19 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan mahasiswa memiliki determinasi rendah menunjukan perilaku tidak mampu menyelesaikan tugas dengan baik, mendapat prestasi (IPK) yang lebih rendah, mengakibatkan kongesti dan droup out. Determinasi diri yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan (kompetensi, keterhubungan dan kemandirian) individu dalam bertindak untuk memilih dan mengambil keputusan terkait kegiatan perkuliahan. Upaya untuk mengembangkan determinasi diri yaitu metode konseling singkat berfokus solusi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengindentifikasi efektivitas konseling singkat berfokus solusi dalam setting kelompok untuk mengembangkan determinasi diri. Metode dan teknik yang dilakukan eksperimen kuasi (quasi experiment), dengan desain nonequivalent control group. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai m2 = 0.001 karena nilai m2 < 0.05 maka Ho ditolak dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Konseling Singkat Berfokus Solusi dalam setting kelompok mampu mengembangkan determinasi diri mahasiswa. Kata kunci : Konseling Singkat Berfokus Solusi dan determinasi diri The background to the research is students’ low determination as indicated by their inabilities to complete the tasks well and low achievements (GPA), thereby causing “student congestion” and drop out. Self-determination in this research is defined as an individual’s abilities (competencies, interrelationship, and self-reliance) to make choices and decisions related to his or her college activities. One of the efforts of developing self-determination is solution-focused brief counseling method. The research aims to identify the effectiveness of solution-focused brief counseling in a group setting to develop self-determination. It adopted quasi-experimental method and technique with nonequivalent control group design. The research results show that a value of m2 = 0.001 was obtained, and because m2 < 0.05, then Ho was rejected. So, it can be concluded that Solution-Focused Brief Counseling in a group setting is able to develop students’ self-determination. Keywords: Solution-Focused Brief Counseling and self-determinatio

    Self Determination Development in Multicultural Society

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    The aim of this study is to describe analytically multicultural self-determination. The scope of this study includes: 1) a description of the multicultural self-determination of students formed through the educational process; 2) description of the way or style of regulation based on the high or low self-determination in the cultural domain. The method used was descriptive with crossectional survey design with a sample of first semester students at UPI Bandung using a multi stage cluster sampling technique. Power collection tools in the form of questionnaires, guidelines for observation and interviews. The results of the student research were at the level of identified regulation and the connectivity aspect was the lowest in all aspects of self-determination

    Islamic Commodification in Representation of Political Development in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The phenomenon of the commodification of religion in politics does not only occur in Indonesia, but western countries have also already experienced that phase. This can be understood because of the development of western democratic life, which emphasizes individual freedom and limits the role of the state in religious activities. Likewise, with religious life in developing countries (read Indonesia), there is a notion saying that religion has even become a milestone for the establishment of the state. The unity of religious leaders, for example, is a force that can mobilize a spirit of unity and integrity. In the practice of democracy in Indonesia, the support of Indonesian Muslims for democratic values can then be considered concerning the behavior of Islamism (Muslim worship). Thus, this study critically and qualitatively examines how the commodification of Islam in the representation of political development in Indonesia from various related articles. Based on these concerns, a systematic literature review was used as a method of analyzing national and international journal articles from nine managed databases. From the literature review, there were thirty (30) relevant research-based articles in the last 10 years from 2010 to 2020 selected from Google Scholar, Taylor, Francis Outline, Springer Link, Emerald Insight, Science Direct, Sage Journal Online, and Oxford Cambridge. Three stages are carried out: preparation, data screening and validation, and content review. The findings cover: 1) the value of Islam in the representation of political development in Indonesia, 2) the form of commodification of Islam in the representation of political development in Indonesia, 3) the implications of the commodification of Islam in political development in Indonesia.Fenomena komodifikasi agama dalam politik, tidak hanya terjadi di Indonesia, tetapi di negara barat juga telah mengalami fase tersebut. Perkembangan kehidupan demokrasi Barat yang menekankan kebebasan individu dan membatasi peran negara dalam kegiatan keagamaan. Begitu pula dengan kehidupan beragama di negara-negara berkembang (baca Indonesia), ada anggapan bahwa agama bahkan menjadi tonggak berdirinya negara. Persatuan tokoh agama, misalnya, merupakan kekuatan yang dapat menggerakkan semangat persatuan dan kesatuan. Dalam praktik demokrasi di Indonesia, dukungan umat Islam Indonesia terhadap nilai-nilai demokrasi dapat dilihat dari perilaku Islamisme. Objek penelitian mengkaji secara kritis komodifikasi Islam dalam representasi perkembangan politik di Indonesia dari berbagai artikel terkait. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis isi pada artikel jurnal nasional dan internasional dari sembilan database yang dikelola. Tahapan penelitian ada tiga tahapan yaitu persiapan, penyaringan dan validasi data, dan review konten pada tiga puluh (30) artikel berbasis penelitian yang relevan dalam 10 tahun terakhir dari 2010 hingga 2020 yang dipilih dari Google Scholar, Taylor, Francis Outline, Springer Link, Emerald Insight, Science Direct, Sage Journal Online, dan Oxford Cambridge. Hasil penelitian meliputi: 1) nilai Islam dalam representasi pembangunan politik di Indonesia, 2) bentuk komodifikasi Islam dalam representasi pembangunan politik di Indonesia, 3) implikasi komodifikasi Islam dalam pembangunan politik di Indonesia


