105 research outputs found

    Possibilities of autopsy tool use for forensic purposes

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    The rapid development and widespread use of information technology has brought dramatic changes in all spheres of human activity. At the present time it is difficult to imagine how the world functioned without these technologies. However, despite all the advantages that it brings, information technology has opened various opportunities for misuse. This has caused the development of a new scientific discipline called digital forensics, which deals with the collection, preservation, analysis and presentation of digital evidence. Since digital evidence is very sensitive (easy to delete, modify, etc.), it cannot usually be detected and seen with the classic tools. Therefore, for this purpose, the use of specialized forensic tools is required, that can successfully identify such evidence. There are a number of forensic tools, commercial and non-commercial, which can be found on the market. Some of them are used for each step in the process of digital forensic investigations, and some are multi-functional. When talking about the differences between commercial and non-commercial tools, a frequently asked question is which tools are better, more reliable, faster, more functional, etc. This paper will describe the use of Autopsy, one of the most famous non-commercial forensic tools, and compare its properties with the commercial tool FTK (Forensic Toolkit)

    Svetska finansijska kriza i perspektiva razvoja tržišta kapitala

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    U savremenim uslovima poslovanja, tržište kapitala, kao integralni element finansijskog sistema, ostvaruje brojne funkcije koje podstiču razvoj finansijskog sistema i ekonomski rast. Povezujući suficitarne i deficitarne subjekte, ovaj segment finansijskog tržišta obezbeđuje da se, zahvaljujući efektima ekonomije obima, za kraće vreme i uz niže transakcione troškove dođe do alternativnih dugoročnih finansijskih izvora koji su potrebni za finansiranje rasta i razvoja ekonomije. Pored toga što tržište kapitala objektivno vrednuje ostvarene rezultate poslovanja brojnih kompanija, ono potencijalnim emitentima obezbeđuje finansijska sredstva po najpovoljnijim uslovima. S druge strane, investitori uspostavljaju brojne dužničko-poverilačke i vlasničke odnose, koji im u zavisnosti od prihvaćenog nivoa rizika donose veće ili manje prinose. Intenziviranjem procesa globalizacije došlo je do čvršćeg povezivanja nacionalnih tržišta kapitala i stvaranja globalnog tržišta koje je učesnicima u finansijskim tokovima donelo brojne prednosti, kao i slabosti. Ovaj proces je omogućio investitorima da imaju izbor između velikog broja mogućih investicionih alternativa, a privrednim subjektima da prikupljaju sredstva iz više različitih izvora. S druge strane, proces globalizacije je znatno povećao osetljivost nacionalnih tržišta kapitala na krizna dešavanja iz okruženja. Finansijski mehuri i krize nisu savremena tvorevina, ali je savremeno finansijsko tržište postalo veoma povoljan ambijent za njihov nastanak. Polazeći od različitih teorijskih modela i empirijskih rezultata, predmet istraživanja u doktorskoj disertaciji je globalna finansijska kriza nastala 2008. godine i njen uticaj na perspektivu razvoja tržišta kapitala. Imajući u vidu da su finansijske krize na savremenim finansijskim tržištima postale sve češća pojava, definisano područje istraživanja ima veliki teorijski i praktični značaj. S tim u vezi, osnovni cilj doktorske disertacije je da teorijsko-metodološki i empirijski sagleda uzroke i posledice globalne finansijske krize. U doktorskoj disertaciji se najpre razmatra koncept funkcionisanja tržišta kapitala. Predmet detaljne analize su ključne karakteristike finansijskih institucija i finansijskih instrumenata tržišta kapitala. Pored navedenog, razmatraju se osnovne karakteristike finansijskih kriza, pri čemu je poseban akcenat stavljen na komparativnu analizu globalnih finansijskih kriza nastalih 1929. i 2008. godine. Predmet dalje analize je uticaj globalne finansijske krize na finansijski i realni sektor pojedinih regiona sveta. Pri tome, cilj sprovedenog istrživanja je sagledavanje trenutnog stanja na globalnom tržištu kapitala i njegove perspektive. Posebna pažnja posvećena je analizi Beogradske berze, pri čemu je u cilju predviđanja budućih trendova sprovedeno empirijsko istraživanje.Within the contemporary business environment, capital market, as integral part of financial system, has been creating number of functions stimulating financial system development and economic growth. Connecting sufficiency and deficit subjects this financial market segment helped with the economy of scale effects enables easier, in the meaning of shorter time and lower transactional expenses, coming to alternative long-term financial sources needed for economy growth and development financing. Apart from the fact that market capital objectively values accomplished results of numerous companies’ dealings, it provides funding under favorable financing conditions to potential issuers. On the other side, investors establish a number of creditor-debtor and owner’s relations that have brought bigger or less income depending on the accepted risk level. The globalization process intensification has brought making of stronger connections between the national capital market and global market creating, resulting in numerous advantages, but, also, disadvantages for capital flows participants. This process enables investors to make a choice between a huge number of possible investment alternatives as well as it makes possible for entrepreneurial subjects to fund from various sources. On the other hand, the globalization process enormously increases national capital market sensitivity to neighbouring countries crises. Bubbles and financial market crises are not a modern invention, but the contemporary financial market has become convenient environment for their appearance. Based on various theoretical models and empirical results, this doctoral thesis research subject is the global financial crisis arose in 2008 and its impact on capital market development perspectives. Considering the fact that financial crises have been appearing on modern financial markets more often, the research defined within this thesis is of great theoretical and practical importance. So the primary objective of this doctoral dissertation is to give theoretical, methodological and empirical research of the global financial crisis causes and consequences. Firstly, the subject of research in the thesis is the concept of capital market functioning. Subjects analyzed in detail are key characteristics of capital market financial institutions and financial instruments. In addition to previously mentioned subjects of research is the analysis of financial crisis basic characteristics emphasizing the comparative analysis of global financial crises arising in 1929 and 2008. Further analysis is connected with the global financial crisis influence on financial and real sector of particular regions. It is necessary to emphasize that the aim of the overall research is to point out the current condition of the global capital market and its perspectives. The special attention has been devoted to the Belgrade Stock Exchange analysis based on the empirical research in order to fulfill the demand for prediction of future trends

