59 research outputs found

    More Frequent Use of Herbal Medicine Daily in Married and Divorced Women in Indonesia

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    Background: During the period of 2000-2006, the utilization of traditional medicine in Indonesia continued to increase. Data analysis was conducted to determine the profile of Indonesia's population using daily herbal medicine and the related factors. Methods: Analysis was conducted using the 2010 Basic Health Research Survey (Riset Kesehatan Dasar/Riskesdas) data covering a sub sample of people 15 years and older (179,227 people) in 33 provinces of Indonesia. Inclusion criteria limited the sub-sample to those people that use herbal medicine daily (7,847 persons) and those who have never used herbal medicine (81,415 persons). Individual level data included information on age, gender, marital status, educational attainment, employment, household expenditure per month, residence, etc. Results: Four point four percent (4.4%) of Indonesia's population uses herbal medicine daily. A larger proportion of the population buys traditional medicine products in a liquid dosage form than make herbal medicine at home, and most feel that they benefit from the use of herbal preparation. Married /divorce rather than unmarried subjects were 4.5-fold more likely to use herbal medicine daily [adjusted odds ratio (ORa)=4.42; 9% confidence interval (CI)=4.09-4.77). In term of residency, rural rather than urban residents were 2.2-fold more likely to use herbal medicine daily (ORa=2.18; CI=2.08-2.29), and female than male were 62% more likely to use herbal medicine daily (ORa=1.62; CI=1.55-1.70). Conclusion: Married or divorced, female residents were more likely to use herbal medicines daily. (Health Science Indones 2011;2:3-8

    Kajian Implementasi Kebijakan Warung Obat Desa (Wod): Faktor Pendukung dan Penghambat

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    Warung Obat Desa (WOD) based on SK Menkes No. 983/Menkes/VIII/2004 about WOD implementation guide. The objective of this study was to assess the implementation of WOD policy and to find the supporting factor and constraint of the success of WOD implementation. The assessment was based on kualitatif method at community in 7 districts, Tangerang, Subang, Temanggung, Banjar, Lombok Barat, Konawe Selatan, and Denpasar Selatan. The data collected by indepth interview, health district manager and primary health care manager as information resources; the teacher, a community figure, a religion figure, a seller of medicine, cadre of health as information resources of Focussed Group Discussion, and observation of WOD activity. Data analysis was done by triangulasi. The results shown that the supporting factor of WOD were long distance from Primmary health care, drug seller and health services. In general the WOD implementation was implemented un successfully, WOD policy was not optimally, either in organizing, an organizer, management of medicine, medicine distribution, readinese of medicine, recording and reporting. We recommend that policy maker must have commitment, must supervise intensively, and consistent of the WOD programs

    Pola Penggunaan Obat Dan Obat Tradisional Dalam Upaya Pengobatan Sendiri Di Tanjung Bintang, Lampung

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    Self-medication appeared to be the initial effort of around 60% of the urban community in three cities on Java Island, in 1993. Drugs were used more frequently than the traditional medicines. Self-medication might potentially be an efficient self-help means for the community before getting the opportunity to reach the Primary health center. To achieve effectiveness of the self-medication effort, providing good information, how ever is strongly needed. The cross sectional study has been carried out among a rural community in two villages of Subdistrict Tanjung Bintang, in the Southern part of Lampung province. The sample population consist of housewives, who had ever taken drug or traditional medicines within the last month prior to the interview. Respondents (320 housewives) were choosen by multistage random sampling based on the number of households, RT and RW. Data were analyzed and presented as means and as the frequency distribution of the variables. The result obtained are : (1) A total of 74,5% prevalence was found taking drugs and traditional medicines for a period of one month, drugs how ever were used more frequently. (2) Drugs were taken as an effort in relieving their perceived headache, fever, or cough, according to their knowledge obtained from advertisement through television and radio programs. They got acces to the remedial products in small shops (warung), within a distance up to 500 meter from their home, without needing any transportation, and with a cost of Rp 194 (SD.± 289). (3) On the other hand, traditional medicines were taken as a remedy against diarrhoea, muscle-aches and health preventive/ fitness, according their knowledge received from their relatives and neighbours. They obtained the remedial product from the Vendors, within a distance up to 500 meter from thier dweeling place, without needing any transportation, and with a cost of Rp 407 (SD.± 500). (4) Effectiveness of the self-medication effort were perceived by around 78,5% and 72,2% of the user, for drug and traditional medicines respectively

