4 research outputs found

    Otkrivanje delecije kromosoma 1 pomoću tehnike FISH na otiscima ependimoma ukazuje na regiju izvan kromosoma 22 važnu za recidiv tumora

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    Ependymomas are glial tumors. They constitute approximately 5%-10% of intracranial tumors. Ependymomas are tumors which can recur. Predictive factors of outcome in ependymomas are not well established. Karyotypic studies are relatively scarce and loss of chromosome 22 has been described to correlate with recurrence. We are unaware of any reports involving chromosome 1 aberrations in the malignant progression of ependymomas. Cytogenetic analysis of 4 ependymomas was performed using double-target fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and focusing on chromosomes 1 and 22. One patient had recurrent tumor. FISH was performed on 500 nuclei/tumors. All four cases showed a loss of chromosome 22q, while only one showed an additional loss of chromosome 1p, and it was the one with tumor relapse. We support the presence of tumor suppressor gene on 1p associated with relapse in ependymomas and suggest that the chromosome 1p status by FISH may identify a high risk group of patients harboring this tumor. Additional studies in this direction are needed, as our results refer to a minimal number of individuals analyzed.Ependimomi su glialni tumori. Oni čine otprilike 5%-10% intrakranijskih tumora. Ependimomi su tumori koji se mogu ponavljati. Čimbenici koji bi ukazivali na ishod ependimoma nisu dobro utvrđeni. Kariotipska ispitivanja su relativno rijetka, a opisano je kako gubitak kromosoma 22 korelira s ponovnom pojavom tumora. Nisu nam poznata izvješća o upletenosti aberacija kromosoma 1 u malignoj progresiji ependimoma. U ovoj studiji je citogenetska analiza 4 ependimoma provedena pomoću dvociljne fluorescentne in situ hibridizacije (FISH) i fokusiranja na kromosomima 1 i 22. U jednog se bolesnika radilo o ponovnoj pojavi tumora. FISH je izvedena na 500 jezgara/tumora. Sva četiri slučaja pokazala su gubitak kromosoma 22q, dok je samo jedan, i to onaj s ponovnim razvojem tumora, pokazao dodatni gubitak kromosoma 1p. Priklanjamo se mišljenju kako je prisutnost gena tumorske supresije na 1p udru žena s recidivom kod ependimoma i ukazujemo na to da bi status kromosoma 1p utvrđen pomoću FISH mogao identificirati visoko rizičnu skupinu bolesnika koji nose ovaj tumor. Potrebne su daljnje studije u ovom smjeru, jer se naši rezultati odnose na mali broj analiziranih osoba

    Otkrivanje delecije kromosoma 1 pomoću tehnike FISH na otiscima ependimoma ukazuje na regiju izvan kromosoma 22 važnu za recidiv tumora

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    Ependymomas are glial tumors. They constitute approximately 5%-10% of intracranial tumors. Ependymomas are tumors which can recur. Predictive factors of outcome in ependymomas are not well established. Karyotypic studies are relatively scarce and loss of chromosome 22 has been described to correlate with recurrence. We are unaware of any reports involving chromosome 1 aberrations in the malignant progression of ependymomas. Cytogenetic analysis of 4 ependymomas was performed using double-target fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and focusing on chromosomes 1 and 22. One patient had recurrent tumor. FISH was performed on 500 nuclei/tumors. All four cases showed a loss of chromosome 22q, while only one showed an additional loss of chromosome 1p, and it was the one with tumor relapse. We support the presence of tumor suppressor gene on 1p associated with relapse in ependymomas and suggest that the chromosome 1p status by FISH may identify a high risk group of patients harboring this tumor. Additional studies in this direction are needed, as our results refer to a minimal number of individuals analyzed.Ependimomi su glialni tumori. Oni čine otprilike 5%-10% intrakranijskih tumora. Ependimomi su tumori koji se mogu ponavljati. Čimbenici koji bi ukazivali na ishod ependimoma nisu dobro utvrđeni. Kariotipska ispitivanja su relativno rijetka, a opisano je kako gubitak kromosoma 22 korelira s ponovnom pojavom tumora. Nisu nam poznata izvješća o upletenosti aberacija kromosoma 1 u malignoj progresiji ependimoma. U ovoj studiji je citogenetska analiza 4 ependimoma provedena pomoću dvociljne fluorescentne in situ hibridizacije (FISH) i fokusiranja na kromosomima 1 i 22. U jednog se bolesnika radilo o ponovnoj pojavi tumora. FISH je izvedena na 500 jezgara/tumora. Sva četiri slučaja pokazala su gubitak kromosoma 22q, dok je samo jedan, i to onaj s ponovnim razvojem tumora, pokazao dodatni gubitak kromosoma 1p. Priklanjamo se mišljenju kako je prisutnost gena tumorske supresije na 1p udru žena s recidivom kod ependimoma i ukazujemo na to da bi status kromosoma 1p utvrđen pomoću FISH mogao identificirati visoko rizičnu skupinu bolesnika koji nose ovaj tumor. Potrebne su daljnje studije u ovom smjeru, jer se naši rezultati odnose na mali broj analiziranih osoba

