27 research outputs found

    Badanie zużycia płytek skrawającychc z węglików spiekanych w gatunku GC4325 z powłoką Inveio i GC4215

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    Artykuł pochodzi z VIII Konferencji Szkoły Obróbki Skrawaniem na temat "Synergia nauki z przemysłem" 17-19 września 2014, Międzyzdroje-Szczecin (Artykuł zamieszczony na płycie CD

    Grinding process of nickel alloys - Inconel 600 and Monel 400.

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    Przedstawiono badania nad szlifowaniem próbek płaskich wykonanych ze stopów niklu – Inconel 600 i Monel 400. Próbki szlifowano ściernicami TGP i XGP z minimalnym wydatkiem cieczy obróbkowej (MQL). Użyto dwa rodzaje cieczy: Ecocut Micro Plus 82 i Biocut 3000. Opisano wpływ warunków obróbki na wartość stycznej siły szlifowania Ft oraz chropowatość powierzchni obrobionej (parametr Ra). Porównano uzyskane wyniki dając zalecenia do dalszych badań.In the paper experimental results obtained during surface grinding process of nickel alloys: Inconel 600 and Monel 400 are presented. TGP and XGP grinding wheels are applied and Ecocut Micro Plus 82 and Biocut 3000 fluids have been supplied into a cutting zone with minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) strategy. Influence of cutting conditions on tangential cutting force Ft and surface roughness parameter Ra are described. Finally, comparison of obtained results and conclusions are presented

    The influence of the alternative fluid supply methods during hob sharpening process on surface layer hob cutter.

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    Przedstawiono badania nad określeniem wpływu warunków (ciecz obróbkowa, głębokość szlifowania) ostrzenia frezów ślimakowych na stan warstwy wierzchniej ostrzy. Frezy ostrzono z cieczą obróbkową podawaną w trybie obfitym, z minimalnym wydatkiem (MQL) oraz przy jednoczesnym użyciu mgły olejowej i sprężonego powietrza. W trakcie badań zastosowano dwie głębokości szlifowania: 0,01 i 0,03 mm. Przeprowadzone pomiary mikrotwardości i chropowatości wykazały, że istnieje możliwość zmiany warunków szlifowania poprzez zastąpienie tradycyjnie stosowanej emulsji podawanej w trybie obfitym metodą alternatywną.In the paper experimental results obtained during hob sharpening process are presented. HSS hobs have been sharpened with application of different types of lubrication and cooling methods. Wet machining, minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) and compressed air with MQL methods (MQL-SP) were taken to evaluation. Two depth of cut levels were applied during experimental procedure: 0,01 and 0,03 mm. Results of surface metalographics of HSS hob and microhardness distribution from the rake face of the hob to the depth of 0,1 mm are presented too

    Influence of Cutting Speed on the Hob Wear in Hobbing with the Minimum Quantity Lubrication

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    In the paper the influence of cutting speed on the hob wear in gear hobbing when minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) cutting fluid supply method was applied, is described. Gears made of C45 steel were cut with the use of the hobs made of HS6-5-2 high-speed steel. For comparison, some tests with flood cutting fluid supply mode were performed. The investigations were carried out for four cutting speeds with constant feed rate and the full depth of tooth spaces. The tool wear was measured in a direct way, as the width of the flank wear land (VBC parameter). The results of the investigations were presented in the form of the diagrams of the distribution of tool wear on consecutive hob teeth vs. time, and also as the diagrams of the tool wear changes for the most loaded hob\u27s tooth. By the use of the Taylor\u27s equation the influence of the cutting speed on the hob tool life T period was determined. Based on the results obtained it was found that the MQL method can be an alternative solution for the cutting fluid supply in hobbing

    Influence of axial feed in hobbing with minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) on wear of the hob and cutting forces

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    In the paper evaluation of the influence of axial feed on the hob wear in hobbing with minimal quantity lubrication technique has been done. As a work material C45 carbon steel has been investigated. Wear resistance of the hob made from high speed steel HS6-5-2 without coating has been investigated. For comparison tests with conventional fluid supply method have been carried out. Gears have been generated with full depth of cut and with two axial feed with constant cutting speed value. During hobbing cutting forces have been measured by experimental stand. Tool wear has been measured directly as a width of flank wear land of the hob cutter teeth. During investigation any significant wear changes on the rake faces haven’t been detected, so those results haven’t been taken into consideration. A constant length of cut parameter has been established as a criteria value. Results of investigation have been presented in the form of graphs describing changes of wear land width parameter in comparison to the most loaded tooth wear land parameter. Also changes of cutting forces in time are presented too. On the base of obtained results conclusion has been formulated that MQL technique might be used as an alternative solution for supplying cutting fluid into the cutting zone during hobbing process

    A review of diagonal hobbing operation in the aspect of the tooth flank finish and hob edge wear.

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    Application of 3D laser scanner and coordinate measuring machine for construction and quality control of spur gear.

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    W pracy przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania skanera Perceptron V4i oraz współrzędnościowej maszyny pomiarowej DEA Global Performance do budowy i oceny modelu koła zębatego. W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe kroki wymagane do oceny dokładności geometrycznej koła zębatego. Porównano wyniki uzyskane dwoma metodami pomiarowymi wykorzystując oprogramowanie: Solid Edge, Geomagic Studio, PCDMIS, PCDMIS Gear oraz pakiet Microsoft Excel. Zaprezentowano możliwości standardowej wersji programu PC-DMIS do oceny dokładności podstawowych parametrów kół zębatych i zaprezentowano możliwości bardziej zaawansowanej analizy wykorzystując dane uzyskane z programu sterującego maszyną pomiarową. Omówiono wyniki pomiarów uzyskanych na podstawie pomiarów współrzędnościowych oraz skanowania 3D oraz zaprezentowano wnioski końcowe. Na zakończenie podano wskazówki praktyczne umożliwiające skrócenie czasu wykonania modeli referencyjnych CAD oraz usprawniające proces inżynierii odwrotnej.In the paper possibility of utilization 3D laser scanner Perceptron V4i and Coordinate Measuring Machine DEA Global Performance for dimensional control of spur gear are presented. In the article essential steps which is needed to take for dimensional quality control of spur gear have been presented. Application of mentioned previously measuring equipment gave opportunity to create CAD model of spur gear, which work as reference to evaluate dimensional quality, and compare results obtained from coordinate measuring technique and 3D scanning method. To evaluate results a wide range of special software packages were used e.g. Solid Edge, Geomagic Studio, PCDMIS, PCDMIS Gear and Microsoft Excel. Also utilization of data obtained from standard version of PC-DMIS software for more sophisticated analysis of primary gear parameters have been shown. Moreover comparison of results obtained from two types of measuring methods have been discussed and final conclusions have been formulated. Finally practical tips to decrease time which is needed for creation of reference CAD models and improving reverse engineering procedures are presented

    Wear resistance investigations of wiper cutting inserts

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    In the paper results concerning wear resistance of Wiper cutting inserts for selected cutting conditions are presented. In the first stage of investigation recommended by manufacturer of inserts cutting parameters have been tested. Moreover out of recommended range cutting parameters were tested too. On the base of results obtained from first stage of researches, where the smallest values of roughness parameters had been noticed, cutting parameters have been selected for wear resistance investigations. In the second stage of investigation flank wear land VBB parameters and surface roughness parameters of the machined surface of the work piece were measured. Influence of applied cutting parameters on wear resistance of cutting tool has been described