13 research outputs found

    Thomson\u27s E/m Experiment Revisited

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    The objective of this experiment is to familiarize the student with the impulse theorem, electron dynamics, and magnetic field contours. He is challenged to obtain accurate as well as precise measurements with suboptimum apparatus through correct analysis. He also investigates the influence of various systematic errors using model calculations on a small computer. © 1972, American Association of Physics Teachers. All rights reserved

    Oxidation Kinetics Of Polycrystalline LaCrO3

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    The oxidation kinetics of polycrystalline LaCrO3 were determined by measuring the time and temperature dependence of the weight and conductivity change of reduced samples. A region of fast diffusion followed by a smaller, slower diffusion tail was observed in the thermogravimetric measurements. This observation can be interpreted as the rapid diffusion along the grain boundaries and subsequent diffusion into the body of the grain. The absence of the tail in the conductivity measurements is due to the high hole mobility along the boundaries. Copyright © 1987, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved

    Water And Ice Nucleation Sites From Ion Implantation Of Silicon

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    Ion implantation has a substantial effect on the heterogeneous nucleation of water and ice. An enhancement of water nucleation and a suppression of ice nucleation occurred for samples of silicon implanted with ions of various species and dosage. These effects were noticeable only for samples implanted with ion doses approaching or exceeding the critical dose necessary to produce amorphous silicon. The behavior of the water droplet and ice crystal growth can be related to the amount of ion produced damage to the substrate surface. The nature of the damage can be controlled by variation of the incident ion species, dose, and energy and thus offers a means of quantifying the surface damage while studying its relationship to heterogeneous nucleation. © 1980 American Chemical Society

    High-temperature Defect Structure Of Nb-doped LaCrO3

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    Electrical conductivity and Seebeck measurements on LaCr0.98Nb0.02CrO3 show that the defect structure of the material is mainly controlled by the extrinsic electrons formed by the Nb donors through the electronic compensation process. The experimental results also indicate that this material conducts electricity via a small polaron mechanism with an electron mobility around 0.004-0.01 cm2/V sec between 1100 and 1300°C. © 1989

    Defect Structure Of Y1-ycaymno3 And La1-ycaymno3. II. Oxidation-reduction Behavior

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    Electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermogravimetric behavior of compositions in the systems Y1-yCayMnO3 and Y1-yCayMnO3 were studied as functions of temperature and ambient oxygen activity in order to determine the mechanism of electrical transport and defect structure. Compositions in Y1-yCayMnO3 exhibited very slight oxygen activity-dependent behavior as the ambient oxygen activity was reduced. A defect model which includes the thermally excited disproportionation of Mn3+ into Mn2+ and Mn4+ pairs was applied to the oxygen-activity-dependent data for La0.80Ca0.20MnO3 and La0.60Ca0.40MnO3. For these compositions, the experimentally observed dependence of oxygen stoichiometry, electrical conductivity, and Seebeck coefficient upon ambient oxygen activity was explained using this model. © 1993 Academic Press, Inc

    Defect Structure Of Y1-ycaymno3 And La1-ycaymno3. I. Electrical Properties

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    Electrical conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient of compositions in the system Y1-yCayMnO3 and La1-yCayMnO3 were studied to determine the mechanism of electrical transport and defect structure. Electrical conduction appeared to occur via a small polaron hopping mechanism for compositions with 0.30 ≤ y ≤ 0.80. The Seebeck coefficient data did not support the assumption that Mn is present in Cadoped Mn perovskites only in the +3 and +4 valence states. A new defect model was developed which includes the thermally excited disproportion of Mn3+ and Mn4+ pairs. The Seebeck data were explained with this model by assuming that divalent Mn cations were site blockers in the conduction process. © 1993 Academic Press, Inc

    Defect Structure, Nonstoichiometry, And Phase Stability Of Ca-doped YCrO3

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    The dependence of the defect structure of Ca-doped YCrO3 on oxygen activity and temperature was investigated by high temperature thermogravimetric measurements. Defect models developed from electrical conductivity data obtained in a previous study were used to interpret the thermogravimetric data. A correlation was found between the electrical conductivity and the thermogravimetric data which suggested that these data were concomitantly dependent on the acceptor dopant and oxygen vacancy dependance of the thermodynamic parameters. Kröger-Vink type diagrams showing the regions of stability with respect to oxygen activity and temperature were constructed. The TGA data show that Ca-doped YCrO3 is even more stable toward reduction than doped LaCrO3. © 1991

    Spin Correlations In Actinide Materials: A Neutron Study Of USb

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    Measurements have been made of the short-range spin correlations in USb, a metallic compound that orders antiferromagnetically. The system has no transverse fluctuations, and the longitudinal spin correlations are anisotropic, showing stronger interactions within the ferromagnetic sheets than between them. The results of this and other experiments can be understood with simple concepts involving the bonding of 5f electrons. © 1978 The American Physical Society

    Transport Anomalies in the High-Temperature Hopping Conductivity and Thermopower of Sr-doped La(Cr,Mn)O,₃

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    A minimum exists in the electrical conductivity of the perovskite-type ceramic LaCr1-xMnxO3 as a function of Mn content near x=0.05. This minimum has been explained in terms of a crossover from multiple trapping to percolation among energetically lower Mn sites. In this paper electrical conductivity and Seebeck measurements are presented on a similar series in which 10 mol % Sr was substituted for La in order to increase the small polaron concentration through the compensation of Sr ions according to the Verway mechanism. The data suggests that there is an apparent suppression of the Verway compensation mechanism in all Mn-doped samples. The hopping crossover observed in the Sr-free series is retained with Sr doping, although the position and depth of the electrical-conductivity minimum are altered. Difficulties in the present understanding and interpretation of the electrical conductivity and Seebeck measurements as a function of Mn and Sr content in these materials are discussed. An electronic structure is suggested, which seems to resolve many of these problems

    Evidence for a Crossover from Multiple Trapping to Percolation in the High-Temperature Electrical Conductivity of Mn-doped LaCroO₃

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    We explain the deep electrical conductivity minimum near x=0.05 in the perovskite-type ceramic LaCr1-xMnxO3 as a crossover between two different regimes of hopping conduction. At low Mn concentrations the diffusion of small polarons among Cr ions is limited by multiple trapping at energetically lower Mn sites. At higher concentrations a percolating path of Mn sites forms and direct transport between Mn ions dominates the conduction process