    Human Decidual Cells Activity in Women with Spontaneous Abortions of Probable CMV Aetiology During the First Trimester of Gestation. An Immunohistochemical Study with CMV-Associated Antigen

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    Aim: To determine the expression of CMV-associated antigen in the human decidual endometrial stromal cells in spontaneous abortions with no evidence of maternal relapse during the first trimester of gestation. Experimental design: We examined 15 placentas resulting from intrauterine fetal death after spontaneous abortion during the 8th, 10th, and 12th week of gestation respectively, and in which CMV reactivation was ruled out from serological evaluation of the pregnant women at admission, versus equal controls after voluntary abortion following well-documented maternal viral recurrence. In addition, a panel of monoclonal antibodies for the identification of leukocytes (CD45/LCA), B-lymphocytes (CD20/L-26), and T-lymphocytes (CD45RO/UCHL1), was performed. All women received hormonal medication to support gestation, in the cases of spontaneous abortions. Results: Immunohistochemical examination using a specific antibody against cytomegalovirus showed large multinucleated infected cells with intranuclear inclusions, located primarily in the decidual stroma within a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate in the cases of spontaneous abortions. No evidence of infection was observed in the chorionic villi. In the cases of voluntary abortions same findings were observed in the relevant areas, and a strong evidence of infection was observed in the chorionic villi. Conclusion: This study demonstrates 1) that the decidual endometrial stromal cells can express the CMV-associated antigen prior to serological manifestation of the viral replication, 2) the expression of the antigen is higher in cases of hormonal administration to support gestation. In these cases a mild mononuclear infiltrate of UCHL1 (T marker) positive cells, accompanies the CMV-associated antigen positive cells

    Altered Intrahepatic Hematopoiesis in Neonates from Women with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension/Pre-Eclampsia

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    Summary: Aim: To detect whether preeclampsia influences neonatal intrahepatic hematopoiesis, given that an activation of fetal neutrophils and monocytes during the course of this disorder occurs. Experimental design: We examined liver samples from 10 neonates of hypertensive/preeclamptic women at 27 to 28 weeks of gestation delivered by a cessarian section. All neonates were placed in incubators but they all died within 24 hours due to immaturity. The control group comprised 10 fetuses of the same gestational age, after voluntary abortion due to a neural defect. Specific antibodies against CD34, glycophorin C, hemoglobins A and F, myeloperoxidase, CD61, CD68, terminal desoxynucleotidyl transferase and the pax-5/B-cell specific activator protein, were used in each sample. Results: Neonates from hypertensive/preeclamptic women, in comparison with controls, showed: a statistically significant reduction of erythropoiesis by 25% (p=0.015); a statistically significant increase of granulopoiesis (p=0.019); a statistically significant increase in the expression of CD68 positive cells of the monocytic lineage (p=0.017); a statistically significant increase in the expression of CD34 progenitor/stem positive cells (p=0.021). No statistically significant differences were observed in both examined groups, concerning megakaryopoiesis and B lymphopoiesis. Conclusions: Preeclampsia of pregnancy has an impact on neonatal intrahepatic hematopoiesis by increasing granulopoiesis, reducing erythropoiesis and triggering endothelial and stem cell activation. We suggest that these findings reflect a state of persistent inflammation and a loss of red blood cell production possibly contributing to the neonatal morbidity related to this disorder