2 research outputs found

    Association between vitamin D levels and arterial hypertension in women at very high cardiovascular risk

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    Background Vitamin D is a compound of great importance in controlling the biological functions of the body in a variety of ways. Significance of vitamin D in the pathogenesis and treatment of various diseases has been described repeatedly. One of the most discussed issues in the literature is the importance of vitamin D deficiency in the pathogenesis of hypertension. This relationship is particularly important in patients burdened with elevated cardiovascular risk, which undoubtedly represent patients with diagnosed disease of the cardiovascular system. The aim of the study was to determine the association between the occurrence of vitamin D deficiency and the prevalence of hypertension in premenopausal women at very high cardiovascular risk. Materials and methods The study included 49 women who had previously been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. In all patients enrolled in the study serum concentrations of vitamin D were measured and the patients were classified to have vitamin D deficiency or normal vitamin D level, based on the existing criteria. The patients were also tested for the occurrence of hypertension. Medical records of all patients were reviewed for early diagnosis of hypertension, and blood pressure measurements were performed on admission to the hospital before the surgery by a qualified physician, in a manner consistent with current guidelines Results The study population was aged 47.7 卤 13.4 years. The mean body mass index was 25.2 kg/m2. Vitamin D deficiency was diagnosed in 25 (51%) patients, and hypertension was diagnosed in 30 women (61.2%). In patients with vitamin D deficiency hypertension occurred in 18 (72%) women, while in the group without vitamin D deficiency hypertension was diagnosed in 50% of cases (12 women). The observed difference between the groups was statistically significant (p = 0.049). There was no difference in the incidence of other cardiovascular risk factors between the groups, including the prevalence of dyslipidaemia or nicotine addiction. Conclusion Association of hypertension with the vitamin D deficiency has been repeatedly underlined in many scientific studies. In the present group of patients at very high cardiovascular risk, we confirmed the relationship of vitamin D deficiency with the occurrence of hypertension. Exact confirmation of this issue requires further, largescale research, but this study may suggest the importance of vitamin D supplementation in these patients.Background Vitamin D is a compound of great importance in controlling the biological functions of the body in a variety of ways. Significance of vitamin D in the pathogenesis and treatment of various diseases has been described repeatedly. One of the most discussed issues in the literature is the importance of vitamin D deficiency in the pathogenesis of hypertension. This relationship is particularly important in patients burdened with elevated cardiovascular risk, which undoubtedly represent patients with diagnosed disease of the cardiovascular system. The aim of the study was to determine the association between the occurrence of vitamin D deficiency and the prevalence of hypertension in premenopausal women at very high cardiovascular risk. Materials and methods The study included 49 women who had previously been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. In all patients enrolled in the study serum concentrations of vitamin D were measured and the patients were classified to have vitamin D deficiency or normal vitamin D level, based on the existing criteria. The patients were also tested for the occurrence of hypertension. Medical records of all patients were reviewed for early diagnosis of hypertension, and blood pressure measurements were performed on admission to the hospital before the surgery by a qualified physician, in a manner consistent with current guidelines Results The study population was aged 47.7 卤 13.4 years. The mean body mass index was 25.2 kg/m2. Vitamin D deficiency was diagnosed in 25 (51%) patients, and hypertension was diagnosed in 30 women (61.2%). In patients with vitamin D deficiency hypertension occurred in 18 (72%) women, while in the group without vitamin D deficiency hypertension was diagnosed in 50% of cases (12 women). The observed difference between the groups was statistically significant (p = 0.049). There was no difference in the incidence of other cardiovascular risk factors between the groups, including the prevalence of dyslipidaemia or nicotine addiction. Conclusion Association of hypertension with the vitamin D deficiency has been repeatedly underlined in many scientific studies. In the present group of patients at very high cardiovascular risk, we confirmed the relationship of vitamin D deficiency with the occurrence of hypertension. Exact confirmation of this issue requires further, largescale research, but this study may suggest the importance of vitamin D supplementation in these patients

    Zwi膮zek pomi臋dzy poziomem witaminy D i nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym u kobiet z grupy bardzo wysokiego ryzyka choroby sercowo-naczyniowej

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    Wst臋p: Witamina D ma du偶y wp艂yw na kontrol臋 biologicznych funkcji organizmu pod wieloma wzgl臋dami. Znaczenie witaminy D w patogenezie i leczeniu ro偶nych chor贸b zosta艂o wielokrotnie opisane. Jednym z najszerzej omawianych w literaturze problem贸w jest znaczenie niedobor贸w witaminy D w patogenezie nadci艣nienia. Zwi膮zek ten jest szczeg贸lnie wa偶ny u pacjento贸w obci膮偶onych zwi臋kszonym ryzykiem choroby sercowo-naczyniowej, co bez w膮tpienia obejmuje osoby ze zdiagnozowan膮 chorob膮 uk艂adu sercowo-naczyniowego. Celem tej pracy jest okre艣lenie zwi膮zku pomi臋dzy wyst臋powaniem niedoboru witaminy D a pojawianiem si臋 nadci艣nienia u kobiet przed menopauz膮 o bardzo wysokim ryzyku sercowo-naczyniowym. Materia艂y i metody: Badaniem obj臋to 49 kobiet, u kt贸rych wcze艣niej zdiagnozowano chorob臋 sercowo-naczyniow膮. U wszystkich pacjent贸w w艂膮czonych do badania wykonano pomiar witaminy D, wykrywaj膮c prawid艂owy poziom witaminy D lub jej niedob贸r w oparciu o istniej膮ce kryteria. Pacjent贸w zbadano r贸wnie偶 w kierunku nadci艣nienia. Autorzy dokonali przegl膮du dokumentacji medycznej pod k膮tem wyst臋powania nadci艣nienia. Pomiary ci艣nienia krwi by艂y wykonywane przy przyj臋ciu do szpitala, przed wykonaniem operacji przez wykwalifikowanego lekarza wed艂ug obowi膮zuj膮cych wytycznych. Wyniki: 艢redni wiek badanej populacji wynosi艂 47,7 lat 聽卤 13,4 roku. 艢rednia warto艣膰 BMI wynosi艂a 25,2 kg/m2. Niedob贸r witaminy D zdiagnozowano u 25 pacjentek (51%), a nadci艣nienie u 30 (61,2%). W grupie pacjentek z niedoborem witaminy D nadci艣nienie wyst膮pi艂o u 18 (72%), podczas gdy w grupie bez niedoboru witaminy D nadci艣nienie zdiagnozowano u 50% kobiet (12). Obserwowana r贸偶nica mi臋dzy grupami by艂a znacz膮ca statystycznie (p = 0,049). Nie zaobserwowano r贸偶nicy w cz臋sto艣ci wyst臋powania innych czynnik贸w ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego pomi臋dzy grupami, 艂膮cznie z cz臋sto艣ci膮 wyst臋powania dyslipidemii i uzale偶nienia od nikotyny. Wniosek: Zwi膮zek nadci艣nienia z niedoborem witaminy D by艂 wielokrotnie podkre艣lany w wielu opracowaniach naukowych. W badanej grupie pacjent贸w o bardzo wysokim ryzyku sercowo naczyniowym potwierdzili艣my istnienie zwi膮zku pomi臋dzy niedoborem witaminy D i wyst臋powaniem nadci艣nienia. Dok艂adne potwierdzenie tego zagadnienia wymaga dalszych, szeroko zakrojonych bada艅, ale ju偶 to badanie wskazuje na znaczenie suplementacji witaminy D w tej grupie pacjent贸w.