23 research outputs found
Carulaspis juniperi (Bouche)-juniper pest (Juniperus spp.) in the Belgrade area
The scale insect, Carulaspis juniperi (Bouche) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), is a significant pest on juniper (Juniperus spp.). Its population number has increased in the Belgrade area in recent years. It is present in large numbers on plant twigs, needles and cones, and causes a slowdown in growth, needle chlorosis and premature needle fall, the loss of aesthetic value, drying of branches and whole plants. The presence and attack intensity of C. juniperi were determined on Juniperus spp. in 19 localities in the Belgrade area in 2007 and 2008. Its life cycle and harmfulness were also studied. C. juniperi develops one generation per year and overwinters as a fertilized female on juniper branches and needles. Oviposition starts at the end of April and beginning of May. The number of eggs laid by a single female is 16- 44. First instar larvae hatch in May and second instars appear at the beginning of June. At the end of June and in July males and females form. After copulation the males die and the fertilized females remain on the plants feeding until overwintering
Prirodni neprijatelji Pseudaulacaspis pentagona Targioni -Tozzetti u Srbiji
Five parasitoid and five predator species were registered on P. pentagona on 12 localities in Serbia and 27 in the area of Belgrade during 1997-2000. The parasitoid species registered were: Prospaltella berlesei (Howard), Aphytis proclia (Walker), Zaomma lambinus (Walker), Azotus perspeciosus (Girault) and Oomyzus scaposus (Thomson), and the first three species were primary parasitoids of mulberry scale. P. berlesei and A. proclia were found to be the most important regulators of P. pentagona population density with parasitism mounting to 60, even 64%. The predator species determined were Chilocorus renipustulatus Scriba, Chilocorus bipustulatus L., Cybocephalus fodori Endrody-Younga, Chrysopa carnea Stephens and Deraeocoris ruber Linnaeus. The species C. fodori and C. carnea were found on mulberrry scale in Serbia for the first time. Until now D. ruber was unknown as P. pentagona predator in both domestic and international literature.U periodu 1997-2000. godine na 12 lokaliteta u Srbiji i 27 lokacija na podruÄju Beograda i Å”ire okoline, registrovano je pet vrsta parazitoida i pet vrsta predatora na Pseudaulacaspis pentagona Targioni-Tozzetti. Od parazitoida, registrovane su vrste Prospaltella berlesei (Howard), Aphytis proclia (Walker), Zaomma lambinus (Walker), Azotus perspeciosus (Girault) i Oomyzus scaposus (Thomson), pri Äemu su prve tri vrste primarni parazitoidi dudove Å”titaste vaÅ”i. Prospaltella berlesei i Aphytis proclia predstavljaju najznaÄajnije regulatore brojnosti populacija P. pentagona sa parazitiranoÅ”Äu do 60%, odnosno 64%. Od predatora, utvrÄene su vrste Chilocorus renipustulatus Scriba, Chilocorus bipustulatus L., Cybocephalus fodori Endrody - Younga, Chrysopa carnea Stephens i Deraeocoris ruber Linnaeus. Vrste Cybocephalus fodori i Chrysopa carnea su prvi put utvrÄene na dudovoj Å”titastoj vaÅ”i u Srbiji, dok vrsta Deraeocoris ruber do sada nije bila poznata kao predator P. pentagona u domaÄoj i stranoj literaturi
Oligotrophus betheli felt (Diptera:Cecidomyiidae), a new species in the fauna of Europe
Oligotrophus betheli or the juniper tip midge is a North American species and its presence has been established only in Continental USA, on Juniperus spp. (Gagne, 1989). In the period between 2007 and 2009 this species was observed on Juniperus virginiana L. in many localities in Serbia, which represents the first record of this species not only in Serbia, but also in Europe
Prilog poznavanju vrste Leucopomyla silesiaca (Egger, 1862), predatora Ŕtitastih vaŔi iz familije Coccidae u Srbiji
Leucopomyia silesiaca (Egger, 1862) is a small, greyish-black fly from Chamaemyiidae (Diptera) family. The larvae of this species prey on the eggs in the ovisac of scale insects from the Coccidae, Pseudococcidae, Eriococcidae families. In Serbia, the presence of Leucopomyia silesiaca larvae have been registered in the ovisacs of two soft scale species, namely: Pulvinaria vitis on grapevine, and Pulvinaria floccifera on ivy. The larvae which feed by sucking the eggs have been found in May, pupae at the end of May, and imago at the beginning of June. The whole fly life cycle was completed in the ovisacs of these scale insects. The species was determined on the basis of the fly's morphological traits, especially male genitalia. In one ovisac of P. vitis, there were from one to four fly larvae, while in the ovisac of P. floccifera, only one larva was present. The fly larvae were present in 7Ā10% of the examined P. vitis ovisacs, and in 15% of the examined P. floccifera ovisacs.U jajnim kesama Å”titastih vaÅ”i iz familije Coccidae, utvrÄeno je prisustvo larvi Leucopomyia silesiaca (Egger, 1862), koje su se hranile jajima vaÅ”iju. L. silesiaca je predatorska muva iz familije Chamaemyiidae, reda Diptera. Tokom naÅ”ih istraživanja, ova vrsta je u Srbiji utvrÄena kao predator jaja dve vrste Å”titastih vaÅ”i, Pulvinaria vitis (L.) na vinovoj lozi i Pulvinaria floccifera (Westwood) na brÅ”ljanu. Na bazi sopstvenih zapažanja i literaturnih podataka, u radu se iznose podaci o osnovnim morfoloÅ”ko-bioloÅ”kim karakteristikama L. silesiaca i njenom znaÄaju u regulaciji brojnosti Å”titastih vaÅ”i