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    Penelitian ini dilatari oleh fenomena pendidikan di Indonesia mengenai kemampuan berpikir kreatif yang ditandai oleh: (1) Aspek kelancaran, siswa lebih ditekankan pada pemikiran reproduktif, hafalan dan mencari satu jawaban yang benar terhadap soal-soal yang diberikan (2) Aspek keluwesan, siswa belum optimal dalam mengemukakan bermacam-macam pemecahan masalah secara kreatif dan (3) Aspek keaslian, siswa belum memiliki kemampuan dalam mengkombinasikan alternatif untuk memikirkan dan memberikan jawaban secara banyak, unik dan benar. Upaya layanan bimbingan dan konseling untuk mengembangkan kreativitas siswa yang dapat dilakukan yaitu metode bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik permainan kelompok. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan efektivitas permainan kelompok untuk mengembangkan kreativitas siswa. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan yaitu eksperimen semu dengan pretest-postest one group design. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen tes kreativitas siswa SD. Populasi adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Cirateun Bandung, dengan teknik pengambilan random sampling yaitu sejumlah 22 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perhitungan secara keseluruhan pada pretest sebesar 63,6% berada pada kategori rendah, dan hasil postest sebesar 81,8% berada pada kategori sangat tinggi. Kesimpulannya permainan kelompok dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa Rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah Pelatihan terhadap guru sekolah dasar untuk mengetahui dan menerapkan permainan kelompok pada siswa. Kata Kunci : Permainan Kelompok, Kreativitas, Program permainan kelompok untuk mengembangkan kreativitas siswa

    Inferiority Feeling Scale: Analisis Validitas Instrumen Menggunakan Rasch Model

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    Perasaan rendah diri (inferiority feeling) merupakan salah satu perasaan yang saat ini sering dirasakan oleh generasi muda. Beberapa ahli mengatakan inferiority feeling muncul disebabkan karena individu merasa kurang berharga atau kurang mampu dalam menjalani kehidupan. Perasaan rendah diri masih menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang dialami remaja bahkan sampai saat ini karena tidak sedikit remaja yang merasa tidak mampu bersaing, merasa jelek, merasa kurang dalam hal perekonomian, merasa bodoh, tidak memiliki kepercayaan diri, merasa tidak mampu berprestasi, dan banyak hal-hal lainnya, karena itu diperlukan instrumen yang dapat mengukur perasaan rendah diri remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data diolah menggunakan Winsteps versi 3.73. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa instrumen perasaan rendah diri termasuk dalam jenis instrumen yang baik, valid, dan reliabel

