7 research outputs found

    Reversal of cell, circuit and seizure phenotypes in a mouse model of DNM1epileptic encephalopathy

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    Dynamin-1 is a large GTPase with an obligatory role in synaptic vesicle endocytosis at mammalian nerve terminals. Heterozygous missense mutations in the dynamin-1 gene (DNM1) cause a novel form of epileptic encephalopathy, with pathogenic mutations clustering within regions required for its essential GTPase activity. We reveal the most prevalent pathogenic DNM1 mutation, R237W, disrupts dynamin-1 enzyme activity and endocytosis when overexpressed in central neurons. To determine how this mutation impacted cell, circuit and behavioural function, we generated a mouse carrying the R237W mutation. Neurons from heterozygous mice display dysfunctional endocytosis, in addition to altered excitatory neurotransmission and seizure-like phenotypes. Importantly, these phenotypes are corrected at the cell, circuit and in vivo level by the drug, BMS-204352, which accelerates endocytosis. Here, we demonstrate a credible link between dysfunctional endocytosis and epileptic encephalopathy, and importantly reveal that synaptic vesicle recycling may be a viable therapeutic target for monogenic intractable epilepsies.<br/

    Blood-CNS barrier dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Proposed mechanisms and clinical implications.

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    Peer reviewed: TrueThere is strong evidence for blood-brain and blood-spinal cord barrier dysfunction at the early stages of many neurodegenerative diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Since impairment of the blood-central nervous system barrier (BCNSB) occurs during the pre-symptomatic stages of ALS, the mechanisms underlying this pathology are likely also involved in the ALS disease process. In this review, we explore how drivers of ALS disease, particularly mitochondrial dysfunction, astrocyte pathology and neuroinflammation, may contribute to BCNSB impairment. Mitochondria are highly abundant in BCNSB tissue and mitochondrial dysfunction in ALS contributes to motor neuron death. Likewise, astrocytes adopt key physical, transport and metabolic functions at the barrier, many of which are impaired in ALS. Astrocytes also show raised expression of inflammatory markers in ALS and ablating ALS-causing transgenes in astrocytes slows disease progression. In addition, key drivers of neuroinflammation, including TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) pathology, matrix metalloproteinase activation and systemic inflammation, affect BCNSB integrity in ALS. Finally, we discuss the translational implications of BCNSB dysfunction in ALS, including the development of biomarkers for disease onset and progression, approaches aimed at restoring BCNSB integrity and in vitro modelling of the neurogliovascular system