5 research outputs found

    A Review : Dietary Fiber Biochemical Inductions and Its Hypocholesterolemic Effects

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    ABSTRACT Most people already know that dietary_ fiber can have detrimental or beneficial effects on health, primarily with regard to nutritional status. In this writing one of the beneficial effects of the consumption ofdietary fiber especially its hypocholesterolemic effect will be discussed. Many research papers have already showed regarding the connection between the biochemical induction of soluble fiber and the hypocholesterolemic effect of soluble fiber. In these investigations treatments were given to various kinds of experimental animals and to humans as experimental subjects. Kinds of foods were used as sources of fiber. The researchers were able to discover a variety of biochemical inductions that led to a hypocholesterolomic effect and were able to lower the cholesterol concentration in various kinds of lipoprotein fractions. Biochemical inductions discovered were, among others: fiber making food difficult to be digested, thereby inhibiting lipid absorption, decreasing cholesterol synthesis, increase of cholesterol excretion through the bile, decreasing of Apo B synthesis in the liver, decrease of the mRNA Apo B concentration of the liver, decrease in mRNA Apo A-I and mRNA Apo A-IV concentration in intestinal cells, decrease in HMG-CoA reductase activity and decrease in insulin secretion. Every soluble .fiber from specific sources of dietary fiber produced a certain biochemical induction and also hypocholesterolemic effect to a certain lipoprotein fraction. The concentration of total cholesterol and cholesterol in lipoproteins containing Apo B, and the LDL-C: HDL-C ratio are all lowered. Thus the patient is able to choose as a source offiber, the food of his or her preference appropriate to his or her kind of hypercholesterolemic disorder, with the goal of reduction of cholesterol concentration. Key Words: Bile, HMG-CoA Reductase, Apo A ImRNA, Apo A II-mRNA, LDL receptor mRN

    Penambahan aktivitas fisik terrendah untuk menaikkan kadar kolesterol HDL pada orang-orang dengan aktivitas ringan sampai sedang

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    keywords: lipid, lipoprotein plasma darah, kadar kolestero

    Disproporsi Perubahan Kadar Glukosa, Asam Laktat dan Hemoglobin Darah Sebagai Parameter Uji Kinerja Fisik

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    Disproportional changes of glucose, lactic acid and haemoglobin level as parameters for physical performance test Levels of blood Hb, glucose and lactic acid were estimated two times to 49 athletes of badminton and tennis (13-27 years old). The estimations were done before and after physical performance test. The loads of physical performance test for the subjects were different to each other, depending on their capacities. The changes of Hb concentration were used to correct the changes of glucose and lactic acid concentrations due to the changes of blood volume. The Hb concentrations of 35 subjects increased and the rest of 14 decreasedthey were called group A (n=35) and group B (n=14) respectively. When blood glucose concentrations were observed from group A, 24 of them decreased (group At) while the remaining 11 increased. After it had been adjusted to the changes of blood volume, the blood glucose concentration of 4 among the 11 persons (group A2) became lower, while the other 7 subjects remained high (group A3). Blood glucose concentrations of group B increased even after adjusted to the changes of blood volume. The lactic acid concentrations of all subjects also increased after adjusted to the changes of blood volume. Key words: athletes blood haemoglobin glucose lactic acid physical performanc

    Kadar Malondialdehid Plasma dan Hemoglobin Darah Setelah Pemberian Vitamin C pada Manula di Daerah Dataran Tinggi dan Dataran Rendah: Plasma Malondialdehid Concentrations and Blood Hemoglobin after the Administration of

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    The increase of free radicals occurred in the elderly, resulting in the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. Antioxidants such as glutathion, vitamin C, and vitamin E were potential substances for the treatment of the elderly in connecting oxidative stress. Vitamin C is a water soluble compound that is considered as an chain-breaking antioxidant. lion absorption, as Fe is also enhanced by simultaneous ingestion of the vitamin C, but ascorbic acid serves no spesific function in hematopoesis. Vitamin E regeneration takes place spontaneously in response to ascorbic acid therapy. The problem of this study was whether the administration vitamin C could decrease plasma malondialdehyde concentration and increase hemoglobin concentration with two elderly groups living in the highlands and the lowland. The aim of this study was to assess the decrease of plasma malondialdehyde and increase of blood hemoglobin concentration after administration of vitamin C in the highlands and the lowland elderly groups. Experimental study with the same subject had been done. The subjects of this study were elderly groups, aged 60-80 years, healthy and able to do daily physical activities The elderly were divided into 2 groups : the highlands elderly who consisted of 24 elders (KDT) and the lowland elderly who consisted of 19 elderly (KDR). Blood samples were taken two times i.e before (sample I) and after (sample II) vitamin C administration for thirty consecutive days. Plasma malondialdehyde concentration had been measured by Yagi method. Plasma vitamin C concentration and blood hemoglobin were analysed according to colorimetris methods (Tiezt, 1986). The results showed that the average concentrations of MDA of KDR in sample I was 2,86 ± 0,69 nmol/ml, in sample II was 2,07±0,39 nmol /ml. The average concentrations of MDA of KDT in sample I was 3,50 ± 0,57 nmol /m1 and sample II 2,69 ± 0,49 nmol/ml. The averag

    Vitamin E and MDA Concentrations in Plasma of Healthy Young Adult, Elderly and Pregnancy

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    Vitamin E is one of essential micronutrients. It is an antioxidant which potentially protects bioinolecules against oxidative damage. One ofparameters ofoxidafive damage is MDA or lipid peroxide. In this study, concentrations of plasma vitamin E as an antioxidant and MDA as one of oxidative damage markers were measured. The subjects consisted offive groups: (I) male medical students (young adult), (II) female medical students (young adult), (III) nursery inhabitants in Yogyakarta province (Abiyoso), (IV) nursery inhabitants in Manado, North Sulawesi Province (Senja Cerah), as the old ages, and (V) pregnant women within third trimester (of Prenatal Care Unit in Sardjito Hospital). The concentrations of Vitamin E (mg/dl) and MDA (nmol/ml) were as follows: Young Adult Male (n= 28) 20,8 + 3,8 and 0,190 + 0,057Young adult Female (n-28) 21,9 + 4,5 and 0,123 + 0,057Old age Yogyakarta (n=41) 30,6 + 10,4 and 0,291 + 0,062Old age Manado (n=40) 26,5 + 4,5 and 0,391 + 0,081Pregnant Women (=28) 39,9 + 11,3 and 0,165 -f 0,067. Groups of people who were hyperlipemic tend to have high concentration of Vitamin E, while group IV who eat less vegetable protein and more PUFA tend to have higher MDA concentration. Keyword : Malonal dehyde (MDA), plasma, young adult, elderly, pregnanc