95 research outputs found
Impact of nebivolol on levels of serum nitric oxide, plasma von Willebrand factor and exercise stress testing parameters in hypertensive and ischemic heart disease patients
Background: The dysfunction of vascular endothelium precedes the development of atherosclerosis
in patients with arterial hypertension. Nebivolol is a very specific beta-blocker, which can be
characterized by a strong endothelial vasodilatative effect. The aim of the study was the assessment
of changes in concentrations of serum nitric oxide (NO), plasma von Willebrand factor (vWf) and
selected parameters of electrocardiographic exercise tests after 4-week nebivolol treatment.
Methods: Twenty-one patients were included in the study, aged from 34 to 82 years with
primary arterial hypertension or primary arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease.
Blood samples were taken for measurements of serum NO and plasma vWf. Electrocardiographic
stress tests were also performed. Subsequently, nebivolol was administered for four
weeks and the aforementioned measurements were repeated.
Results: A significant increase in serum NO concentration was found in all the investigated
patients after nebivolol treatment. A prolongation of exercise time, increase in metabolic equivalent
and decrease in double product were also noted in patients after nebivolol treatment.
Conclusions: Nebivolol treatment improves parameters of electrocardiographic exercise test
in patients with arterial hypertension. The improvement of the parameters of the exercise test
was not observed in those patients who showed no significant increase in serum NO concentration
following nebivolol treatment. (Cardiol J 2008; 15: 162-168
Mixed phenotype acute leukemia and lineage switch from lymphoblastic leukemia to myeloid leukemia in the course of Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm – case reports and literature review
Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (Ph-neg MPNs) are characterized by clonal hematopoiesis derived from a mutated hematopoietic stem cell. Ph-neg MPNs rarely transforms into acute leukemia, and in most cases, the transformation leads to the development of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The incidence of mixed-phenotype leukemia (MPAL) or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with lineage switch is much rarer. The unidentified lineage of blast cells is due to the immaturity of their undifferentiated progenitors with co-expression of myeloid and lymphoid antigens. The prognosis of secondary acute leukemia transformed from Ph-neg MPN is very unfavorable, especially in MPAL or lineage switch from ALL to AML cases. Moreover, there are no therapeutic protocols for these specific leukemia subtypes. Therefore, we believe that all cases of MPAL or lineage switch leukemia should be reported. This article presents the case of a patient with JAK2-positive essential thrombocythemia (ET) transformed to MPAL, and a patient with triple-negative primary myelofibrosis (PMF) (negative for , , and ) transformed to ALL with subsequent lineage switch to AML
Zdrowie własnej rodziny w świetle opinii włoskich i polskich uczniów = The opinions of Italian and Polish students on their families' health
Charzyńska-Gula Marianna, Gębka Magdalena, Kachaniuk Hanna, Szymczak Agnieszka, Zięba-Kołodziej Beata. Zdrowie własnej rodziny w świetle opinii włoskich i polskich uczniów = The opinions of Italian and Polish students on their families' health. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(8):54-66. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.59744http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3727 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 02.07.2016. Revised 25.07.2016. Accepted: 28.07.2016. Zdrowie własnej rodziny w świetle opinii włoskich i polskich uczniówThe opinions of Italian and Polish students on their families' health Marianna Charzyńska-Gula 1, Magdalena Gębka 2, Hanna Kachaniuk 3, Agnieszka Szymczak 2, Beata Zięba-Kołodziej 1 1 Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. prof. Stanisława Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu/Professor Stanisław Tarnowski State Higher Vocational School in Tarnobrzeg2 Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Kliniczny nr 4 w Lublinie/ Independent Public Teaching Hospital No. 4 in Lublin3 Katedra Onkologii i Środowiskowej Opieki Zdrowotnej Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie/Department of Oncology and Community Health Care, Medical University of Lublin Streszczenie Rodzina jest dla dziecka miejscem „tworzenia się zdrowia” w największym stopniu zaspokajającym jego psychospołeczne potrzeby i dającym początek najwcześniejszym przyzwyczajeniom i nawykom wypełniającym później pro- lub anty-zdrowotny styl życia. Celem badań było poznanie opinii na temat zdrowia własnej rodziny wyrażanych przez włoskich i polskich uczniów i ustalenie, na ile wybrane cechy społeczno-demograficzne oraz zachowania zdrowotne członków tych rodzin wiążą się ze stosunkiem uczniów do zadania, jakim jest dbałość o zdrowie przez całe życie. Badano 175 uczniów (90 z Polski i 85 z Włoch (średnia wieku 16,95 lat). Zastosowano sondaż diagnostyczny z autorskim kwestionariuszem ankiety. Badania prowadzono w Polsce i Włoszech w okresie od marca 2014 do marca 2015 roku. Wyniki wskazują na brak związku między wybranymi cechami rodzin a świadomością zdrowotną