5 research outputs found

    Dakwah Dalam Perspektif Modernisme Antisipasi Menuju Postmodernisme

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    Dakwah in the age of postmodernism has faced serious challenge due to the high tempo of information exchange which transform communication and cultural landscape of society. Postmodernism essentially rejected the universality of science and ideology. Postmodernism also challenge the neutrality of technology. Postmodernism challenge toward dakwah is aimed to the concept of dakwah itself. Is it possible to communicate Islamic messages in postmodernism era? The author offers five principles for dakwah strategies consisted of synergy, accumulation, convergence, totality, and inclusiveness

    Sistem Media Massa Indonesia Di Era Reformasi: Perspektif Teori Normatif Media Massa

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    Social control as a means of mass media becomes very crucial in a democratic country. Within this function, mass media has positioned itself to control executive decisions in development process. But the functions of mass media are much more than to be a watchdog. As explored by this article, many theories concerning mass media functions from normative perspective are formulated by mass communication scholars. There are at least 6 (six) theories concerning mass media system through which the function of mass media is derived: (1) Authoritarian; (2) Free Press; (3) Social Responsibility; (4) Soviet Press; (5) Development Press; (6) Democratic-Participant. As for Indonesia, in order to achieve national goals based on democratic process, the press system must develop in ways that respected the diversity of multicultural perspective and public opinion pluralism

    Simbol-Simbol dalam Komunikasi Keluarga Beda Agama

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    This article is one of the research having the plurality of cultural ethnic andreligion background. The religion identity is an important dimension for all societies.The goal of the article is to analyze the role of interpersonal communication in a familywith different religion, analyze the meaning of symbols in an interaction within thefamily with different religion, analyze the supporting and restricting communicationfactors in a family with different religion. Several perspectives were used as theoreticalframewaork, i.e Phenomenology, and Cross Cultural Communication. This reseachemployed in-depth interview and observation as data collecting technique.The role ofinterpersonal communication in a family with different religion cannot be separated frominitiation, experiment, intensification, integrity, bond and the role of communicationeffectiveness such as supportiveness, empathy, objectiveness and equality. The meaningof communication symbols in a family with different religion is due to language, rituals,national days, food, and dress. The supporting factors are respect each other, protect,tolerance, cooperation, and mutual cooperation. Whereas the restricting factors ofinterpersonal communication in a family with different religion, are avoiding the dialogueabout faith, freedom, and religion education for children

    Adaptasi Perkawinan Lintas Agama

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    This research is a field study on the phenomenon of interfaith marriage, using subjective paradigm-Phenomenology interpretive method and theory of symbolic interaction to identify the types of motifs, adaptation and religious symbols in interfaith marriage. Data collection techniques natural setting, observation, interviews and documentation. The research objective is to explore apamotif interfaith marriage, how adaptations in marriage and religious symbols on families of different religions. The results showed that the pair families of different religions have a motive of love, appearance, comfort, education and the economy, in the adaptation of the marital interfaith marriage portion has a communication climate of consensus, where children married couples of different religions to adapt among married couples that have implications the decision to follow the religion of one parent and or choice in child later handed over to an adult. The authority of the couple in the election decision religion children found their own authority as a husband and wife having legitimacy, had a religious reference. In connection with religious symbols for families of different religions is not a sacred thing. Interfaith families have a high tolerance. Knowledge and strengthening the values ​​of their respective religions encourage the growth of tolerance and high empathy