Parazitoidi i predatori Å”titastih vaÅ”iju iz familije Diaspididae u nekim voÄnjacima u Srbiji
Five parasitoid and five predator species were registered on four armored scale species in apple, pear, peach and plum orchards at 16 sites in Serbia. The armored scales found were: Diaspidiotus perniciosus (Comstock), Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni-Tozzetti), Epidiaspis leperii (Signoret) and Lepidosaphes ulmi (L.). The parasitoid species detected were: Encarsia (=Prospaltella) perniciosi (Tow.), Encarsia (=Prospaltella) berlesei (How.), Aphytis proclia (Wal.), Aphytis mytilaspidis (Le Baron) and Coccobius testaceus (Masi), all of the Aphelinidae family. The most important endoparasitoids were: Encarsia perniciosi on D. perniciosus, Encarsia berlesei on P. pentagona and Coccobius testaceus on L. ulmi. Only one ectoparasitoid species, Aphytis mytilaspidis, was found on E. leperii, while Aphytis proclia was found as an ectoparasitoid on D. perniciosus, P. pentagona and L. ulmi. The predator species detected were: Chilocorus renipustulatus (Scriba), Chilocorus bipustulatus (L.), Cybocephalus fodori Endrody - Younga, Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) and Deraeocoris ruber (L.). Cybocephalus fodori was for the first time found as a predator on E. leperii in Serbia.U periodu od 2007. do 2009. godine, u zasadima jabuke, kruÅ”ke, breskve i Å”ljive, u 16 lokaliteta na teritoriji Srbije, utvrÄene su Äetiri vrste Å”titastih vaÅ”iju iz familije Diaspididae, i 10 vrsta njihovih prirodnih neprijatelja, meÄu kojima je pet parazitoida i pet predatora. Vrste Å”titastih vaÅ”iju su: Diaspidiotus perniciosus (Comstock), Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni-Tozzetti), Epidiaspis leperii (Signoret) i Lepidosaphes ulmi (L.). Od parazitoida, odgajeno je pet vrsta iz familije Aphelinidae: Encarsia (=Prospaltella) perniciosi (Tow.), Encarsia (=Prospaltella) berlesei (How.), Aphytis proclia (Wal.), Aphytis mytilaspidis (Le Baron) i Coccobius testaceus (Masi). NajznaÄajniji endoparazitoidi su Encarsia perniciosi na D. perniciosus, zatim Encarsia berlesei na P. pentagona, i Coccobius testaceus na L. ulmi. Aphytis mytilaspidis je ektoparazitoid na E. leperii, a Aphytis proclia ektoparazitoid na D. perniciosus, P. pentagona i L. ulmi. Tri vrste predatora su iz reda Coleoptera, od kojih su Chilocorus renipustulatus (Scriba) i Chilocorus bipustulatus (L.) iz familije Coccinellidae, a Cybocephalus fodori Endrody - Younga iz familije Cybocephalidae. Iz reda Neuroptera utvrÄena je Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (fam. Chrysopidae), a iz reda Hemiptera, Deraeocoris ruber (L.) iz familije Miridae. Cybocephalus fodori je prvi put registrovan u Srbiji kao predator E. leperii
Psyllid species (Cacopsylla spp.) in pear orchards of East Sarajevo
Psyllid species (Cacopsylla spp.) are the most important pests on pear in all regions where this fruit species is grown. Cacopsylla spp. cause direct and indirect damages because they suck the sap and make large amounts of honeydew, which disturbs the normal physiological processes. Some psyllid species vectors of phytoplasma were found (Carraro i sar., 1998). The survey was done in 2011 and 2012 in orchards, in the locations of Vojkovici, Kula, Tilava, PetroviÄi and Kasindo. In Kula location, survey was done on the following cultivars: Wiliams, General Le Clerc, "Passa Crasana", Abe Fetel and Poire de CurĆ©. In pear orchards of the East Sarajevo area the following were determined: Cacopsylla pyri Linne, Cacopsylla pyrisuga Foerster and Cacopsylla pyricola Foerster. In intensive orchards of VojkoviÄi and Kula, C. pyri was more present compared to C. pyrisuga, while in extensive orchards in the location of Kasindo, C. pyrisuga was more present. In semi-intensive orchards, Tilava and PetroviÄi, the most present was C. pyrisuga, then C. pyri and the least present was C. pyricola. In the locality of Kula, the highest percentage of shoots infeted with C. pyri was the Poire de CurĆ©, and the smallest was of cultivar Abe Fetel
BioloŔka borba protiv korova, I - strategije, agensi i regulativa
