137 research outputs found

    The Theological Structure for Forming Christian Vocational Spirituality: A Practical Method for the Whole of the Christian Life

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    The Christian church works for reconciliation between God and his creatures through Jesus Christ. For this, the church calls people and helps them hear, understand, recognize and receive the Spirit of God through Jesus. This dissertation explains this process as walking with, working with and following Jesus. This dissertation builds a theological structure for forming “Christian vocational spirituality” as the whole of the Christian life reconciled with the Spirit of God through Jesus Christ. This theological structure guides the process through which a human being becomes a true Christian being, and a Christian being becomes a true human being reconciled with the Spirit of God, overcoming the human predicament and existential contradictions. This theological structure begins with an integrated analysis and understanding of human problems and spiritual potential using philosophical, theological, psychological and biblical approaches. The second course analyzes and understands how Jesus becomes the way, the truth and the life for human salvation—bringing reconciliation with the Spirit of God. The third stage considers how to build a spiritual relationship with Jesus. The fourth is forming “Christian vocational spirituality” as being grasped by the Spirit of Jesus and as “sanctified life” of being full of the Spirit of Jesus. The four aspects of this theological structure need to be built and iteratively strengthened for the whole of the Christian life. Through this the church community is reconciled with the Spirit of Jesus Christ. This structure provides an excellent way to overcome the crises of humanity and the church

    Predictive isotope model connects microbes in culture and nature

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    In PNAS, Wing and Halevy (1) present a new model that quantitatively describes the magnitude of sulfur isotope fractionation produced by dissimilatory microbial sulfate reduction (MSR). MSR is a major player in the global biogeochemical cycles and is responsible for the respiration of up to 30% of organic matter in marine sediments (2). This metabolism produces large isotope effects, in which the product, sulfide, is depleted in the heavy isotopes (^(33)S, ^(34)S, and ^(36)S) relative to the most abundant isotope ^(32)S (3), enriching modern seawater sulfate in ^(34)S by about 21‰ (parts per thousand) compared with mantle sulfur. Sedimentary sulfur minerals preserve a record of this effect and are used to track changes in the sulfur isotope composition of seawater and the biogeochemical sulfur, carbon, and oxygen cycles through geologic time (4). Such reconstructions require an understanding of factors that control the magnitude of sulfur isotope effects and dictate the fractionation of sulfur isotopes by sulfate reducers under a range of growth conditions

    Multiple-sulfur isotope effects during photolysis of carbonyl sulfide

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    Laboratory experiments were carried out to determine sulfur isotope effects during ultraviolet photolysis of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) to carbon monoxide (CO) and elemental sulfur (S[superscript 0]). The OCS gas at 3.7 to 501 mbar was irradiated with or without a N₂ bath gas using a 150 W Xe arc lamp. Sulfur isotope ratios for the product S[superscript 0] and residual OCS were analyzed by an isotope ratio mass-spectrometer with SF₆ as the analyte gas. The isotope fractionation after correction for the reservoir effects is −6.8‰ for the ratio [superscript 34]S/[superscript 32]S, where product S[superscript 0] is depleted in heavy isotopes. The magnitude of the overall isotope effect is not sensitive to the addition of N2 but increases to −9.5‰ when radiation of λ > 285 nm is used. The measured isotope effect reflects that of photolysis as well as the subsequent sulfur abstraction (from OCS) reaction. The magnitude of isotope effects for the abstraction reaction is estimated by transition state theory to be between −18.9 and −3.1‰ for [superscript 34]S which gives the photolysis isotope effect as −10.5 to +5.3‰. The observed triple isotope coefficients are ln(δ[superscript 34]S + 1)/ln(δ[superscript 34]S + 1) = 0.534 ± 0.005 and ln(δ[superscript 36]S + 1)/ln(δ[superscript 34]S + 1) = 1.980 ± 0.021. These values differ from canonical values for mass-dependent fractionation of 0.515 and 1.90, respectively. The result demonstrates that the OCS photolysis does not produce large isotope effects of more than about 10‰ for [superscript 34]S/[superscript 32]S, and can be the major source of background stratospheric sulfate aerosol (SSA) during volcanic quiescence.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Exobiology program, Grant No. NNX10AR85G

    Physiology of multiple sulfur isotope fractionation during microbial sulfate reduction

