5 research outputs found

    Complex ultrasound diagnostic assessment of the results of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer (Stages IIB–IIIB)

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    Background. Current complex ultrasound diagnosis using novel imaging techniques can assess, to a high accuracy, different tumor parameters during neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT) for locally advanced cervical cancer (CC) (Stages IIB–IIB). This assessment is very important and necessary to define further treatment policy.Materials and methods. A total of 199 patients diagnosed with Stages IIB–IIIB CC, including 60 patients with Stage IIB (T2bN0M0), 4 with Stage IIIА (T3aN0M0), and 135 with Stage IIIВ (T2bN1M0, T3aN1M0, T3bN0–1M0) (according to the International Federationof Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) classification), who received NCT at Stage 1 of treatment, were examined. Complex ultrasound study was conducted before treatment initiation and after each NCT cycle. The therapeutic pathomorphism of a tumor was evaluated in surgically treated patients.Results. The criteria have been determined for evaluating the efficiency of NCT for locally advanced CC, which are based on current ultrasonographic techniques including B-mode, Doppler ultrasound (power, spectral, three-dimensional ones), as well as on the results of therapeutic pathomorphism.Conclusion. The criteria for evaluating the efficiency of NCT for CC should be based on current complex ultrasonographic techniques

    Intra-nosological diagnosis of endometrial cancer

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    The study is based on the analysis of comprehensive ultrasound examinations of 158 patients with a verified diagnosis of endometrial cancer (EC). It was conducted, by taking into account the concept of 3 types of microinvasive EC growth. Echosemiotics in each of these types is detailed. Ultrasound criteria for diagnosing the microinvasive process of EC, tumor invasion into the cervical canal are identified

    Impact of the pathogenetic type of postmenopause on the occurrence of tumors of the female reproductive system

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    The study included patients observed and treated in Russian scientific centre of roentgenradiology Ministry of Health Russian Federation in the period from 1999 to 2010 (n = 405): including 111 postmenopausal women who are without anamnestic data on the presence of cancer at any site, and the group of patients with gynecological cancer in postmenopause in including 60 patients with endometrial cancer, 67 patients with malignant epithelial ovarian tumors, 87 observations of cervical cancer and 80 patients with vulva cancer. The average age of the patients was 58.6 ± 0.4 years. The study of bone mineral density, body mass index and the level of estrogen receptor localization in different cancers of the reproductive system. Formed by 4 different types of menopause that best reflects a combination of hormone and hormone receptor status. This separation makes it possible to plan more differentiated the hormone replacement therapy in postmenopause. Along with this, there is reasonable prospects for prevention and early diagnosis of hormone-dependent tumors of the female reproductive system

    Ability of the sonoelastometria for deferential diagnosis of malignant and non-malignant ovarian tumors

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    The comparison analysis of the sonoelastomeric images with tissue density has revealed the basic laws – the greatest density of the tissues was defined in the loci painted in red color, and was in a range from 52.87 to 300 kPa. Sonoelastometric signs of malignant process presence in the ovaries have been determent at volume of the tumor not less than 15 cm3

    The balance of estrogen metabolites in breast cancer and the ways of its correction

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    Background. A clear relationship is now found between the activity of estrogen metabolites and the development of tumors in estrogen-dependent tissues. Many international and Russian studies could identify a number of compounds involved in the regulation of estrogen metabolites. Indole-3-carbinol is one of these compounds that correct a ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone (2-OHE1) to 16-OHE1. It is a phytonutrient that is contained in Cruciferous vegetables and has antitumor activity. Our investigations used highly purified indole-3-carbinol (Indinol). The ability to identify the role of metabolic syndrome, by applying the current methodological approaches, allowed us to study the effect of highly purified indole-3-carbinol on the level of expression of estrogen metabolites and to attempt to expand views on procedures to prevent and treat breast tumors. Materials and methods. A total of 136 women were comprehensively examined; of them 44 patients formed a group of those with morphologically verified hormone-independent breast cancer (BC) and 42 patients were a group of those with hormone-dependent BC. A control group included 50 women without signs of breast disease. In all the patients, body mass index was calculated; the ratio of urinary estrogen metabolites (2-ОНЕ1/16α-ОНЕ1) was quantified; and biopsy specimens and operative material were histologically and immunohistologically studied. Results. The BC patients were noted to have the high expression of 16α-OHE1 and the low values of 2-OHE1 (ratio, 0.42) as compared to the control group (2.09), which was an important component of metabolic syndrome. The BC patients had the high level of concomitant endocrine metabolic disturbances with the high body mass index, which reflected the clinical manifestation of metabolic syndrome. Indinol used to treat both hormone-dependent and hormone-independent BC showed an antimetabolic effect that was most pronounced 6 months later. Conclusion. Thus, early correction of metabolic disturbances with antimetabolites is one of the important, pathogenetically sound areas in the prevention of BC