53 research outputs found

    Avoiding strategic surprises: beware of the lurkers!

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    The most challenging surprises in strategic projects are those that have been hiding in plain sight from the beginning, write Verena Stingl and Josef Oehme

    A shift in mindset can keep you from discarding digital innovation projects too soon

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    If your organisation has – like so many others – a history of shelved digital innovation projects, you might want to ask yourself if you have looked close enough at the true value of these projects. Verena Stingl and Michele Colli suggest a shift in perspective, to explore the extended and innovative potential of your technology pilots, before binning them prematurely

    Creating momentum for digital transformation without a burning platform

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    To drive your digital transformation, you need to become skilful in connecting the past, present and future in a compelling story, write Verena Stingl, Marcus Lantz and Josef Oehme

    Smart and simple strategy decisions to minimise regret

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    Why we should not try to pick the best option, but instead use simple rules to eliminate the worst choices - by Verena Stingl, Joana Geraldi and Josef Oehme

    Covid-19 and the legitimacy of drastic action: lessons from megaproject management

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    Business leaders and policymakers have to focus on securing public support for impactful actions, write Josef Oehmen, Verena Stingl and Petr Wit
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