53 research outputs found

    Aanvullend voorzieningen gebruiksonderzoek, 2003 - AVO 2003

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    Use of a great number of social and cultural facilities in connection with characteristics of households and individuals (adults and youth). For detailed information see also 'Questionnaire and extra information' on this webpage. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek 2000 - TBO 2000

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    Data were collected in order to gain insight in the way the Dutch population is spending its time. The data were collected by means of two interviews (a baseline questionnaire and a concluding questionnaire) and a time-budget diary completed by the same respondents. Previous time-budget surveys were held in 1995, 1990, 1985, 1980, and 1975, and a number of variables were recoded to make the surveys better accessible for comparative research. The TBO survey is a project by the SCP, Cebuco, the Publieke Omroep (NOS/Teleac/NOT), Universiteit van Tilburg and the Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer. For more detailed information about the Time Budget Surveys please see also the website. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Databank Maatschappelijke Organisaties 2003 - DMO'03

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    Study aimed at the role of large national (membership-) organisations as intermediate between individuals and the state, in order to ascertain the contribution of these organisations to the development and maintenance of a vital civil society. General information about the organisation / internal structure and democratic standard / responses to changes during the past decades / profile of members and-or contributors / aims of the organisation / published magazines and report

    Aanvullend voorzieningen gebruiksonderzoek gehandicapten, 2000 - AVO 2000

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    Survey among persons with severe or moderate physical or mental disabilities, in order to gain a clear understanding in the extent to which people with disabilities participate in society in a wide range of areas. Characteristis of handicap, like duration and cause / health and well-being / education and possible limitations / participation in the labour market, experiences and limitations in volunteer work / income, use of additional income sources / housing situation / home care services (Thuiszorg), quality of this care and financial contributions by respondents to certain facilities (Eigen Bijdrage)/ use of medical appliances / use of the Provisions for the Handicapped Act (Wet Voorzieningen Gehandicapten - WVG)/ use of client-linked budget (Persoonsgebonden Budget)/ accessibility of leisure facilities / transport facilities / accessibility of public buildings

    Kwaliteit van het Funderend Onderwijs 2000 - KFO2000

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    Study aimed at getting insight in the opinions of parents regarding the quality of primary and secondary education

    Personen met een verstandelijke handicap 2000

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    The aim of this study is to gain more insight into the living situation of mentally handicapped persons of 18 years and over. This also includes work, health, social situation, housing, financial situation. Organization: Size and type of sheltered housing / location / religion / how is time of inhabitants spent, work, where / cultural activities, festivities, outings, holidays organized / does organization offer day activities, work / how many volunteers / personal budget (persoonsgebonden budget). Day activity or work center: for how many people / severity of mental handicap / where do participants live / waiting list / location. Mentally handicapped and proxy: sex, age, (also of other inmates) / mental limitations / behaviour problems / physical handicaps / communication possible / living situation / how long has r. been living here, where before / day activities / leisure activities / social network: partner (cohabitation), parents, siblings, friends, how often visit / health / if living independantly: how high is rent / type and costs of assistance / place of birth / education / social-economic status of family / size and type of household / did r. use to be a burden in the family when living at home / why these living arrangements / is r. on waiting list / income / satisfaction of the mentally handicapped with day activities, work, social life and living arrangements

    Aanvullend voorzieningen gebruiksonderzoek, 1999 - AVO 1999

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    Use of a great number of social and cultural facilities in connection with characteristics of households and individuals. Adjustments and supplies for handicapped people in dwelling / mortgage / use of rent subsidy regulation / separated collection of refuse / nursing and personal care: use of patient-care facilities, day-nursery facilities / ( assistance with housekeeping ) / use of supplies for individual transport and financial compensation for disabled / child care, maternity leave, problems with upbringing / primary school of children, child care after school hours / scholarship, compensation for costs of study / sports activites / membership sports-clubs / use of sports facilities / visiting social cultural centres, community centres / use of recreational facilities / visiting theatres, concerts / going to the movies, exhibitions, museums / membership of art library, buying art / frequency of reading books, radio listening and watching tv / having a video / leisure activities / hobbies / use of educational facilities, use of PC, Internet / social network / contacts with employment exchange, social services, Industrial Insurance Administration Office ( GAK ) in the last 2 years / use of organisations for legal assistance ( included: experiences with lawyers and with police ) / use of odd-jobbers / use of medical facilites / extent of infirmity, problems with housekeeping / chronical disorders / disablement insurance benefit / preferred terms of employment, fringe benefits / incapacity for work / sources of income ( also in the past ), tax deductible expenses, kind of social security benefit, kind op pension scheme / occupation / leave for nursing relatives. Background variables: basic characteristics, place of birth, residence, housing situation, household characteristics, characteristics of parental family-household / occupation-employment / income / education / politics / religion / consumption of durables / readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure / organisational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Aanvullend voorzieningen gebruiksonderzoek, 1991, bewoners bejaardenoorden - AVO 1991/BBO

