's surface was used to determine the optimum parameters of scanning. The highest quality and reproducibility of the DNA images were attained by scanning with a small initial amplitude (9-23 nm) of cantilever oscillations and an optimum gain (0.08-0.3). Images with the highest contrast were obtained in the amplitude curve's region corresponding to a repulsive interaction regime. The operating amplitude was set at one-half (or slightly less than) the initial amplitude of tip oscillations. © 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Atomic force microscope for investigation of DNA-hydrolyzing activity of anti-DNA antibodies

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    Interaction of DNA-hydrolyzing antibodies and DNA with super-twisted plasmid DNA pBR-322 was studied at one of wide spread human autoimmune disease of unknown etiology - exanthematous systemic lupus. It is shown that investigated antibodies and DNA are endonucleases and make one-thread breaks in super-twisted DNA molecules, transforming them into the ring molecules. Using atomic force microscopy, formation of stable immune complex antibody-DNA was registered, the complex size exceeding individual sizes of antibodies and DNA molecule. Probably, abzymes interact with DNA initially with the mechanisms characteristic for antigen-antibody immune complex formation, and further the antibody fermentative properties manifest. However, unlike ordinary DNAses, after phosphodiester bond hydrolysis the antibody molecule is not disengaged from DNA molecule

    Mechanism of action of DNA-hydrolyzing antibodies to DNA from blood of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Four fractions of IgG antibodies to native DNA (nDNA) were obtained from blood of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. These antibodies displayed a thermostable DNA-hydrolyzing activity and were different in affinity for DNA-cellulose and sorption on DEAE-cellulose. DNA-hydrolyzing antibodies to nDNA are metal-dependent endonucleases, cause mainly single-strand breaks in DNA, and are active over a wide range of pH. By atomic-force microscopy, three-dimensional images of DNA complexes with DNA-hydrolyzing antibodies to nDNA were obtained with nanometer resolution, and a nonprocessive action mechanism was shown for the DNase activity of antibodies to nDNA. © Nauka/Interperiodica 2006

    Development of the cell-ELISA test for the subtype identification of circulating influenza A(H1) and A(H3) viruses

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    The sensitive version of cell-ELISA was developed for the subtype-specific differentiation of current influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) viruses that are circulating in the human population. This method is based on the estimation of virus reproduction in infected MDCK cells. The detection step of this method is an interaction of the subtype-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with the viral hemagglutinin (НА) molecule. The influenza A virus strains, isolated in the 2014 epidemic season, were used to validate this method.It was shown that when using mAbs # 1/ # 2 or # 4 at a concentration of 10-15 µg/ml, the developed variant of cell-ELISA was able to detect НА protein synthesized in the infected cells of influenza A(H3N2) and A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses, respectively.The developed method can be used for the identification of modern influenza A viruses with low hemagglutination activity, which is not possible by the conventional hemagglutination inhibition test.The sensitive version of cell-ELISA was developed for the subtype-specific differentiation of current influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) viruses that are circulating in the human population. This method is based on the estimation of virus reproduction in infected MDCK cells. The detection step of this method is an interaction of the subtype-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with the viral hemagglutinin (НА) molecule. The influenza A virus strains, isolated in the 2014 epidemic season, were used to validate this method. It was shown that when using mAbs # 1/ # 2 or # 4 at a concentration of 10-15 µg/ml, the developed variant of cell-ELISA was able to detect НА protein synthesized in the infected cells of influenza A(H3N2) and A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses, respectively. The developed method can be used for the identification of modern influenza A viruses with low hemagglutination activity, which is not possible by the conventional hemagglutination inhibition test

    Gis-approach for variability assessment of soil electric conductivity under pedoturbation activity of mole rat (Spalax microphthalmus)

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    Изучено влияние роющей активности слепыша на электропроводность почв. Показана эффективность ГИС-технологий для оценки воздействия педотурбационной активности на создание гетерогенности почвенной поверхности. Предложен метод преобразования одномерного пространственно координированного массива данных в матричную форму для дальнейшей обработки методами многомерной статистики. Характеристика поверхности почвы в области пороев слепыша с помощью ландшафтных показателей сложности и разнообразия позволила количественно оценить роль роющей активности слепыша в создании разнообразия условий на уровне нанорельефа. Вивчено вплив рийної активності сліпака на електропровідність ґрунтів. Показано ефективність ГІС-технологій для оцінки впливу педотурбаційної активності на створення гетерогенності ґрунтової поверхні. Запропоновано метод перетворення одновимірного просторово координованого масиву даних у матричну форму для подальшої обробки методами багатовимірної статистики. Характеристика ґрунту в межах пориїв сліпака за допомогою ландшафтних показників складності та різноманіття дозволила кількісно оцінити роль рийної активності сліпака в утворенні різноманіття умов на рівні нанорельєфу. The results of the investigation of the impact of the mole rat’s activity on soil electric conductivity have been presented. GIS-technology have been shown to be effective for assessment of the pedoturbation activity effect on the soil surface heterogeneity formation. Method of the one-dimension spatial coordinated array transformation into matrix form has been proposed for following multidimension statistic analysis application. The quantity estimation of the mole rats role in formation of the habitat nanorelief-level diversity has been obtained by means of indexes of the landscape complexity and diversity

    Reactions of triphenyl phosphite with di- and tribromoacetaldehydes

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    The reaction of triphenyl phosphite and di- and tribromoacetaldehydes proceeds through initial halophilic attack with subsequent formation of triphenyl phosphate and tetraphenylphosphonium bromide. © 1989 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Pentaalkoxyphosphoranes in the reactions of alkylene(1,1,3-trihydroperfluoropropyl) phosphites with chloral and bromal

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    For the first time, stable pentaalkoxyspirophosphoranes were isolated in addition to phosphoranes with P-C bond in the reactions of alkylene-(1,1,3-trihydroperfluoropropyl)phosphites with chloral or bromal. © 1987 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    Reaction of 2-tert-butoxy-4,5-benzo-1,3,2-dioxaphospholane with tribromoacetaldehyde

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    The reaction of 2-tert-butoxy-4,5-benzo-1,3,2-dioxaphospholane with tribromo-acetaldehyde proceeds by initial halophilic attack on the bromine atom, leading to a product with retention of the P-Br bond (pyrocatechol bromophosphate) and an anion exchange product (pyrocatechol dibromovinylphosphate), and by initial attack at the carbon atom of the C=O group, which is accompanied by the elimination of isobutylene to form an α-hydroxyphosphonate. © 1990 Plenum Publishing Corporation