116 research outputs found

    Assessing the Effect of Socio-Scientific Inquiry-Based Learning on Socio-Scientific Decision-Making Skill among Senior High School Students

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    The use of socio-scientific issues as a context in education is very important because education needs to include interdisciplinary and holistic learning. When dealing with socio-scientific issues, students are expected to be able to make competent decisions. This study was aimed to determine the effect of the Socio-scientific Inquiry-Based Learning (SSIBL) on students' socio-scientific decision-making skill. SSIBL is an inquiry-based learning model that places socio-scientific issues as learning contexts that need to be debated and solved through a series of inquiry processes. This study was a quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent control group design, conducted at senior high school MAN 2 Kota Bima, Indonesia. The target population consisting of all students of grade XI with a total of 254 students. Students of XI IPA 3, 4, 5, and 7 classes were chosen as samples through random sampling. Data were collected through pre-test and post-test of socio-scientific decision-making test, then analyzed using ANCOVA. The results showed that there were significant differences of socio-scientific decision-making between students in the experimental group and students in the control group. The research indicated that the SSIBL model has an effect on increasing the socio-scientific decision-making of students in grade XI MAN 2 Kota Bima

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Projek Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matakuliah Metodologi Penelitian

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    : Implementing Project-Based Instruction to Improve Students\u27 Learning Outcomes in Research Methodology Course. This classroom action research focused on improving the achievement of students\u27 learning outcomes in Research Methodology Course offered at Biology Department State University of Malang. The learning outcomes include understanding of basic research concepts, competence in developing a research proposal, and competence in conducting and communicating a research project. This classroom action research indicates that after two cycles, the students\u27 scores in understanding basic research concepts were still below the minimum passing score of 75, whereas their scores in developing a research proposal and in conducting and communicating a research project were beyond the minimum passing score. However, their scores in understanding basic research concepts as indicated by experimentalpractices were higher than the minimum requirement

    School Literary Movement in Indonesia: Challenges for Scientific Literacy

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    Reflections on the results of tests by PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA, encouraging the Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia, developed the Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (School Literary Movement). GLS aims to foster reading interest and reading skills of students. In the broader context GLS develop the school to serve as a learning organization that makes all citizens as a lifelong learner. Critical analysis of the GLS with the main program emphasizing reading skills is the first step to develop literacy which can serve as the basis development of scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is the goal of science education that need to be developed in the school. Scientific literacy has a significant role in encouraging every citizen to understand the nature of science, basic science knowledge and scientific thinking, so that they can actively participate in issues of science, technology and their impact. Critical reading, scientific writing, and scientific inquiry is a framework for development of a culture of scientific literacy. In the school literacy practices, critical reading, scientific writing, and scientific work through scientific inquiry integrated in science lesson

    Rekonstruksi Kritis Kurikulum Pendidikan Biologi

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    Kurikulum merupakan kerangka kerja yang mendasari perencanaan pengalaman belajar dan kegiatan pembelajaran yang diprogramkan dan diselenggarakan oleh lembaga pendidikan yang membantu peserta didik untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Rekonstr uksi kurikulum yang dimaksud dalam tulisan ini adalah rekonstruksi kurikulum dalam kerangka pendidikan kritis. Pendidikan kritis sebagai perspektif - yang dalam praktiknya mengarahkan pendidikan menjadi semakin berorientasi pada nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan kebermanfaatan. Kami menggunakan landasan konstruksi kurikulum menurut Giroux [12] dan Abraham [13] tentang prinsip-prinsip pendidikan kritis. Pertama, dalam makna luas pendidikan merupakan proses belajar untuk menyesuaikan diri seseorang murid dengan dunianya. Kedua, murid diletakkan sebagai makhluk budaya, sehingga pendidikan tidak hanya mengajarkan ilmu dan teknologi tetapi membantu mengembangkan kapabilitas murid dalam penguasaan lingkungan, komunikasi dan kritik. Ketiga, murid diletakkan sebagai manusia historis sehingga pendidikan hendaknya: (1) menghindari sikap dogmatis karena bertentangan dengan sifat historis pengetahuan manusia, (2) menghindari hasil (prestasi) sebagai tujuan utama tetapi juga menekankan pentingnya proses pendidikan, dan (3) membangun kembali akar-akar historis pada kesadaran murid berkaitan dengan sejarah dan problem-problem kontemporer. Keempat, murid diletakkan pada dimensi spiritual-transenden.Hal ini berarti pendidikan tidak melulu melatih aspek nalar murid saja tetapi juga menyentuh aspek-aspek transendensi-spiritual