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references.Microbial sulfate reduction (MSR) utilizes sulfate as an electron acceptor and produces sulfide that is depleted in heavy isotopes of sulfur relative to starting sulfate. The fractionation of S-isotopes is commonly used to trace the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur in nature, but a mechanistic understanding of factors that control the range of isotope fractionation is still lacking. This thesis investigates links between the physiology of sulfate reducing bacteria in pure cultures and multiple sulfur isotope (³², ³³, ³⁴34S, and ³⁶S) fractionation during MSR in batch and continuous culture experiments. Experiments address the influence of nutrient and electron donor conditions, including organic carbon, nitrogen, and iron, in cultures of a newly isolated marine sulfate reducing bacterium (DMSS-1). An actively growing culture of DMSS-1 produced sulfide depleted in ³⁴S by 6 to 66%o, depending on the availability and chemistry of organic electron donors. The magnitude of isotope effect correlated well with the cell specific sulfate reduction rate (csSRR), and the largest isotope effects occurred when cultures grew slowly on glucose, a recalcitrant organic substrate. These findings bridge the long-standing discrepancy between the upper limit for S-isotope effect in laboratory cultures and the corresponding observations in nature and indicate that the large (>46 %o) fractionation of S-isotopes does not unambiguously record the oxidative sulfurrecycling. When the availability of iron was limited, the increase in S-isotope fractionation was accompanied by a decrease in the cytochrome c content as well as csSRR. In contrast, growth in nitrogenlimited cultures increased both csSRR and S-isotope fractionation. The influence of individual enzymes and electron carriers involved in sulfate respiration on the fractionation of S-isotopes was also investigated in cultures of mutant strains of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough. The mutant lacking Type I tetraheme cytochrome c₃ fractionated ³⁴S/³²S ratio 50% greater relative to the wild type. The increasing S-isotope fractionation accompanied the evolution of H2 in the headspace and the decreasing csSRR. These results further demonstrate that the flow of electrons to terminal reductases imparts the primary control on the magnitude of the fractionation of S-isotopes, suggested by culture experiments using DMSS-1.by Min Sub Sim.Ph.D

    Physiological, genomic, and sulfur isotopic characterization of methanol metabolism by Desulfovibrio carbinolicus

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    Methanol is often considered as a non-competitive substrate for methanogenic archaea, but an increasing number of sulfate-reducing microorganisms (SRMs) have been reported to be capable of respiring with methanol as an electron donor. A better understanding of the fate of methanol in natural or artificial anaerobic systems thus requires knowledge of the methanol dissimilation by SRMs. In this study, we describe the growth kinetics and sulfur isotope effects of Desulfovibrio carbinolicus, a methanol-oxidizing sulfate-reducing deltaproteobacterium, together with its genome sequence and annotation. D. carbinolicus can grow with a series of alcohols from methanol to butanol. Compared to longer-chain alcohols, however, specific growth and respiration rates decrease by several fold with methanol as an electron donor. Larger sulfur isotope fractionation accompanies slowed growth kinetics, indicating low chemical potential at terminal reductive steps of respiration. In a medium containing both ethanol and methanol, D. carbinolicus does not consume methanol even after the cessation of growth on ethanol. Among the two known methanol dissimilatory systems, the genome of D. carbinolicus contains the genes coding for alcohol dehydrogenase but lacks enzymes analogous to methanol methyltransferase. We analyzed the genomes of 52 additional species of sulfate-reducing bacteria that have been tested for methanol oxidation. There is no apparent relationship between phylogeny and methanol metabolizing capacity, but most gram-negative methanol oxidizers grow poorly, and none carry homologs for methyltransferase (mtaB). Although the amount of available data is limited, it is notable that more than half of the known gram-positive methanol oxidizers have both enzymatic systems, showing enhanced growth relative to the SRMs containing only alcohol dehydrogenase genes. Thus, physiological, genomic, and sulfur isotopic results suggest that D. carbinolicus and close relatives have the ability to metabolize methanol but likely play a limited role in methanol degradation in most natural environments

    Precise determination of equilibrium sulfur isotope effects during volatilization and deprotonation of dissolved H_2S

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    Sulfide (H_2S, HS^−, and S^(2−)) is ubiquitous in marine porewaters as a result of microbial sulfate reduction, constituting the reductive end of the biogeochemical sulfur cycle. Stable isotopes have been widely used to constrain the sulfur cycle, because the redox transformations of sulfur compounds, such as microbial sulfate reduction, often exhibit sizable kinetic isotope effects. In contrast to sulfate ion (SO_4^(2−)), the most abundant form of dissolved sulfur in seawater, H2S is volatile and also deprotonated at near neutral pH. Equilibrium isotope partitioning between sulfide species can therefore overlap with kinetic isotope effects during reactions involving sulfide as either reactant or intermediate. Previous experimental attempts to measure equilibrium fractionation between H_2S and HS− have reached differing results, likely due to solutions of widely varying ionic strength. In this study, we measured the sulfur isotope fractionation between total dissolved sulfide and gaseous H2S at 20.6 ± 0.5 °C over the pH range from 2 to 8, and calculated the equilibrium isotope effects associated with deprotonation of dissolved H_2S. By using dilute solutions of Na2S, made possible by the improved sensitivity of mass spectrometric techniques, uncertainty in the first dissociation constant of H2S due to ionic strength could be better controlled. This in turn allowed us to close sulfur isotope mass balance for our experiments and increase the accuracy of the estimated fractionation factor. At equilibrium, aqueous H2S was enriched in ^(34)S by 0.7‰ and 3.1‰ relative to gaseous H_2S and aqueous HS−, respectively. The estimated fractionation between aqueous H_2S and HS^− lies between two earlier experimental reports, but agrees within the uncertainty of the measurements with a recent theoretical calculation

