6 research outputs found

    Innovation processes revisited by Internet

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    Abstract. Internet, far from being a simple technology, is truly changing our way of life. Just as the invention of the alphabet, or the printing, Internet is a fundamental technology that we have designed, but which, in turn, is impacting our behavior, our relationship with the world and ourselves. By empowering ordinary citizens, it helps us to face a cognitive paradigm shift. This is deeply rooted in the design process of Internet, which has led a new way to perform innovation. Some Internet fundamentals The deep roots of Internet When trying to understand why Internet became so important, two very important quotes come to mind. The first one is from a extremely well-known visionary, whose work was the great announcement of the Internet era: Marshall McLuhan. 1 Not only did he foresee the "global village", not only did he say this sentence, whose implications are very difficult to admit: "The medium is the message", not only he said that technologies are extensions of our bodies, but he positioned one of the fundamental revolution that Internet is helping us to achieve: to transform us from "passive " spectators into "hot " actors. This is to be seen not in the official web sites of standard media (press, TV, radios), simple transcriptions o

    Why virtual-world economies matter

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    In this special edition on virtual-world goods and trade, we are pleased to present articles from a global cohort of contributors covering a wide range of issues. Some of our writers, such Edward Castronova, Julian Dibbell or KZero's Nic Mitham will be well known to you as distinguished leaders in the field, but it is equally our pleasure to introduce exciting new voices. Here you will find pieces written by academics, practitioners, journalists, a documentary filmmaker and perhaps the youngest contributor to JVWR yet, Eli Kosminksy, who attends high school in upstate New York. We would also point out that this issue extends its format to include Anthony Gilmore's pictorial story, Julian Dibbell's audio interview, and Lori Landay's machinima. In real life, most contributors live in the US, the UK and Europe, and we, the editors, are based in Australia and France. We express warm thanks to the team at the University of Texas, especially to Jeremiah Spence, our editor-in-chief for his guidance throughout this process. We begin with our own thought piece, which is designed to contextualise the deeper contents herein by way of plotting the virtual goods path and placing some historical sign posts along the way

    Traitement du signal et analyse de la parole

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    SIGLECNRS-CDST / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    WEB 2.0 : 15 ans déjà et après ? : 7 pistes pour réenchanter Internet !

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    International audienceEn 15 ans, le Web 2.0 a radicalement transformé notre façon de travailler, de consommer, de vendre, de communiquer… Les technologies (mobile et tablette, 3G ou 4G, médias sociaux, big data, IA, etc.) ont bouleversé nos sphères de vie et notre rapport aux individus, à l’information, aux objets… 57 pionniers vous proposent d’explorer rétrospectivement les conséquences du digital sur notre société (économie, politique, juridique, culturel…). Le but : imaginer 7 pistes de réenchantement pour un futur numérique plus sain et plus responsable face à la domination des géants d’Internet, GAFA et BATX.La voix de 57 pionniers : Farid Arab . Thierry de Baillon . Christine Balagué . Éric Barbry . Beer Bergman . Olivier Berlingué . Nicolas Bermond . Fanny Berrebi . Michelle Blanc . Jérôme Bondu . Fadhila Brahimi . Frédéric Canevet . Dominique Cardon . Nicolas Celic . Cyrille Chaudoit . Jean-Pierre Corniou . Céline Crespin . André Dan . Yannis Delmas-Rigoutsos . Damien Douani . Antoine Dubuquoy . Jean-Philippe Encausse . Fabrice Epelboin . Olivier Ezratty . Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin . David Fayon . Mathieu Flaig . Cyrille Frank . Yann Gourvennec . David Guillocheau . Claudie Haigneré (Préface) . Olivier Iteanu . Henri Kaufman (Postface) . François Laurent . Yann Leroux . Éric Maillard . Vérone Mankou . Émilie Marquois . Grégory Maubon . Pierre Mawas . Pierre Métivier . Jean-Claude Morand . Ahmed Mehdi Omarouayache . Anthony Poncier . Grégory Pouy . PPC . Benoît Raphaël . Cyril Rimbaud . Vincent Rostaing . Jean-François Ruiz . Éric Seulliet . Serge Soudoplatoff . Virginie Spies . Yaëlle Teicher Stein . Pierre Tran . Pierre Vallet . Henri Verdier

    From E-Business to Social Tool for the Poor - A Study on Internet Applications, Drivers and Impact

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