672 research outputs found

    Different amplitude and time distribution of the sound of light and classical music

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    Several pieces of different musical kinds were studied measuring N(A)N(A), the output amplitude of a peak detector driven by the electric signal arriving to the loudspeaker. Fixed a suitable threshold Aˉ\bar{A}, we considered N(A)N(A), the number of times that A(t)>AˉA(t)>\bar{A}, each of them we named event and N(t)N(t), the distribution of times tt between two consecutive events. Some N(A)N(A) and N(t)N(t) distributions are displayed in the reported logarithmic plots, showing that jazz, pop, rock and other popular rhythms have noise-distribution, while classical pieces of music are characterized by more complex statistics. We pointed out the extraordinary case of the aria ``\textit{La calunnia \`{e} un venticello}'', where the words describe an avalanche or seismic process, calumny, and the rossinian music shows N(A)N(A) and N(t)N(t) distribution typical of earthquakes.Comment: 3 pages with 4 figures, to be published in The European Physical Journal


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    La storiografia riferita alle vicende post sismiche del Val di Noto ha ricorrentemente interpretato lo straordinario patrimonio architettonico realizzato dopo il terremoto del 1693 come il risultato di uno sforzo collettivo, che vide coinvolti in modo sinergico tutti i livelli della società siciliana. Il terremoto è stato insomma visto spesso come un evento traumatico capace di saldare – in una sorta di comune reazione della vita contro la morte – il governo spagnolo, la nobiltà feudale, il clero e le comunità urbane, queste ultime in una posizione subalterna rispetto alle determinazioni delle tre tradizionali sfere del potere Ancién Regime (Monarchia, Nobiltà e Chiesa).Il progredire degli studi negli ultimi anni sta in realtà conducendo a ragionamenti più articolati e problematici. Se è indubbio infatti che lo sforzo dei tre organi del potere fu sostanzialmente sinergico e rivolto soprattutto a far fronte all’immediata emergenza, ben più complessa ed estesa risulta invece la reazione delle comunità urbane che, come è ormai noto, andò ben oltre gli intenti puramente ricostruttivi, attraversando tutto l’arco del XVIII secolo

    Transport of quantum excitations coupled to spatially extended nonlinear many-body systems

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    The role of noise in the transport properties of quantum excitations is a topic of great importance in many fields, from organic semiconductors for technological applications to light-harvesting complexes in photosynthesis. In this paper we study a semi-classical model where a tight-binding Hamiltonian is fully coupled to an underlying spatially extended nonlinear chain of atoms. We show that the transport properties of a quantum excitation are subtly modulated by (i) the specific type (local vs non-local) of exciton-phonon coupling and by (ii) nonlinear effects of the underlying lattice. We report a non-monotonic dependence of the exciton diffusion coefficient on temperature, in agreement with earlier predictions, as a direct consequence of the lattice-induced fluctuations in the hopping rates due to long-wavelength vibrational modes. A standard measure of transport efficiency confirms that both nonlinearity in the underlying lattice and off-diagonal exciton-phonon coupling promote transport efficiency at high temperatures, preventing the Zeno-like quench observed in other models lacking an explicit noise-providing dynamical system

    The Anti-FPU Problem

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    We present a detailed analysis of the modulational instability of the zone-boundary mode for one and higher-dimensional Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) lattices. Following this instability, a process of relaxation to equipartition takes place, which we have called the Anti-FPU problem because the energy is initially fed into the highest frequency part of the spectrum, at variance with the original FPU problem (low frequency excitations of the lattice). This process leads to the formation of chaotic breathers in both one and two dimensions. Finally, the system relaxes to energy equipartition on time scales which increase as the energy density is decreased. We show that breathers formed when cooling the lattice at the edges, starting from a random initial state, bear strong qualitative similarities with chaotic breathers

    EDACs and test integration strategies for NAND flash memories

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    Mission-critical applications usually presents several critical issues: the required level of dependability of the whole mission always implies to address different and contrasting dimensions and to evaluate the tradeoffs among them. A mass-memory device is always needed in all mission-critical applications: NAND flash-memories could be used for this goal. Error Detection And Correction (EDAC) techniques are needed to improve dependability of flash-memory devices. However also testing strategies need to be explored in order to provide highly dependable systems. Integrating these two main aspects results in providing a fault-tolerant mass-memory device, but no systematic approach has so far been proposed to consider them as a whole. As a consequence a novel strategy integrating a particular code-based design environment with newly selected testing strategies is presented in this pape

    Discrete Breathers in a Realistic Coarse-Grained Model of Proteins

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    We report the results of molecular dynamics simulations of an off-lattice protein model featuring a physical force-field and amino-acid sequence. We show that localized modes of nonlinear origin (discrete breathers) emerge naturally as continuations of a subset of high-frequency normal modes residing at specific sites dictated by the native fold. In the case of the small β\beta-barrel structure that we consider, localization occurs on the turns connecting the strands. At high energies, discrete breathers stabilize the structure by concentrating energy on few sites, while their collapse marks the onset of large-amplitude fluctuations of the protein. Furthermore, we show how breathers develop as energy-accumulating centres following perturbations even at distant locations, thus mediating efficient and irreversible energy transfers. Remarkably, due to the presence of angular potentials, the breather induces a local static distortion of the native fold. Altogether, the combination of this two nonlinear effects may provide a ready means for remotely controlling local conformational changes in proteins.Comment: Submitted to Physical Biolog

    Heat wave propagation in a nonlinear chain

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    We investigate the propagation of temperature perturbations in an array of coupled nonlinear oscillators at finite temperature. We evaluate the response function at equilibrium and show how the memory effects affect the diffusion properties. A comparison with nonequilibrium simulations reveals that the telegraph equation provides a reliable interpretative paradigm for describing quantitatively the propagation of a heat pulse at the macroscopic level. The results could be of help in understanding and modeling energy transport in individual nanotubes.Comment: Revised version, 1 fig. adde

    Biopolymer gels with "physical" cross-links: gelation kinetics, aging, heterogeneous dynamics, and macroscopic mechanical properties

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    Alginate is a natural biopolymer that forms, in the presence of divalent cations, ionic-bound gels typifying a large class of biological gels stabilized by non-covalent cross-links, and displaying a consistent restructuring kinetics. We investigate the kinetics of formation and aging of alginate gels by slow permeation of a curing CaCl2 agent by means of photon correlation imaging, a novel optical technique that allows obtaining the microscopic dynamics of the sample, while retaining at the same time the spatial resolution of imaging techniques. Specifically, the gelling kinetics displays a peculiar non-diffusive behavior, and the subsequent restructuring of the gel structure shares several features in common with the aging of colloidal gels, in particular for what concerns the occurrence of heterogeneous dynamics effects. A comparative analysis of the gel macroscopic mechanical properties at different aging stages further highlights distinctive effects arising from the non-permanent nature of the bonds