9 research outputs found

    Influence of Mining Activity on Selected Landslide in the Ostrava-Karviná Coalfield

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    The paper deals with the impact of undermining on the slope deformation Doubrava Vrchovec. For the evaluation of the impact, isocatabase maps, terrain deformation parameters calculated for slope deformation, length measuring by zone extensometry and dilatometric measuring in the cracks of an asphalt road have been used. The length and dilatometric measuring identified the direction of slope deformation movement corresponding to the direction of rock mass movement as the consequence of undermining. With regard to the fact a change in the longitudinal relative deformation values in the direction of the subsidence slope gradient was evaluated (in the direction of the slope deformation movement). During the monitored period, terrain surface compression occurred, which manifests the position of the slope deformation in the concave portion of the subsidence slope. This fact probably induces additional strain from undermining in the slope deformation, which may worsen its stability conditions

    Stavební objekt v návaznosti na sanaci svahových deformací

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    Import 21/09/2006Prezenční225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstv

    Analysis of Precise Inclinometric Measuring Sets in Relation to the Manifestations of Landslides and Undermining

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    Import 11/11/2010Poddolování způsobené hlubinní těžbou černého uhlí v karvinské části Ostravskokarvinského revíru má evidentní vliv na změnu inženýrskogeologických poměrů, přičemž kromě výše uvedených jištěných skutečností má vliv také na změny napjatosti ve svazích, strukturu a fyzikálně-mechanických vlastností horninového materiálu, režimní změny hladin podzemních vod atd. Zjištění vlivu poddolování by se mělo stát automatickou součástí předmětu každého inženýrskogeologického průzkumu respektive výzkumu, ve všech lokalitách u kterých je dle jejích geografické pozice potenciálně možný vliv hornické činnosti. Ten můžeme snadno zjistit na základě porovnání pozice lokality s rozšířením dobývacích prostorů uvedených v geofondu, nebo na báňských úřadech. Jedním z projevů hornické činnosti je její studovaný potenciální vliv na iniciaci a reaktivaci svahových pohybů. Problematice dosud nebyla věnována náležitá pozornost. Jako optimální metodika pro zjištění vlivů hlubinné těžby na studované svahové deformace se ukázalo použití kombinace inklinometrických měření korelovaných s mapami izokatabáz v různých časových řezech směrem do minulosti, ale také prognózních a parametrů přetvoření terénu. Důležité byla lokalizace inklinometrických měření na vrtech v aktivní časti svahové deformace, ale také v jejích blízkém neovlivněném okolí, což v případě naklánění obou vrtů je důkaz vlivů poddolování. Práce by se měla stát příspěvkem k objektivnějšímu poznání problematiky zajímavé pro odbornou veřejnost, ale také pro statní správu, která často řeší problémy spojené s využíváním a osídlením takto ovlivněných oblastí. Vzhledem k současnému trendu a nedostatku míst vhodných např. k zástavbě či jiným účelům je potřeba tyto procesy sledovat, rozumět jim a poznatky aplikovat při využívání hornické krajiny.Undermining caused by underground mining of black coal in the Karviná part of the Ostrava-Karviná District clearly affects the changes in the engineering-geological conditions, while apart from the above identified facts it also influences the changes in the state of stress in slopes, structure and physical-mechanical properties of the rock material, regime of ground water level changes, etc. The identification of undermining impact should become an automatic part of each engineering-geological survey or research in all localities in which there is a potential influence of mining activities based on their geographical position. This can be easily identified comparing the position of the locality expanding the working districts stated in the geopool or mining offices. One of manifestations of mining activity is its studied potential influence on the initiation and reactivation of slope movements. Adequate attention has not yet been paid to these problems. It was combination of inclinometric measuring correlated with isocatabase maps in different time sections retrospectively as well as on forecast ground deformation parameters, which proved optimal methodology for the identification of the influence of underground mining on the studied slope deformations. Localization of inclinometric measuring on boreholes in the active part of slope deformation as well as in near nonaffected vicinity was important, which in case of inclination of both boreholes is evidence of undermining impact. Thus, the work should contribute to a more objective knowledge of these problems of interest to the professional public and also for the state administration to solve problems associated with the utilisation and settlement of such affected areas. With regard to present trends and a permanent lack of places suitable for building development and other purposes, it is necessary to observe these processes, to understand them and for this knowledge to be applied to the utilisation of the mining landscape.Prezenční541 - Institut geologického inženýrstvívyhově

    Impact of underground mining to slope deformation genesis at Doubrava Ujala

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    The study deals with the evaluation of possible impact of undermining on a slope deformation Doubrava Ujala nearby the city of Karviná in the north-east of the Czech Republic. Undermining is a phenomenon caused by underground mining of black coal in the active Karviná part of the Ostrava-Karviná District. It is on the boundary of the working districts Karviná – Mines I and Poruba, which are operated by the Karviná Mine. In order to assess the possible impact, isocatabase maps in different time sections were used documenting the chronology of the subsidence trough formation and next, ground deformation parameters. The activity of slope movement was registered by means of zone extensometry on the surface and in the depth by means of precise inclinometry measuring. Apart from the impact of undermining, the effects of climatic conditions were taken into consideration, correlating the movement size with precipitation depth in the nearest rainfall gauging stations. As for the mechanism of undermining impact there is an apparent influence of additional stress from undermining caused by elongation of the ground surface, which is evidenced by the position of the slope deformation in the convex part of the subsidence trough slope. All the above mentioned factors influence the stability conditions of the slope deformation

    Measurements by the method of precise inclinometry on locality affected by mining activity

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    The paper evaluates the impact of undermining on the slope deformation in Staříč. For the purposes of such an evaluation, isocatabase maps, parameters of terrain deformations calculated for the point lying on the ground surface of the slope deformation and inclinometric measurements in two wells, out of which the fi rst is situated on the sliding slope and the second in the vicinity of the landslide body, have been used. On the basis of the inclinometric measurements a slope deformation movement vector perpendicular to the rock and soil mass vector caused by undermining was identifi ed

    Vliv hornické činnosti na vybraný sesuv v Ostravsko-karvinském revíru

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    The paper deals with the impact of undermining on the slope deformation Doubrava Vrchovec. For the evaluation of the impact, isocatabase maps, terrain deformation parameters calculated for slope deformation, length measuring by zone extensometry and dilatometric measuring in the cracks of an asphalt road have been used. The length and dilatometric measuring identified the direction of slope deformation movement corresponding to the direction of rock mass movement as the consequence of undermining. With regard to the fact a change in the longitudinal relative deformation values in the direction of the subsidence slope gradient was evaluated (in the direction of the slope deformation movement). During the monitored period, terrain surface compression occurred, which manifests the position of the slope deformation in the concave portion of the subsidence slope. This fact probably induces additional strain from undermining in the slope deformation, which may worsen its stability conditions