A strong tendency to control weeds by cultural and biological methods is presently observed in the world. One of the main plant protection problems facing agriculture today concerns the implementation of different control methods and the impact on the environment and public health by extensive use of chemicals. This review discusses reasons for the actualization of biological control, advantages of this method, main strategies, organisms (insects, mites, fungi) i.e. biocontrol agents, most important characteristics of herbivores and pathogens and suitable characteristics of weeds for biological control, criteria and methods for selection of herbivores and pathogens for introduction and regulations for import and distribution of biological control agents.U ovom revijalnom radu obraÄeni su razlozi aktuelizacijc bioloÅ”ke borbe protiv korova i pogodnosti primene ove metode, glavne strategije, organizmi koji se koriste kao agensi bioloÅ”ke borbe protiv korova, bitne karakteristike fitofaga i patogena preporuÄenih za bioloÅ”ku borbu kao i poželjne karakteristike korova, kritcrijumi i metode izbora agenasa za introdukciju, propisi i preporuke o unoÅ”enju i rukovanju bioloÅ”kim agensima
Psyllid Species (Cacopsylla spp.) in Pear Orchards of East Sarajevo
Psyllid species (Cacopsylla spp.) are the most important pests on pear in all regions where this fruit species is grown. Cacopsylla spp. cause direct and indirect damages because they suck the sap and make large amounts of honeydew, which disturbs the normal physiological processes.Ā Some psyllid species vectors of phytoplasma were found (Carraro i sar., 1998). The survey was done in 2011 and 2012 in orchards, in the locations of Vojkovici, Kula, Tilava, PetroviÄi and Kasindo. In Kula location, survey was done on the following cultivars: Wiliams, General Le Clerc, āPassa Crasanaā, Abe Fetel and Poire de CurĆ©. In pear orchards of the East Sarajevo area the following were determined: Cacopsylla pyri Linne, Cacopsylla pyrisuga Foerster and Cacopsylla pyricola Foerster.Ā In intensive orchards of VojkoviÄi and Kula, C. pyri was more present compared to C. pyrisuga, while in extensive orchards in the location of Kasindo, C. pyrisuga was more present. Ā In semi-intensive orchards, Tilava and PetroviÄi, the most present was C. pyrisuga, then C. pyri and the least present was C. pyricola.Ā In the locality of Kula, the highest percentage of shoots infeted with C. pyri was the Poire de CurĆ©, and the smallest was of cultivar Abe Fetel
Apalus bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1761), nova vrsta Meloidae u Srbiji
Apalus bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1761), which belongs to the family of blister beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae) has been recorded for the first time in Serbia. It was found in February 2013, in an urban Belgrade area, in the locality of Zemun. Its life cycle is connected with the solitary bee species Colletes cunicularius (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), which was found one month later in the same place. Collected adults of A. bimaculatus were reared in laboratory until the first instar larvae - triungulin larvae hatched out from the laid eggs.PoÄetkom 2013. godine, u Srbiji je prvi put utvrÄena vrsta Apalus bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1761), koja pripada familiji Meloidae (Coleoptera). NaÄena je u urbanom delu Beograda-lokalitet Zemun. Životni ciklus ove vrste vezan je sa solitarnom pÄelom Colletes cunicularius (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), Äije je prisustvo utvrÄeno na istom mestu, mesec dana kasnije. Sakupljena imaga A. bimaculatus su u laboratoriji gajena do momenta piljenja larvi
Neka zapažanja o rilaŔu Polydrusus (Polydrusus) picus ssp. picus (Fabricius 1792)
Polydrusus (Polydrusus) picus ssp. picus (Fabricius, 1792) which belongs to the family of weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) has been recorded in a high number during the spring 2017 in Belgrade area, Serbia. The adults were detected on aronia plants firstly, and than on strawberry plants and Celltis occidentalis L. leaves. The most of them were found feeding on the youngest leaves. On aronia and C. occidentalis plants, adults fed on young leaves along the periphery of the leaf blade and between the veins. On strawberry plants, adults fed on the same way on young leaves, but also damaged the leaf petioles, sepals, floral and fructal peduncles. High number of adults were found on aronia plants, but the most significant damages were detected on strawberry plants.Tokom proleÄa 2017. godine, na viÅ”e lokacija na podruÄju Beograda (Srbija), utvrÄeno je prisustvo brojnih imaga rilaÅ”a Polydrusus (Polydrusus) picus ssp. picus (Fabricius, 1792). Prva imaga naÄena su na sadnicama aronije u prodaji, a potom su u veÄem broju registrovana na aroniji i jagodi u okuÄnicama i na ameriÄkom kopriviÄu (Celtis occidentalis L.). Odrasle jedinke su se hranile grizuÄi mlade listove po obodu, ostavljajuÄi karakteristiÄna oÅ”teÄenja