    Possibilities of autopsy tool use for forensic purposes

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    The rapid development and widespread use of information technology has brought dramatic changes in all spheres of human activity. At the present time it is difficult to imagine how the world functioned without these technologies. However, despite all the advantages that it brings, information technology has opened various opportunities for misuse. This has caused the development of a new scientific discipline called digital forensics, which deals with the collection, preservation, analysis and presentation of digital evidence. Since digital evidence is very sensitive (easy to delete, modify, etc.), it cannot usually be detected and seen with the classic tools. Therefore, for this purpose, the use of specialized forensic tools is required, that can successfully identify such evidence. There are a number of forensic tools, commercial and non-commercial, which can be found on the market. Some of them are used for each step in the process of digital forensic investigations, and some are multi-functional. When talking about the differences between commercial and non-commercial tools, a frequently asked question is which tools are better, more reliable, faster, more functional, etc. This paper will describe the use of Autopsy, one of the most famous non-commercial forensic tools, and compare its properties with the commercial tool FTK (Forensic Toolkit)

    Mobile Commerce and Consumers’ Online Purchase Orientation in Poland, Croatia and Serbia

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    As an innovative approach to retail, mobile commerce develops rapidly during last decade. It brings new challenges and opportunities in front of retailers who have to adapt their business strategies to new generation shoppers. With a good understanding of the shoppers’ online purchase intention, retailers are able to develop effective online strategies to attract new and keep loyal web-shopping customers. The purpose of this paper is to explain the online shopping orientation in the context of country of origin. There is a limited number of such research in Central and Eastern Europe, so there is a lack of knowledge about young consumers from this region and their attitude as mobile technology users. The article is based on the research conducted in Poland, Croatia and Serbia where 454 young non randomly selected respondents answered online survey questions. The research hypotheses were tested using correlation and non-parametric statistics. Differences between observed countries suggest that there is a necessity to adapt approach concerning online retailing even at the market with similar characteristics. Therefore, creators of marketing and sales strategies of online and omnichannel companies should consider this fact when planning business strategies. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p


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    Although business process management systems (BPM) have been used over the years, their performance in unpredicted situations has not been adequately solved. In these cases, it is common to request user assistance or invoke predefined procedures. In this paper, we propose using the Active Semantic Model (ASM) to detect and handle exceptions. This is a specifically developed semantic network model for modeling of semantic features of the business processes. ASM is capable of classifying new situations based on their similarities with existing ones. Within BPM systems this is then used to classify new situations as exceptions and to handle the exceptions by changing the process based on ASM’s previous experience. This enables automatic detection and handling of exceptions which significantly improves the performance of bpm systems

