324 research outputs found

    Side-information Scalable Source Coding

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    The problem of side-information scalable (SI-scalable) source coding is considered in this work, where the encoder constructs a progressive description, such that the receiver with high quality side information will be able to truncate the bitstream and reconstruct in the rate distortion sense, while the receiver with low quality side information will have to receive further data in order to decode. We provide inner and outer bounds for general discrete memoryless sources. The achievable region is shown to be tight for the case that either of the decoders requires a lossless reconstruction, as well as the case with degraded deterministic distortion measures. Furthermore we show that the gap between the achievable region and the outer bounds can be bounded by a constant when square error distortion measure is used. The notion of perfectly scalable coding is introduced as both the stages operate on the Wyner-Ziv bound, and necessary and sufficient conditions are given for sources satisfying a mild support condition. Using SI-scalable coding and successive refinement Wyner-Ziv coding as basic building blocks, a complete characterization is provided for the important quadratic Gaussian source with multiple jointly Gaussian side-informations, where the side information quality does not have to be monotonic along the scalable coding order. Partial result is provided for the doubly symmetric binary source with Hamming distortion when the worse side information is a constant, for which one of the outer bound is strictly tighter than the other one.Comment: 35 pages, submitted to IEEE Transaction on Information Theor

    Approximate Capacity of Gaussian Relay Networks

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    We present an achievable rate for general Gaussian relay networks. We show that the achievable rate is within a constant number of bits from the information-theoretic cut-set upper bound on the capacity of these networks. This constant depends on the topology of the network, but not the values of the channel gains. Therefore, we uniformly characterize the capacity of Gaussian relay networks within a constant number of bits, for all channel parameters.Comment: This paper is submited to 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2008) -In the revised format the approximation gap (\kappa) is sharpene

    Nonintersecting Subspaces Based on Finite Alphabets

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    Two subspaces of a vector space are here called ``nonintersecting'' if they meet only in the zero vector. The following problem arises in the design of noncoherent multiple-antenna communications systems. How many pairwise nonintersecting M_t-dimensional subspaces of an m-dimensional vector space V over a field F can be found, if the generator matrices for the subspaces may contain only symbols from a given finite alphabet A subseteq F? The most important case is when F is the field of complex numbers C; then M_t is the number of antennas. If A = F = GF(q) it is shown that the number of nonintersecting subspaces is at most (q^m-1)/(q^{M_t}-1), and that this bound can be attained if and only if m is divisible by M_t. Furthermore these subspaces remain nonintersecting when ``lifted'' to the complex field. Thus the finite field case is essentially completely solved. In the case when F = C only the case M_t=2 is considered. It is shown that if A is a PSK-configuration, consisting of the 2^r complex roots of unity, the number of nonintersecting planes is at least 2^{r(m-2)} and at most 2^{r(m-1)-1} (the lower bound may in fact be the best that can be achieved).Comment: 14 page

    Increasing Throughput by Efficient Target Localization in WSN

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    The assumptions made for target localization in wireless sensor network is not up to date. Restricted equipment assets, vitality protection and clamor disturbance because of remote channel dispute and instrumentation commotion make new limitations on originators these days. In the proposed paper target localization system which is based on TDOA is discussed. At the point when an event is identified, every sensor having a place with a gathering computes an estimation of the objective's area. A MAC convention for remote sensor systems i.e. Occasion Based –Medium Access Control (EB-MAC) is produced, which is adjusted for occasion based frameworks that portrays target confinement frameworks. Besides, EB-MAC gave a dependable correspondence stage where high channel conflict was brought down while keeping up high throughpu
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