    Analysis of Validity and Reliability of Self-Acceptance Scale Using Rasch Model

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    The measurement of self-acceptance in previous studies still uses classical methods. A valid and reliable self-acceptance scale will help measure the ability to recognize, accept oneself for uniqueness. This study aims to validate and develop the Self-Acceptance Scale. This study was conducted on 100 high school students in Lembang, West Java Province, which included 58 females and 42 males. Cross-sectional survey research methods and a quantitative methodology were employed in this study. The Rasch Model was utilized for data analysis with the Win steps 3.73 program. The findings indicated that 25 items and four scale alternatives where The Cronbach Alpha value represents the interaction between Person and Item is in the excellent category with a value of 0.56. A person's reliability is in a suitable category with a value of 0.47, which indicates the consistency of respondents' answers. The scale meets the criteria that can be used to measure student self-acceptance


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    The phenomenon of bullying is still rife among high school adolescents in Indonesia. This study aims to develop an instrument that measures the number of victims of bullying at school. The study involved adolescents with an age range of 12-14 years at a junior high school in West Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesi a. This study used a quantitative method with a questionnaire containing 18 items which had 4 Likert answer choices. Data analysis used the Rasch model approach, and used Winstep 3.73 software. The results of the analysis show that personal reliability is 0.49 which indicates that the consistency of participants in answering questions is included in the weak category, and item reliability is 0.95 which indicates that the quality of the item items is classified as special. It can be concluded that the instrument for victims of bullying already has items that are classified as special, it's just that the consistency of participants in answering questions is still weak, and the level of interaction between participants and items is also lacking. Keywords: Validity, reliability, Rasch model, victims of bullyin

    Effectiveness of Conflict Resolution Counseling for The Development of Peace Core Values on Vocational High School Students

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    The research was motivated by the inability of students to resolve conflicts constructively, so many cases of conflict between students ended in violence. This study examines the effectiveness of conflict resolution counseling for developing core values of peace in adolescents. This research uses the positivism paradigm, quantitative approach, quasi-experimental method, and non-equivalent pre-test post-test control group design. The research participants were vocational high school students in the city of Bandung, totaling 63 people (32 people for the control and experimental groups), which were determined through a purposive technique. The data collection tool is a questionnaire on the core values of peace based on the U NESCO -APNIEVE Thurstone scale model with a reliability coefficient of 0.92. Data analysis to test the hypothesis using the One-Way ANOVA technique. The calculation results show that F hit = 3.401, at p = 0.070>0.05, dk = 1.58, which means that there was no significant difference in the core values of peace between the control group and the treatment group after conflict resolution counseling intervention. Partially, conflict resolution counseling effectively increases the three core values of peace: tolerance, recognition of other people's souls, and gratitude. The research recommendations are aimed at guidance and counseling teachers in vocational high schools

    Elementary teachers’ understanding of pedagogical content knowledge analysis disaster mitigation: stories from Indonesia

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    The notion of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) analysis disaster mitigation often been overlooked in the field of elementary school, because many teachers think that it is too early to practice the concept to student. This article attempts to explore elementary teachers’ understanding on PCK analysis. The method adopted in this research is case study. There were 16 elementary school teachers from six different schools in three different cities in province Riau, Indonesia, selected as participants. Data are collected through rubric the observations and interview using a grounded approach. Findings of this study highlight the extent to which elementary teachers are not yet ready to teach disaster mitigation due to their limited content knowledge and understanding of disaster mitigation. The findings also illuminate complexities faced by teachers in PCK in their teaching. The findings need school authorities must incorporate disaster mitigation materials into their teaching curriculum. Schools need to prepare teachers for teaching disaster mitigation by inviting first responders, such as firefighters, emergency service, or officials from National Board for Disaster Management. Finally, the teachers need to improve their understanding of disaster mitigation and their teaching technique to deliver the mitigation materials relevant to the students