33 research outputs found
Electrodiagnostic subtyping in GuillainâBarr\ue9 syndrome patients in the International GuillainâBarr\ue9 Outcome Study
\ua9 2024 The Authors. European Journal of Neurology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Neurology.Background and purpose: Various electrodiagnostic criteria have been developed in GuillainâBarr\ue9 syndrome (GBS). Their performance in a broad representation of GBS patients has not been evaluated. Motor conduction data from the International GBS Outcome Study (IGOS) cohort were used to compare two widely used criterion sets and relate these to diagnostic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis criteria. Methods: From the first 1500 patients in IGOS, nerve conduction studies from 1137 (75.8%) were available for the current study. These patients were classified according to nerve conduction studies criteria proposed by Hadden and Rajabally. Results: Of the 1137 studies, 68.3% (N = 777) were classified identically according to criteria by Hadden and Rajabally: 111 (9.8%) axonal, 366 (32.2%) demyelinating, 195 (17.2%) equivocal, 35 (3.1%) inexcitable and 70 (6.2%) normal. Thus, 360 studies (31.7%) were classified differently. The areas of differences were as follows: 155 studies (13.6%) classified as demyelinating by Hadden and axonal by Rajabally; 122 studies (10.7%) classified as demyelinating by Hadden and equivocal by Rajabally; and 75 studies (6.6%) classified as equivocal by Hadden and axonal by Rajabally. Due to more strictly defined cutoffs fewer patients fulfilled demyelinating criteria by Rajabally than by Hadden, making more patients eligible for axonal or equivocal classification by Rajabally. In 234 (68.6%) axonal studies by Rajabally the revised El Escorial (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) criteria were fulfilled; in axonal cases by Hadden this was 1.8%. Conclusions and discussion: This study shows that electrodiagnosis in GBS is dependent on the criterion set utilized, both of which are based on expert opinion. Reappraisal of electrodiagnostic subtyping in GBS is warranted
Chemical regulation of sex expression in certain olive cultivars
The modifying effect of growth regulators on bud burst, flower bud formation and sex expression in olives varies greatly according to cultivar, concentration and time of application. Cycocel 200, 500 mg/l, ethephon 200 mg/l and SADH 2000 mg/l stimulated bud burst and flower bud formation in the 'Blanquetta' cv. A noticeable increase in the percentage of perfect flowers was obtained by 100 mg/l of kinetin, and 200 mg/l of Cycocel in the cv. 'Picual', Ethephon 200/1, Cycocel 200 mg/l and SADH 2000 mg/l considerably increased the percentage of perfect flowers in the cvs 'Blanquetta', 'Serrana' and 'Picual'. Treatments at green cluster stage were not effective
Effect of various treatments on the production of first grade grafts of Thompson Seedless grapevine on Vitis solonis x V. riparia 1616 rootstock
Soaking Solonis X Riparia 1616 vine rootstock cuttings in 50 ppm NAA for 24 hours before grafting gave the highest rate of Thompson Seedless graftage success. Cold stratification of cuttings gave superior results than other treatments. However, IAA, IBA, GA, thiamin and sucrose reduced the percentage of success. Steeping the basal portion of rootstock cuttings in water at 14-16 °C for 6 or 12, and 12 hours for cold-stored and freshly prepared cuttings respectively improved the grafting success. Basal soaking for 24 hours and then removing the lower 3 cm or 24 hours' soaking upside-down were advantageous for precooled rootstock cuttings. Yet, waxing the grafting zone increased only the success rate of directly grafted cuttings.EinfluĂ verschiedener Behandlungsverfahren auf die Erzeugung pflanzfĂ€higer Pfropfreben aus Thompson Seedless auf der Unterlage Vitis solonis X Vitis riparia 1616Durch 24stĂŒndiges Eintauchen des Unterlagenschnittholzes von Vitis solonis X V. riparia 1616 in 50 ppm NES vor der Veredlung mit Thompson Seedless wurde der höchste Prozentsatz pflanzfĂ€higer Pfropfreben erzielt. KĂ€ltestratifikation des Schnittholzes erbrachte bessere Ergebnisse als die anderen Behandlungen. IES, IBS, GS, Thiamin und Saccharose verringerten die Anwuchsprozente. Wurden die Unterlagen mit dem basalen Ende in 14-16 °C warmes Wasser eingetaucht, und zwar kalt gelagertes Schnittholz 6 oder 12 Stunden, frisch geschnittenes Holz 12 Stunden lang, so war der Pfropferfolg betrĂ€chtlich verbessert. Bei vorgekĂŒhltem Unterlagenschnittholz waren auch 24stĂŒndiges Quellen des basalen Endes mit anschlieĂendem Entfernen der unteren 3 cm oder 24stĂŒndiges Eintauchen des oberen Endes von Vorteil. ĂŒberziehen der Pfropfstelle mit Paraffin erhöhte die Anwuchsrate nur im Falle des unmittelbar vor der Pfropfung geernteten Holzes
Comparing growth, immune and pigmentation related gene expression in three lines of Japanese and wild European quail
© 2017, Polish Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. This study was conducted to identify the differences and similarities among three Japanese quail (JQ) lines (JQ lines: white, brown and wild-black) and the European quail (EQ). The qRT-PCR was used to determine the expression of growth related genes: growth hormone (GH) and Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), immune genes (Interleukins 1ÎČ, IL-1ÎČ, Interferon-α, IFN-α), pigmentation genes; dopachrome tautomerase, (Dct) and endothelin receptor type B2, (EdnrB2) in several quail tissues, while PCR-RFLP analysis of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene was conducted in quail meat. Expression levels of the pigmentation related genes (Dct and EdnrB2) were significantly higher (P\u3c0.05) in the JQBr and EQ lines than in JQwh and they were comparable between JQbr and wild EQ. Expression levels of the growth related genes (GH and IGF-1) were significantly higher in 3 JQ lines than in EQ. No differences between all 4 quail lines were found in the expression of the immune related genes. In conclusion, the PCR-RFLP method may be used to distinguish between the Japanese and the European quail, which is important for breeding programs, labeling meat products and biodiversity studies