uczniów. Włoscy rodzice, mimo, że są lepiej wykształceni od polskich częściej palą tytoń, a ich dzieci wyraźnie częściej niż ich rówieśnicy z Polski nie widzą potrzeby dbania o zdrowie przez całe życie. Polscy rodzice mimo słabszego wykształcenia, rzadziej są osobami palącymi tytoń i ich dzieci znacząco częściej, niż włoscy rówieśnicy mają właściwy stosunek do dbałości o zdrowie. Uzyskane dane wskazują na różną w obu społecznościach aktywność szkół w działaniach profilaktycznych, która mogła wypełniać luki rodzinnej edukacji na rzecz zdrowia. Słowa kluczowe: zdrowie rodziny, zachowania zdrowotne, uczeń. Abstract For children family is a source of health; it meets their psychosocial needs and shapes their earliest habits, which later can turn into a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle. The objectives of the study was to identify the opinions of Italian and Polish students on their families' health and to determine the extent to which selected socio-demographic characteristics and health behaviour of the analysed families are related to the students' attitude towards the duty of caring for their health throughout their lives.The surveyed group included 175 students (90 from Poland and 85 from Italy (average age: 16.95 years). The diagnostic survey method was applied, with the use of a self-designed questionnaire. The surveys were carried out in Poland and Italy from March 2014 to March 2015. The results point to the lack of correlation between the selected characteristics of the analysed families and the students' health awareness. Italian parents, despite their higher education in comparison to Polish parents, more often smoke tobacco and are more frequently unable to assess their body weight. Their children substantially more often than their peers from Poland do not consider it necessary to care for their health throughout their lives. Polish parents, in spite of having lower education, less frequently smoke tobacco. Their children significantly more often than their Italian peers have an appropriate attitude to caring for their health. The obtained data show differences observed in both communities in the activity of schools in terms of prophylactic measures, which could fill the gaps in family health education. Key words: family's health, health behaviour, student
Association of glutathione peroxidase 3 (GPx3) and miR-196a with carbohydrate metabolism disorders in the elderly
The escalating prevalence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders (CMDs) prompts the need for early diagnosis and effective markers for their prediction. Hyperglycemia, the primary indicator of CMDs including prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), leads to overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress (OxS). This condition, resulting from chronic hyperglycemia and insufficient antioxidant defense, causes damage to biomolecules, triggering diabetes complications. Additionally, aging itself can serve as a source of OxS due to the weakening of antioxidant defense mechanisms. Notably, previous research indicates that miR-196a, by downregulating glutathione peroxidase 3 (GPx3), contributes to insulin resistance (IR). Additionally, a GPx3 decrease is observed in overweight/obese and insulin-resistant individuals and in the elderly population. This study investigates plasma GPx3 levels and miR-196a expression as potential CMD risk indicators. We used ELISA to measure GPx3 and qRT-PCR for miR-196a expression, supplemented by multivariate linear regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Our findings included a significant GPx3 reduction in the CMD patients (n = 126), especially in the T2DM patients (n = 51), and a decreasing trend in the prediabetes group (n = 37). miR-196a expression, although higher in the CMD and T2DM groups than in the controls, was not statistically significant, potentially due to the small sample size. In the individuals with CMD, GPx3 levels exhibited a negative correlation with the mass of adipose tissue, muscle, and total body water, while miR-196a positively correlated with fat mass. In the CMD group, the analysis revealed a weak negative correlation between glucose and GPx3 levels. ROC analysis indicated a 5.2-fold increased CMD risk with GPx3 below 419.501 ng/mL. Logistic regression suggested that each 100 ng/mL GPx3 increase corresponded to a roughly 20% lower CMD risk (OR = 0.998; 95% CI: 0.996–0.999; p = 0.031). These results support the potential of GPx3 as a biomarker for CMD, particularly in T2DM, and the lack of a significant decline in GPx3 levels in prediabetic individuals suggests that it may not serve reliably as an early indicator of CMDs, warranting further large-scale validation
Wpływ nebiwololu na stężenia tlenku azotu w surowicy krwi i osoczowego czynnika von Willebranda oraz parametry próby wysiłkowej u pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym i chorobą niedokrwienną serca
Wstęp: Zaburzenia funkcji śródbłonka naczyniowego poprzedzają rozwój miażdżycy u pacjent
ów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Nebiwolol jest bardzo szczególnym, oddziałującym na
śródbłonek beta-adrenolitykiem, wywołującym silny efekt wazodylatacyjny. Celem badania
było określenie zmian stężenia w surowicy krwi tlenku azotu (NO), czynnika von Willebranda
(vWf) w osoczu i wybranych parametrów zapisu elektrokardiograficznego próby wysiłkowej po
4-tygodniowym leczeniu nebiwololem.
