95 research outputs found

    An upper Llandovery conodont fauna from Eastern Hall Land, North Greenland. , 23 (1): 103-112.

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    A conodont fauna of Early Silurian age (Llandovery) has been recorded from eastern Hall Land, North Greenland. The faunal asociation comprises Apsidognathus tuberculatus Walliser, Carniodus carnulus Walliser, Distomodus sp. and some species of Panderodus. The multielement apparatus of Ozarkodina hadra (Nicoll and Rexroad) is proposed here and a new species of Pterospathodus is described

    Changes in conodont provincialism and biofacies during the lower Ordovician in Oeland, Sweden.

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    In the Hunnebergian to Kunda interval (Arenig), the conodont association recorded from Horns Udde (Oelans, Sweden) show a change from cosmopolitan to provincial. After a prominent Precordillera faunal influx in Billingenian, the Vokhov fauna is characterized by taxa typical of the Baltic Province. The change of the conodont fauna is connected with sea level changes and indicates a shallowing of the shelf environment. Sea level fluctuations, within a more general shallowing, are evidenced by changes in the conodont biofacies and supported by Sr and Ca isotope analyses for the interval under consideration

    Bentonite beds and discontinuity surfaces as correlative tools in the Lower Ordovician carbonates of Baltoscandia

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    The Orthoceras Limestone on the East European Platform during the Early to Middle Ordovician is characterized by numerous discontinuity surfaces. The most prominent represent important sequence boundaries. The contemporaneous marginal and basinal deposits are interrupted by several bentonite beds that can be traced laterally onto the paltform, where the ash-beds disappear to be replaced by characteristic discontinuity surfaces. The ash-beds and the lateralli equivalent discontinuity surfaces are correlated using high-resolution biostratigraphy


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    Upper Furongian (Cambrian) conodonts from the Degerhamn quarry road section, southern Oeland, Sweden.

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    The Alum Shale Formation exposed at the Degerhamn quarry road section, southern O¨ land, Sweden, contains a diversified assemblage of euconodonts, paraconodonts and protoconodonts, the majority of which have ranges confined to the Furongian Series (Cambrian). The first occurrence (FO) of the cosmopolitan euconodont species Proconodontus muelleri is recorded in the uppermost part of the Ctenopyge spectabilis trilobite Zone and the first appearance datum of Cordylodus? andresi is in the upper part of the Parabolina lobata trilobite Zone. Three new successive paraconodont associations are introduced: (1) the Furnishina Association, (2) the Prooneotodus Association and (3) the Westergaardodina Association, which, respectively, correspond to deeper marine, deep marine and shallow marine conditions. The genus Stenodontus Chen & Gong is revised in multielement taxonomy. New species formally named are Furnishina holmi and Westergaardodina asinina; Furnishina sp. A and Furnishina sp. B are described in open nomenclatur

    Palaeogeographic Distribution of Arenigian (Lower Ordovician) Conodonts

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    This paper presents a review of the Paleogeographic distribution of conodont faunas throughout the early Arenigian. According to their geographical distribution the conodont genera have been dividen into five groups: the pandemic Group, the warm water Group including genera belonging to the Midcontinent Province, the cold water Group including genera of the North Atlantic Province, the temperate water Group, and the warm water China Group characterized by an endemic fauna mainly recorded from China and Korea, and their ocuurences has been examined in the different paleocontinents
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