    Striving for cross-channel synergy: a study of SMEs in transition economy

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    The extent to which SMEs in transitional economies ensure seamless shopping experience may make the difference between venture´s success or failure. In order to respond to increasingly demanding consumers, ventures in transitional economies are shifting from mono-channels to multi-channel strategies. As the ventures in transitional economies are characterised by limited resources and undeveloped marketing channels, the purpose of this study is to examine the role of organizational support in the pursuit for cross-channel synergy. Drawing on the data collected from 97 SMEs in Serbia we found that the higher levels of cross-channel synergy are achieved through direct support to omni-channel (integrated approach) and additional enchancment of offline channels. We further discuss why an additional support to offline channels rather than online channels is more prudent and provide fruitfull future research avenues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Covid-19 pandemic and global tourism

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    The tourism industry represents a significant part of the global economy. However, tourism demand is very sensitive to crisis events, such as economic crises, epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Regarding this, the primary research goal of the paper is to analyze the impact of the Covid-19 disease on global tourism. During 2020, in order to prevent further spread of this contagious disease, almost all countries in the world have introduced a ban on movement, closing of borders and other important health measures. The review of the relevant literature provided in the paper shows that the introduced measures have a negative impact on the global hospitality, travelling and tourism industryPublishe

    Znanje i percepcija učenika srednje škole u Kraljevu o prirodnim katastrofama

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    Quantitative research was conducted in order to determine the perceptions and actual knowledge of secondary school for electrical engineering in Kraljevo, Nikola Tesla about natural disasters. On that occasion used method of surveying students to identify and describe the factors that influence the knowledge and perceptions of students. From the population of secondary technical school in Kraljevo, at random, from each year was chosen by a number of respondents. The results show that the sources of information about natural disasters and their threatening consequences affect the perception of secondary school students. At the same time, the actual knowledge about natural disasters affecting lectures, schools, television and the internet, while considerably less influence video games, radio and stories from family members. Those with no personal experience regarding the threatening consequences of natural disasters in a statistically higher percentage do not know how to recognize a certain natural disasters. Experience immediate family members are not affected to a large extent on the knowledge of natural disasters, with the exception of his father. Bearing in mind the evident lack of education about natural disasters in Serbia, the survey results can be used when creating the strategy of educational programs.Kvantitativno istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem utvrđivanja percepcije i stvarnog znanja učenika srednje elektrotehničke škole u Kraljevu ,,Nikola Tesla' o prirodnim katastrofama. Tom prilikom je korišćen metod anketiranja učenika kako bi se identifikovali i opisali faktori koji imaju uticaja na znanje i percepciju učenika. Iz populacije srednje elektrotehničke škole u Kraljevu, na slučajan način, iz svake godine izabran je po određen broj ispitanika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da izvori informacija o prirodnim katastrofama i njihovim ugrožavajućim posledicama utiču na percepciju učenika srednje škole. Istovremeno, na stvarno znanje o prirodnim katastrofama utiču predavanja, škola, televizija i internet, dok znatno manje utiču video-igre, radio i priče od članova porodice. Ispitanici bez ličnog iskustva u vezi sa ugrožavajućim posledicama prirodnih katastrofa u statistički većem procentu ne znaju da prepoznaju određene prirodne katastrofe. Iskustvo članova uže porodice ne utiče u velikoj meri na znanje o prirodnim katastrofama, sa izuzetkom oca. Imajući u vidu evidentan nedostatak obrazovanja o prirodnim katastrofama u Srbiji, rezultati istraživanja se mogu iskoristiti prilikom kreiranja strategija obrazovnih programa

    Zinc oxide-based materials with enhanced sunlight-driven photo- and photo-electro-catalytic activity

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    Current trend in photocatalysis is to develop efficient semiconductors which can be activated by absorbing sunlight. Which wavelength of sunlight will be absorbed depends on the semiconductor band gap; semiconductors with a wide band gap (> 3 eV) can absorb only UV light (5% of sunlight), while those with a narrow band gap (< 3 eV) can be activated by visible light (45% of sunlight). Zinc oxide (ZnO) is promising semiconductor with band gap of 3.37 eV. Various approaches have been applied to modify its optical properties, for example: incorporation of different metal and nonmetal ions or defects into the crystal structure, particles’ surface sensitization or hydrogenation. In this study, we examined the influence of different defects present in ZnO particles on their photo- and photo-electro-catalytic properties. Processing of ZnO particles were carried out in order to introduce: (1) lattice defects, through microwave procedure, (2) surface defects, through mechanical activation, and (3) surface defects, trough composite with polyethylene oxide. Synthesized particles were characterized by XRD, FESEM, laser diffraction particle size analyzer, Raman, UV-Vis diffuse reflectance and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The results of achieved photo- and photo-electro-catalytic tests indicate that both, structural and surface, defects enhanced sunlight-driven activity of ZnO particles