Metody: Badaniem objęto 21 pacjentów w wieku 34-82 lat z rozpoznaniem pierwotnego
nadciśnienia tętniczego lub pierwotnego nadciśnienia tętniczego i choroby niedokrwiennej
serca. W próbkach krwi pobranych od chorych wykonywano oznaczenia NO w surowicy krwi
i vWf w osoczu. Przeprowadzano tak¿e elektrokardiograficzny test wysiłkowy. Następnie przez
4 tygodnie podawano nebiwolol i powtarzano wymienione pomiary.
Wyniki: U wszystkich badanych pacjentów zaobserwowano istotny wzrost stężenia NO w surowicy
po leczeniu nebiwololem. Po zakończeniu terapii nebiwololem odnotowano także wydłużenie
czasu trwania próby wysiłkowej, wzrost metabolicznego równoważnika i spadek wartości
produktu podwójnego.
Wnioski: Stosowanie nebiwololu poprawia parametry elektrokardiograficznego testu wysiłkowego
u pacjentów z rozpoznanym nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Poprawy parametrów próby wysiłkowej
nie zanotowano u tych osób, u których po leczeniu nebiwololem nie wykazano istotnego
wzrostu stężenia NO w surowicy krwi
Ciężka choroba hemolityczna noworodka w wyniku późnej i nierozpoznanej immunizacji – opis przypadku
We report a case of a hemolytic disease in a newborn from the first pregnancy due to anti-D antibodies. The maternal blood group was A Rhesus negative. She had an antibody screening test twice during the pregnancy (in the second trimester) and it was negative. The pregnancy was uneventful, without any invasive procedures and bleeding. The infant was born at 39 weeks of gestation in good overall condition. After the delivery, the blood group of the neonate was indicated – A Rhesus positive, BOC positive. Anti-D antibodies were detected in maternal blood. Neonatal blood tests revealed severe anemia (hemoglobin level: 6.0 g/dl, hematocrit: 22.2%, erythrocytes: 2.01 T/L). During the first day of neonatal life, the newborn received two transfusions of red blood cells. Bilirubin level and rate of rise were not recommendation enough for exchange transfusion. The newborn was treated with continuous phototherapy since the delivery. The perinatal period was complicated with intrauterine infection and respiratory failure. Hematopoietic vitamins and iron supplementation was initiated in the second week of neonatal life due to persistent anemia. The child remained under medical care of a hematologic clinic and received human recombinant erythropoietin treatment.Opisano przypadek konfliktu serologicznego w zakresie czynnika Rh u noworodka z ciąży pierwszej. Grupa krwi matki była dwukrotnie oznaczana w czasie ciąży (2 trymestr): A Rh (-) ujemny, nie stwierdzono przeciwciał. Ciąża przebiegała prawidłowo, nie wykonywano zabiegów inwazyjnych, nie obserwowano krwawienia w czasie ciąży. Noworodek urodzony w 39 tygodniu ciąży, w stanie ogólnym dobrym. Po porodzie oznaczono grupę krwi dziecka z pępowiny: A Rh (+) dodatni, BTA(+) dodatni. U matki wykryto p-ciała anty-D. W badaniach laboratoryjnych u dziecka znaczna niedokrwistość (Hemoglobina: 6,0 g/dl, Hematokryt: 22,2%, Erytrocyty: 2,01 T/L). W pierwszej dobie dwukrotnie przetaczano koncentrat krwinek czerwonych. Poziomy bilirubiny i tempo narastania bez wskazań do transfuzji wymiennej. Od urodzenia stosowano fototerapię ciągłą. Okres okołoporodowy był powikłany infekcją wewnątrzmaciczną oraz niewydolnością oddechową. W drugim tygodniu życia ze względu na utrzymującą się niedokrwistość włączono witaminy krwiotwórcze oraz suplementację żelazem. Dziecko było pod opieką Poradni Hematologicznej, otrzymywało erytropoetynę
Why are western diet and western lifestyle pro-inflammatory risk factors of celiac disease?
