29 research outputs found

    Agriculture Land Use Change and Demographic Change in Response to Decline Suspended Sediment in Juzna Morava River Basin (Serbia)

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    This study expounds the dynamic relationships among agricultural land-use change, rural population migration, and sediment transport. The variability of suspended sediment load was detected by Mann-Kendall and Pettitt tests. From 1961 to 2007, the annual trend in suspended sediment concentration and sediment load demonstrated significant reduction (alpha = 0.001), with decreasing rates of 0.0144 g/L/y and 84.7 t/y, respectively. An abrupt change-point was detected in 1984 for the sediment load (p = 0.0001). The double-mass curve method and regression analysis of sediment load versus precipitation were used to quantify the effects of climate change and human activities on sediment load variations. The changes in sediment load were predominantly impacted by human activities (89%), while precipitation explained 11% of the reduction in suspended sediment. An important land-use change recorded in the Juzna Morava river basin comprised the abandonment of agricultural lands due to depopulation processes, as well as economic and social changes, which was followed by significant impacts on soil erosion and sediment transport. Land abandonment was most pronounced in marginal mountain or semi-mountainous areas, where agriculture was until recent decades traditional or semi-traditional. The results of the correlation matrix were significant at the p lt 0.05 level, demonstrating that the decrease of rural population, agricultural land, and arable land were directly related to the decline of suspended sediment. High correlation coefficients were found between anthropogenic indicators and sediment parameters, ranging from 0.94 to 0.97

    Visinsko zoniranje voda u slivu Rasine

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    The Rasina River Basin is located on the territory of Central Serbia. The aim of this paper is to determine the amount and spatial distribution of water resources, that is, to establish the participation of altitudinal zones in the formation of the total runoff in the Rasina River Basin area upstream from the 'Ćelije' reservoir. In terms of methodology, determination of water volume is based on four separated petrological-hydrological complexes. Average weighted specific runoff in a given territory is 9 l/s/km2. Metamorphites and magmatites are in the first place per participation in the total water runoff of 42.8 %. The second place belongs to sedimentary rocks that make 39.6 % of the total runoff . Unbound sediments participate in the total runoff value with 10.5 % and limestone with 7.1%.Sliv reke Rasine nalazi na teritoriji centralne Srbije. Cilj ovog rada je da se na prostoru sliva Rasine uzvodno od akumulacije 'Ćelije' utvrdi količina i prostorna distribucija vodnih kapaciteta, odnosno da se ustanovi učeŔće visinskih zona u formiranju ukupnog oticaja. U metodoloÅ”kom smislu utvrđivanje vodnosti bazirano je preko četiri izdvojena petroloÅ”ko-hidroloÅ”ka kompleksa. Prosečni ponderisani specifični oticaj na datoj teritoriji iznosi 9 l/s/km2. Na prvom mestu po učeŔću u ukupnom oticanju voda 42,8 %, imaju metamorfiti i magmatiti. Drugo mesto pripada sedimentnim stenama koje sa 39,6 % čine deo ukupnog oticaja. Nevezani sedimenti učestvuju u ukupnoj vrednosti oticaja sa 10,5 %, a krečnjaci sa 7,1%

    Geography of diseases caused by biological agents from water ā€“ AP Vojvodina

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    The aim of this article is to investigate the health effects of biological agents originating from the waters of the AP Vojvodina (northern Serbia). Microbiological defects in untreated drinking water were analysed for coliform microorganisms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus (genus Streptococcus), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, aerobic mesophilic and thermotolerant microorganisms of faecal origin, and the possible effects on public health are discussed. Characteristic diseases caused by biological pathogens (acute bacillary dysentery, giardiasis, infectious jaundice, leptospirosis, tularemia, amoebic dysentery) are also shown with an illustration of the changes in disease patterns and their tendencies. These analyses can influence the improvement of population and public health status, the adaptation of prevention programs in vulnerable areas, and the reduction of waterborne disease prevalence among the local population