    Action competence for sustainability instrument base on spirituality for prospective science teacher

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    Science teachers are the main actors in developing students’ action competence for sustainability (ACS) in the future. Considering that the majority of teachers and prospective science teachers have a spiritual foundation, the spiritual aspect should be an integral part of the ACS. Therefore, an instrument is needed that can measure the level of ACS that includes aspects of spirituality in it. This study was designed to develop and validate an instrument for prospective science teacher in in the form of action competence for sustainability instrument base on spirituality (ACSIS). The instrument was developed based on previous research findings and focus group discussions involving eleven experts. The factors and internal consistency were examined by involving 634 prospective science teachers in Indonesia. Validity and reliability were tested using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). This study’s results showed 21 questionnaire items (four dimensions) with acceptable internal validity and consistency. The ACSIS is recommended to measure the level of ACS for prospective science teachers, specifically in Indonesia, and countries that have the same characteristics of educational problems and potential

    Innovation integration of Islamic values in learning environmental themes in biology education

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    Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis inovasi integrasi nilai-nilai Islam (Islamic Values) dalam pembelajaran tema lingkungan di Prodi Pendidikan Biologi di Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah. Penelitian ini merupakan library research. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data kualitatif. Berdasarkan tekniknya, jenis data menggunakan data sekunder. Untuk menguatkan keabsahan data, dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan teknik tringulasi sumber. Pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif, untuk menghasilkan data yang bisa dideskripsikan melalui hasil perilaku dan kalimat yang diamati oleh peneliti. Dalam analisis data model interaktif yang digunakan adalah content analysis. Adapun visualisasi data, khususnya terkait referensi dan kata kunci yang sering muncul, menggunakan software VOSviewer. Berdasarkan hasil ditemukan bahwa terdapat 17 rumusan nilai penting dan urgensi AIK serta terdapat 12 rumusan nilai AIK dan integrasinya dalam pembelajaran tema lingkungan. Hal ini berarti bahwa AIK perlu di integrasikan dalan pembelajaran tema lingkungan di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi di Perguruan Tinggi Muhamadiyah. Sejalan dengan itu maka diperlukan model pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran yang memungkinkan digunakan adalah integrasi Cooperative Learning type STAD dan Project-Based Learnin

    Global trend of research and development in education in the pandemic era: A systematic literature review

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    Research and Development (R&D) has urgency in education, especially during a pandemic because it describes solutions and innovations. The purpose of this systematic literature review (SLR) was to analyze the global trend of research and development in education in the pandemic era. We used the word “research and development education” in the disbursement menu in the SCOPUS database, and after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria using the PRISMA technique, we found 15 suitable articles. There is an increasing trend of research on R&D in the last three years, where the peak of publication occurs in 2021 and decreases in 2022. More articles are published by authors from Europe. Articles are dominated by international collaborations. The R&D article is related to sustainable development and is closely related to educational innovation, especially at the university level. Based on the co-citation data presented by VOSviewer, there is a relationship between R&D and COVID-19. It can be concluded that R&D in education gets special place and attention from researchers in the world

    Scientific Literacy Of A Third Year Biology Student Teachers: Exploration Study

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    The Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Malang, manages undergraduate courses to prepare prospective teachers of Biology. Biology teachers have to know two important purposes of science education, that is, educating and motivating students to be involved in careers such as scientists and technologists, and providing students with the significant knowledge and understanding of science and social issues to enable them to become informed citizens. This research is conducted to investigate scientific literacy of the third year students of the department. Scientific literacy skill is measured by Multidimensional Literacy Test (MLT), a combination of multiple choice and essay test. The results showed that Scientific Literacy of the third year students is on the level of functional and structural dimension. The result of the interviews with the teachers about the teaching strategies showed that learning scientific writing, which is an important basis scientific literacy development, still needs to be improved. The results of the study can be used as a consideration in selecting and determining appropriate learning strategies to improve the literacy of prospective biology teachers. Keywords: Scientific literacy, Biology Student Teacher
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