The prevalence of celiac disease increased in recent years. In addition to the genetic and immunological factors, it appears that environmental determinants are also involved in the pathophysiology of celiac disease. Gastrointestinal infections impact the development of celiac disease. Current research does not directly confirm the protective effect of natural childbirth and breastfeeding on celiac disease. However, it seems that in genetically predisposed children, the amount of gluten introduced into the diet may have an impact on celiac disease development. Also western lifestyle, including western dietary patterns high in fat, sugar, and gliadin, potentially may increase the risk of celiac disease due to changes in intestinal microbiota, intestinal permeability, or mucosal inflammation. Further research is needed to expand the knowledge of the relationship between environmental factors and the development of celiac disease to define evidence-based preventive interventions against the development of celiac disease. The manuscript summarizes current knowledge on factors predisposing to the development of celiac disease including factors associated with the western lifestyle
Praktyka kliniczna oceny minimalnej choroby resztkowej u chorych na szpiczaka plazmocytowego w Polsce: badanie ankietowe Polskiego Konsorcjum Szpiczakowego
Studies exploring the significance of minimal residual disease (MRD) in plasma cell myeloma (PCM) have proven its prognostic value, regardless of the type of administered treatment. In order to assess the current practice for evaluating MRD in Poland, we conducted a survey on the methods for assessing MRD and on the MRD testing time points at Polish hematological centres. Seven out of 15 institutions surveyed use of the flow cytometry (FC) method for MRD assessment. The FC-MRD assessment is performed uniformly only in those patients achieving complete remission(CR). However, the specific indications and assessment time points differed at the tested centres including: testing MRD only after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (auto-HSCT), after auto-HSCT and consolidation, after completion of first line chemotherapy or after obtaining CR in any line of treatment. The study also showed considerable heterogeneity in the FC-MRD methodology, which affects test sensitivity (from 10–3 to 10–5). None of the surveyed centres uses molecular techniques for MRD assessment. In 8 of the 15 institutions, patients are monitored by imaging techniques. Our survey may thus be useful for developing guidelines and standardization of MRD assessment in PCM in Poland.W badaniach nad znaczeniem minimalnej choroby resztkowej (MRD) w szpiczaku plazmocytowym (PCM) dowiedziono, że status MRD ma wartość prognostyczną niezależnie od zastosowanego leczenia. W celu poznania zasad monitorowania MRD u chorych na PCM w polskich ośrodkach hematologicznych przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe. W ankiecie zadano pytania dotyczące stosowanych metod wykrywania MRD oraz punktów czasowych, w których badania są wykonywane. W 7 z 15 ośrodków objętych badaniem ankietowym oznaczenia MRD w PCM wykonuje się w aspiratach szpiku kostnego metodą cytometrii przepływowej (FC). We wszystkich ośrodkach oznaczenia FC-MRD są wykonywane jedynie u chorych w całkowitej remisji (CR), jednak w różnych punktach czasowych — tylko po autologicznym przeszczepieniu krwiotwórczych komórek macierzystych (allo-HSCT), po allo-HSCT i konsolidacji, po zakończeniu leczenia pierwszej linii lub, w przypadku uzyskania CR, po dowolnej linii leczenia. Stwierdzono ponadto znaczne różnice w sposobie wykonywania badania FC-MRD wpływające na osiąganą czułość detekcji MRD (od 10–3 do 10–5). W żadnym z ankietowanych ośrodków nie ocenia się MRD w szpiku kostnym technikami molekularnymi. Monitorowanie choroby resztkowej metodami obrazowymi stosuje personel 8 z 15 ośrodków. Wyniki przeprowadzonej ankiety mogą posłużyć wypracowaniu wspólnych wytycznych i standaryzacji oceny MRD w PCM w Polsce
Virus-free induction of pluripotency and subsequent excision of reprogramming factors
Reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotency, thereby creating induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, promises to transform regenerative medicine. Most instances of direct reprogramming have been achieved by forced expression of defined factors using multiple viral vectors1-7. However, such iPS cells contain a large number of viral vector integrations1,8, any one of which could cause unpredictable genetic dysfunction. While c-Myc is dispensable for reprogramming9,10, complete elimination of the other exogenous factors is also desired since ectopic expression of either Oct4 or Klf4 can induce dysplasia11,12. Two transient transfection reprogramming methods have been published to address this issue13,14. However, the efficiency of either approach is extremely low, and neither has thus far been applied successfully to human cells. Here we show that non-viral transfection of a single multiprotein expression vector, which comprises the coding sequences of c-Myc, Klf4, Oct4 and Sox2 linked with 2A peptides, can reprogram both mouse and human fibroblasts. Moreover, the transgene can be removed once reprogramming has been achieved. iPS cells produced with this non-viral vector show robust expression of pluripotency markers, indicating a reprogrammed state confirmed functionally by in vitro differentiation assays and formation of adult chimeric mice. When the single vector reprogramming system was combined with a piggyBac transposon15,16 we succeeded in establishing reprogrammed human cell lines from embryonic fibroblasts with robust expression of pluripotency markers. This system minimizes genome modification in iPS cells and enables complete elimination of exogenous reprogramming factors, efficiently providing iPS cells that are applicable to regenerative medicine, drug screening and the establishment of disease models
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