    Quantification and isotopic analysis of intracellular sulfur metabolites in the dissimilatory sulfate reduction pathway

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    Microbial sulfate reduction exhibits a normal isotope effect, leaving unreacted sulfate enriched in ^(34)S and producing sulfide that is depleted in ^(34)S. However, the magnitude of sulfur isotope fractionation is quite variable. The resulting changes in sulfur isotope abundance have been used to trace microbial sulfate reduction in modern and ancient ecosystems, but the intracellular mechanism(s) underlying the wide range of fractionations remains unclear. Here we report the concentrations and isotopic ratios of sulfur metabolites in the dissimilatory sulfate reduction pathway of Desulfovibrio alaskensis. Intracellular sulfate and APS levels change depending on the growth phase, peaking at the end of exponential phase, while sulfite accumulates in the cell during stationary phase. During exponential growth, intracellular sulfate and APS are strongly enriched in ^(34)S. The fractionation between internal and external sulfate is up to 49‰, while at the same time that between external sulfate and sulfide is just a few permil. We interpret this pattern to indicate that enzymatic fractionations remain large but the net fractionation between sulfate and sulfide is muted by the closed-system limitation of intracellular sulfate. This ‘reservoir effect’ diminishes upon cessation of exponential phase growth, allowing the expression of larger net sulfur isotope fractionations. Thus, the relative rates of sulfate exchange across the membrane versus intracellular sulfate reduction should govern the overall (net) fractionation that is expressed. A strong reservoir effect due to vigorous sulfate reduction might be responsible for the well-established inverse correlation between sulfur isotope fractionation and the cell-specific rate of sulfate reduction, while at the same time intraspecies differences in sulfate uptake and/or exchange rates could account for the significant scatter in this relationship. Our approach, together with ongoing investigations of the kinetic isotope fractionation by key enzymes in the sulfate reduction pathway, should provide an empirical basis for a quantitative model relating the magnitude of microbial isotope fractionation to their environmental and physiological controls

    Prediction of strawberry yield based on receptacle detection and Bayesian inference

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    The receptacle of strawberry is a more direct part than the flower for predicting yield as they eventually become fruits. Thus, we tried to predict the yield by combining an AI technique for receptacle detection in images and statistical analysis on the relationship between the number of receptacles detected and the strawberry yield over a period of time. Five major cultivars were cultivated to consider the cultivar characteristics and environmental factors for two years were collected to consider the climate difference. Faster R–CNN based object detector was used to estimate the number of receptacles per strawberry plant in given two-dimensional images, which achieved a mAP of 0.6587 for our dataset. However, not all receptacles appear on the two-dimensional images, and Bayesian analysis was used to model the uncertainty associated with the number of receptacles missed by the AI. After estimating the probability of fruiting per receptacle, prediction models for the total strawberry yield at the end of harvest season were evaluated. Even though the detection accuracy was not perfect, the results indicated that counting the receptacles by object detection and estimating the probability of fruiting per receptacle by Bayesian modeling are more useful for predicting the total yield per plant than knowing its cumulative yield during the first month

    Characteristics and Trends of Strawberry Cultivars throughout the Cultivation Season in a Greenhouse

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    Each strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) cultivar has its own growth and yield characteristics. However, the characteristics of many cultivars have not been determined at a consistent time and place, making direct comparative analysis difficult. The objective of this study was to identify characteristics and trends of five Korean strawberry cultivars in the same environment during an entire season. Therefore, environmental factors such as daily average air temperature, daily average relative humidity, daily average solar radiation, daily soil temperature, daily soil water content, daily soil electrical conductivity (EC), plant growth characteristics such as the number of leaves, plant height, leaf length, leaf width, and crown diameter, and productivity characteristics such as flowering and fruiting were measured to investigate the possible correlations of the data over one season. The vegetative growth of “Seolhyang” and “Keumsil” was greater than that of “Jukhyang” and “Maehyang”. The yield of “Arihyang” was greater than that of all other cultivars. “Arihyang” also presented the greatest weight per number of fruits. Among environmental factors, higher variability in air temperature and soil water content was correlated to lower total fresh weight in the following week at different degrees for each cultivar. Among the cultivars, the time to the first flowering was delayed by about seven days when the number of leaves increased by one and was reduced by one day per 1 cm increase in plant height. The total fresh weight was enhanced up to 271 g per experimental unit, while the average number of leaves increased by one. The results indicate that the data can be used by those who need information regarding the characteristics of the strawberry cultivars through direct comparative analysis
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