    Geography of diseases caused by biological agents from water ā€“ AP Vojvodina

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    The aim of this article is to investigate the health effects of biological agents originating from the waters of the AP Vojvodina (northern Serbia). Microbiological defects in untreated drinking water were analysed for coliform microorganisms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus (genus Streptococcus), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, aerobic mesophilic and thermotolerant microorganisms of faecal origin, and the possible effects on public health are discussed. Characteristic diseases caused by biological pathogens (acute bacillary dysentery, giardiasis, infectious jaundice, leptospirosis, tularemia, amoebic dysentery) are also shown with an illustration of the changes in disease patterns and their tendencies. These analyses can influence the improvement of population and public health status, the adaptation of prevention programs in vulnerable areas, and the reduction of waterborne disease prevalence among the local population

    Intra-Annual Dynamics Dissolved Solids and Suspended Sediment in the Extreme Hidrological Events ā€“ Case Study NiÅ”ava River

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    Dynamics of totall dissolved solids (TDS) and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) were monitored on the river NiÅ”ava at the hydrological station Dimitrovgrad. Water samples were collected each day in the period from 01.01.2010ā€“31.12.2010. TDS concentration followed a seasonal pattern imposed by the availability of water, with higher concentrations recorded in low-flow periods and lower concentration in the highflow period. SSC was extremely variable and dominate mainly with specific high-flow events. Mean annual discharge (Q=6.68 m3/s, q=13.9 l/s/km2) over the year was 3.3 times higher than the average for the period of 50 years. In the study period, the annual transport dissolved load (Qd) was 36962.8 t (specific load Qds=76.7 t/km2/yr) and suspended sediment load (Qs) was 98861.9 t (specific load Qss=205.1 t/km2/yr). The transport of dissolved load and suspended sediment load shows temporal variations in different seasons. The analysis revealed that the maximum loads was transferred during the winter (Qd=43.3% and Qs=56.8% of the annual transport) and spring season (Qd=37.9% and Qs=38.9% of the annual transport). A comparative analysis of Q, Qd, and Qs show that the suspended sediment shows greater variability and exponential pattern of transport. For instance, 90% of the time was required to export 65% of the total water and transported 77% of the total dissolved load and only 22% total suspended sediment load. The most extreme precipitation episodes and extreme temperatures events was recorded in February 2010. The floods in February contributed by 44.8% of the total Qs transport over the study period. These findings have important implications for water resource management in the context of sediments mobilization, erosion, channel management, water quality and ecological functions

    Anthropogenic Impact on Erosion Intensity: Case Study of Rural Areas of Pirot and Dimitrovgrad Municipalities, Serbia

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    In many Eastern European countries, the standard of living increased as a result of the process of industrialization in the second half of the 20th Century. Consequently, the population in rural areas with small-scale farming decreased due to the availability of employment elsewhere. This directly impacted soil erosion (and thereby sustainability of the land), but the degree and direction are not well known. This study investigates two municipalities within Serbia, their change in population and its impact on land use changes and soil erosion. The standard of living increased after the industrialization process in the 1960s within these municipalities. The erosion potential model is used to calculate gross annual erosion. The changes related to population and arable land in rural settlements are analyzed according to proportional spatial changes. The results show an overall decrease of erosion intensity in the study area. In addition, two basic findings are derived: first, the highest level of human impact on soil is in rural settlements at the lowest elevation zones, where erosion intensity shows the least amount of decrease; and, second, the most intensive depopulation process, recorded in higher elevation zones, indicates a rapid decrease of erosion intensity

    Mehanička vodna erozija u slivu Crnice

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    Održivo koriŔćenje resursa lokalne sredine je moguće samo uz identifikaciju glavnih faktora njihove degradacije. Jedan od glavnih faktora degradacije celokupne životne sredine je erozija i transport nanosa. Rad se bavi procesom mehaničke vodne erozije u slivu Crnice sa stanoviÅ”ta njegove prostorno-vremenske varijabilnosti. Empirijski metod Gavrilović, u kombinaciji sa savremenim programskim paketima i teledetekcionim metodama, omogućio je precizno utvrđivanje uticaja glavnih fizičko-geografskih faktora na proces erozije u slivu. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je u periodu 1971-2011. godine doÅ”lo do smanjenja erozije za 13%. Sklop fizičko-geografskih i antropogenih faktora je doveo do specifične prostorne raspodele produkcije nanosa u slivu Crnice. Karte produkcije nanosa u slivu Crnice za 1971. i 2011. godinu, mogu biti osnova za reÅ”avanje ključnih problema grada Paraćina i njegove okoline