    Pola Penggunaan Obat, Obat Tradisional Dan Cara Tradisional Dalam Pengobatan Sendiri Di Indonesia

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    The National Socio-Economic Survey data 2001 has been analyzed to obtain information on the pattern of the use of medicine, traditional medicine and traditional methods on self-medication. The target population was 225.057 Indonesians who claimed to be ill in 27provinces except Naggroe Aceh Darussalam and Maluku. The sample was people who took medicine, traditional medicine and or traditional methods on self-medication during the last one month before the survey. The data were analyzed using univariat and proportion method. The result of data analysis were: (1) The percentage of Indonesian people who took medicine on self-medication made a normal curve for age, inversity related with the cost of medication and was higher in the urban area, (2) The percentage of Indonesian people who took traditional medicine and traditional methods on self-medication was correlated with age, duration of illness, medication cost and was higher in rural area, (3) The percentage of Indonesian who took self medication was higher among the lower educated, lower economic status and who have less severe illness, and (4) The percentage of Indonesian who took self-medication has been decreased from 62.2% to 57.7% within 4 years period, especially on the use of medicine, but the use of traditional medicine and traditional method have been increase

    Penyediaan Obat Generik Berlogo Di Apotek Swasta

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    One method to enhance equal distribution accessibility to medicines is the Programme on Generic Drugs. The so called "generic drugs" are made by producers of drugs according to stipulations in Methods to Produce Good Drugs, which are given a special trade mark or logo, called O.G.B (Obat Generik Berlogo). In its effort to promote the Programme on OGB a ministerial decree no.085/Menkes/Per/I/1989 has been enacted, which among others obliged dispensaries to provide them. After having been in force for 3 years, how is the participation of private dispensaries in providing OGB ? To gain information on factors relating to the behaviour of the responsibility to obtain and provide drugs (PPO) in dispensaries and its problems, a study has been conducted, descriptive and analytical, on 110 dispensaries in 6 Regions. Data collecting was done through interviews with PPOs guided by questionnaires and prescriptions photocopies of all dispensaries during the last 6 days prior to the study. Data analysis to know the related significance, uses the Chi-square Test. As a result of the study and analysis, the conclusions were: Of the PPOs, 66,4% were graduated pharmacists or assistant pharmacists, over 3 years in occupation.A positive correlation exist statistically between the educated PPO and his/her knowledge on OGB.Among dispensaries, 57,3% are OGB undersupplied, that is having lesser than half the amount of OGB items already produced.Supply of OGB items in dispensaries is to support society, since accessibility of its prices and fulfil government's regulations.Problems of OGB in dispensaries are: competitions between producers of OGB, unavailability of certain items, and the demand is low

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan dan Rawat Inap di Puskesmas (Analisa Data Skrt 2004)

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    Peran Warung dalam Penyediaan Obat dan Obat Tradisional untuk Pengobatan Sendiri di Kecamatan Tanjungbintang, Lampung Selatan

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    One of the many factors that influences self-medication is the availability of drug and traditional medicine for the community. The objective of this study is to obtain information about the role of retailers in the village. This survey was carried out at all warung who sell drug or traditional medicine at two villages in the Tanjungbintang district, South Lampung. Data were collected by interviewing warung and observation. Results showed that warung generally have adequate knowledge about drugs used for headache, cough and fever, as well as about traditional medicine used for diarrhoe, muscle-pain and maintaining healthy condition. They got that information from drug store. Warung played an important role in delivering drug and traditional medicine that meet the needs of the community
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