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    Survey on the use of social and cultural facilities by residents of old peoples homes. Housing conditions: number of rooms, presence of telephone, alarm system, kitchen or hot plate, meals supplied by a central kitchen / domestic help / possession and use of reduced-fare pass (65+) / need for help with specific daily activities, who gives help and to what extent / cultural participation: activities and use of facilities (museums, theatre, etc.) before and during residence in the old peoples home / practice of sport / use of recreational facilities / use of social services / reading and buying books, use of public library / watching c.q. listening to cultural programs on TV and radio / social contacts: giving aid to other people, contacts with children, receiving visitors and paying visits, number of children, relatives and friends living nearby r. / condition of eyes and ears, contacts with family doctor, specialist, physiotherapist, stay in hospital or nursing home, handicaps due to chronic diseases / kind of medical insurance / financial position, sources of income, who administrates the finances / self administeredquestionnaire: satisfaction with life, feelings of fear, loneliness, happiness etc. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membershi

    Aanvullend voorzieningen gebruiksonderzoek, 1995 - AVO 1995

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    Use of a great number of social and cultural facilities in connection with characteristics of households and individuals. P1304A and P1304B have exactly the same cases and variables. In P1304B imputation is used to decrease the partial non respons. Adjustments and supplies for handicapped people in dwelling / mortgage / use of rent subsidy regulation / separated collection of refuse / nursing and personal care: use of patient-care services, day-nursery facilities / ( assistence with ) housekeeping / use of supplies for individual transport and financial compensation for disabled / child care, maternity leave / primary school of children, child care after school hours / sholarship, compensation for costs of study / sports activities / membership sports-clubs / use of sports facilities / visiting social cultural centres, community centres / use of recreational facilities / visiting theatres, concerts / going to the movies, exhibitions, museums / membership of art library, buying art / frequency of reading books, radio listening and watching tv / having a video / leisure activities / hobbies / cultural exposure during childhood / use of educational facilities / contacts with Employment Exchange, social services, Industrial Insurance Administration Office (GAK) in the last 2 years / use of organizations for legal assistance ( included: experiences with lawyers and with police ) / use of medical facilities / extent of infirmity, problems with housekeeping / chronical disorders / preferred terms of employment, fringe benefits / incapacity for work / sources of income (also in the past), tax-deductible expenses, kind of social security benefit, kind of pension scheme. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1992 - CV'92

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    Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population. The survey contains questions about (actual) political topics, many aspects of values and beliefs and philosophy of life. Oral questionnaire belongs to SCP, written questionnaire belongs to Middendorp (EUR). Subjective left-right orientation of political parties / effectiveness of governmental policy / quality of municipal expenditures / importance of political scopes: maintain order, political participation, freedom of speech, economical development, strong army, crime, unemployment, environment, social security, immigrants / standpoint of political parties concerning: abortion, euthanasia, differences in income, nuclear power station / membership of european community / enough education to do present job well / satisfied with (personal) life / welfare: country, family, in future, economical situation / governmental expenditures and measures: less differences in income, possessions and chances in society, public facilities, education, inexpensive housing, environment, child care, benefits for arts, housing for young people, taxes, development aid, defence budget / expenses of parents for education of their children / satisfied about income / expectations about income and social benefits in future / misuse of social benefits / (reason) for- against plans of government to decrease social benefits / differences between incomes and social benefits, in incomes (low-high), in possessions and in incomes of employees in governmental institutions and employees in business / specific educational goals for schools / several aspects of education / philosophy of life, in broad sense, also religion, humankind, important things in life / participation / influence on governmental policy / activities of protest against governmental or municipal measures / respondents activities for trade union, their influence on government / first actions in case of illness / respondents advise on personal, social and financial problems of acquaintances / young children and working mother, child care / importance of public or governmental facilities / persons in household with own income / detailed questions about technology / priority housing in case of housing shortage / priority dismissal / priority promotional opportunities / immigrants / respondents decreasing of governmental expenditures and perceived difficulty of this question / date and duration of interview / residence in youth / readership of daily newspapers / governmental measures for taxes / perceived and desirable influence on political decisions by: ministers, lower chamber, voters, political parties, trade unions, employers' organizations, enterprises, important public servants, press, demonstrators / statements about society / pollution of environment / development aid / nationalism / family and sexuality Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence / household characteristics / occupation / employment / income / capital assets / education/ social class / politics / religion / readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure / organizational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files
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