    Mehanička vodna erozija u slivu Crnice

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    Održivo koriŔćenje resursa lokalne sredine je moguće samo uz identifikaciju glavnih faktora njihove degradacije. Jedan od glavnih faktora degradacije celokupne životne sredine je erozija i transport nanosa. Rad se bavi procesom mehaničke vodne erozije u slivu Crnice sa stanoviÅ”ta njegove prostorno-vremenske varijabilnosti. Empirijski metod Gavrilović, u kombinaciji sa savremenim programskim paketima i teledetekcionim metodama, omogućio je precizno utvrđivanje uticaja glavnih fizičko-geografskih faktora na proces erozije u slivu. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je u periodu 1971-2011. godine doÅ”lo do smanjenja erozije za 13%. Sklop fizičko-geografskih i antropogenih faktora je doveo do specifične prostorne raspodele produkcije nanosa u slivu Crnice. Karte produkcije nanosa u slivu Crnice za 1971. i 2011. godinu, mogu biti osnova za reÅ”avanje ključnih problema grada Paraćina i njegove okoline

    Značaj geoloŔkih resursa i uticaj njihove eksploatacije na životnu sredinu

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    Eksploatacija geoloÅ”kih resursa je oduvek imala značajnu ulogu u razvoju druÅ”tva. Å irom sveta, pa i na teritoriji Srbije, rudarstvo ima dugu tradiciju i predstavlja važnu privrednu delatnost. Savremenom druÅ”tvu su neophodni resursi mineralnih sirovina, a samim tim i rudarska industrija, jer proizvodi dobijeni ovom delatnoŔću poboljÅ”avaju kvalitet života i omogućavaju druÅ”tveni rast. Podizanjem ekoloÅ”ke svesti i usvajanjem novih zakonskih regulativa, gotovo sve rudarske kompanije usvajaju rigoroznu politiku i procedure zbog potrebe održivosti. U razvijenim zemljama rudarska aktivnost je sada usko regulisana, a uticaji na životnu sredinu se sve viÅ”e kontroliÅ”u. Obavezan deo plana zatvaranja rudnika predstavlja svakako rekultivacija zemljiÅ”ta, odnosno vraćanje zemljiÅ”ta na kom se odvijala eksploatacija mineralnih sirovina u prirodno ili ekonomski upotrebljivo stanje sa ciljem ublažavanja posledica rudarske aktivnosti na životnu sredinu. Sastavni je deo zakonskih regulativa i procene uticaja na životnu sredinu u mnogim zemljama

    Ruralna deagrarizacija kao faktor promene intenziteta erozije zemljiŔta

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    Intenzitet erozije zemljiÅ”ta rezultat je kombinovanog delovanja različitih prirodnih i antropogenih faktora. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da utvrdi agrarne indikatore kao determinante promene intenziteta erozije zemljiÅ”ta u slivovima Crnice i Rasničke reke. Model potencijala erozije primenjen je za procenu stanja erozije zemljiÅ”ta za dva perioda 1971. godine i 2010. godine. Koeficijent erozije u slivu Crnice iznosio je Z1=0,390 i Z2=0,360, a specifična produkcija nanosa Ws1=529 m3/km2/god i Ws2=463 m3/km2/god. Koeficijent erozije u slivu Rasničke reke iznosio je Z1=0,437 i Z2=0,374, a specifična produkcija nanosa Ws1=861 m3/km2/god i Ws2=622 m3/km2/god. Ekstremno smanjenje agrarnog pritiska na zemljiÅ”te, veliki udeo naselja regresivnog tipa od 80 %, kao i intenzivan proces depopulacije rezultiralo je većoj redukciji erozije zemljiÅ”ta u slivu Rasničke reke. Rezulati ove studije mogu omogućiti donosiocima odluka nove pristupe za adekvatno upravljanje zemljiÅ”nim resursima u ruralnim sredinama