7 research outputs found

    Effects of long term perinatal administration of Bupropion on population spike amplitude in neonatal rat hippocampal slices

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    Introduction: The perinatal effects of antidepressants on CNS due to its common usage are importantissues in neuroscience research. Bupropion is an atypical antidepressant that is used in smoke cessationunder FDA approve widely. The study of synaptic effects of bupropion can reveal its mechanism fornicotine dependence cessation. In this study the long term effects of perinatal bupropion on populationspike (PS) amplitudes were investigated. The PS amplitude is a good parameter for synaptic plasticity.Materials and Methods: Hippocampal slices from 18-25 day old rat’s pups were prepared. The examgroups included control and Bupropion treated groups. Bupropion (40 mg/Kg, i.p) was applied inperinatal period daily as pretreatment. Bupropion also was perfused in ACSF (10, 50, 200 μ mol, 30minutes) and tested for PS amplitude. PS amplitude of Stratum Radiatum was measured before and afterBupropion perfusion. Amplitude of PS before Bupropion perfusion was fitted as 100% for baseline.Results: A concentration of 10 μM did not reduce PS amplitude and Bupropion had no significanteffects on PS amplitude. Bupropion in concentration of 50μM could reduce the amplitude of responses in50% of cases. The 200 μM of Bupropion perfusion reduced population spike amplitude all slices (n=22).In the last state population spike amplitude in 8 out 0f 22 slices completely abolished. Decreasepopulation spike amplitude in non-treated slices with 200 μM perfusion was more than treated slices.Conclusion: Analyzing of data showed that chronic perinatal exposure to Bupropion in concentrations50,200 μM reduced PS amplitude and we found adaptation synaptic in perfusion 200 μM compare withBupropion treated slices with non- treated

    The role of glial glutamate transporter in the baseline synaptic response and short-term synaptic plasticity of CA1 area of the hippocampus in male Wistar rat

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    Background. Glial cells release different gliotransmitters and response to neurotransmitters released from neurons. These cells especially astrocytes, having different transporters, play an important role in synaptic space homeostasis and synaptic plasticity. In this study, the role of hippocampal glial glutamate transporter (EAAT2) in baseline synaptic response and short term synaptic plasticity were investigated. Methods. In this experimental study, ceftriaxone, EAAT2 activator (0.5mmol/0.5μl), was microinjected intrahippcampally for activation of hippocampal glial glutamate transporter in male wistar rats. Baseline synaptic response and short term synaptic plasticity were evaluated by field potential recording. fEPSP was recorded from CA1 following Schaffer collaterals stimulation. After Input/Output curve construction, short term synaptic plasticity was induced by paired pulse stimulations. Results. Activation of EAAT2 by ceftriaxone microinjection in CA1 did not have any effect on baseline synaptic response (P> 0.05, Two Way ANOVA). There was no significant difference in Paired Pulse Index at 20, 80, and 200 ms inter-pulse interval between ceftriaxone treated and control group (P> 0.05, Two Way ANOVA). Conclusion. The results suggest that hippocampal glial glutamate transporter activation does not have effect on baseline synaptic response and short term synaptic plasticity in CA1 area of the hippocampus. Practical implications. Considering the role of glial cells in regulating the excitability of the nervous system as well as synaptic plasticity, correcting these features of the nervous system by manipulating glial cells can help the treatment or prevention of neurological diseases. In this study, the role of glial cells in the homeostasis of the glutamate in the synaptic space of the hippocampus was evaluated, through the stimulation of its uptake, on the basic synaptic activity and short-term synaptic plasticity

    The Role of Astrocytic Cx43 in Baseline Synaptic Response and Short Term Synaptic Plasticity in CA1 Area of the Hippocampus

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    Background and purpose: Astrocytic connexins (Cxs) play roles in ion diffusion to the extracellular milieu and in release of ATP and gliotransmitters including glutamate. Connexin 43 (Cx43) is one of the most abundant Cxs in brain tissue, especially in the hippocampus, so, we investigated its role on CA1 baseline synaptic response and short term synaptic plasticity. Materials and methods: In this experimental study, bilateral intrahippocampal microinjection of TAT-Gap19, Cx43 blocker (1nmol/1μl) was performed for inhibition of hippocampal astrocytic connexin 43. Baseline synaptic response and short term synaptic plasticity were evaluated by field potential recording. Results:  According to two-way ANOVA, inhibition of hippocampal Cx43 did not have any effect on baseline synaptic response (P>0.05). TAT-Gap19 decreased paired pulse index (PPI) at 20 and 80 ms inter pulse intervals (IPI, Unpaired t-test, P0.05). Conclusion: The results suggest that the function of hippocampal astrocytic Cx43 does not affect baseline synaptic response but affects short term synaptic plasticity in CA1 area of the hippocampus