42 research outputs found

    Vervolg op 3D Pilot focust op toepassing 3D in de praktijk

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    OTB REsearchOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Verkenningsstudie naar semantische afstemming tussen IMGeo en domein informatiemodellen

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    GIS technologyOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    3D Pilot NL: Van 2D- naar 3D-BGT

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    Om meer richting te geven aan 3D-ontwikkelingen binnen Nederland hebben het Kadaster, Geonovum, de Nederlandse Commissie van Geodesie en het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu het initiatief genomen voor de 3D Pilot NL, een samenwerkingsverband van een kleine honderd private, overheids- en wetenschappelijke organisaties.OTB ResearchOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Overview of the PhD research: The concept of level of detail in 3D city modelling

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    OTB ResearchOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Principles of 5D modeling, full integration of 3D space, time and scale

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    This paper proposes an approach for data modelling in five dimensions. Apart from three dimensions for geometrical representation and a fourth dimension for time, we identify scale as fifth dimensional characteristic. Considering scale as an extra dimension of geographic information, fully integrated with the other dimensions, is new. Through a formal definition of geographic data in a conceptual 5D continuum, the data can be handled by one integrated approach assuring consistency across scale and time dimensions. Because the approach is new and challenging, we choose to step-wise studying several combinations of the five dimensions, ultimately resulting in the optimal 5D model. We also propose to apply mathematical theories on multidimensional modelling to well established principles of multidimensional modelling in the geo-information domain. The result is a conceptual full partition of the 3Dspace+time+scale space (i.e. no overlaps, no gaps) to be realised in a 5D data model implemented in a Database Management System.OTB ResearchApplied Science

    Standards for Exchange and Storage of 3D Information: Challenges and Opportunities for Emergency Response

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    3D standards have been developed throughout the years for many different purposes: visualisation (fast and realistic), data management (efficient storage), modelling (validity and topology) or data exchange (platform independence). The developers also vary from companies to international standardisation organisations that originated from CAD/BIM, GIS or Web domains. Being developed with different goals, the information in them (such as type of geometry, textures, semantics, relationships) varies significantly and this makes the integration of data in a single 3D environment almost an impossible task. Many problems can be experienced when converting data from one standard to another: information may be lost or models may be improperly converted, validity of objects may not be ensured, relationships might be diminished, etc. This paper presents a comparative study of 3D standards with respect to a number of characteristics such as type of geometry, relationships, semantics, possibilities for realism, etc. The paper compares several well-known international and de facto standards. The characteristics of them are then discussed in the context of 3D models (and needed functionality) for (facilitating) emergency response.OTB ResearchOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen