4 research outputs found

    Achondroplasia natural history study (CLARITY): 60-year experience in orthopedic surgery from four skeletal dysplasia centers

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to describe the frequency and risk factors for orthopedic surgery in patients with achondroplasia. CLARITY (The Achondroplasia Natural History Study) includes clinical data from achondroplasia patients receiving treatment at four skeletal dysplasia centers in the United States from 1957 to 2018. Data were entered and stored in a Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) database. RESULTS: Information from one thousand three hundred and seventy-four patients with achondroplasia were included in this study. Four hundred and eight (29.7%) patients had at least one orthopedic surgery during their lifetime and 299 (21.8%) patients underwent multiple procedures. 12.7% (n = 175) of patients underwent spine surgery at a mean age at first surgery of 22.4 ± 15.3 years old. The median age was 16.7 years old (0.1-67.4). 21.2% (n = 291) of patients underwent lower extremity surgery at a mean age at first surgery of 9.9 ± 8.3 years old with a median age of 8.2 years (0.2-57.8). The most common spinal procedure was decompression (152 patients underwent 271 laminectomy procedures), while the most common lower extremity procedure was osteotomy (200 patients underwent 434 procedures). Fifty-eight (4.2%) patients had both a spine and lower extremity surgery. Specific risk factors increasing the likelihood of orthopedic surgery included: patients with hydrocephalus requiring shunt placement having higher odds of undergoing spine surgery (OR 1.97, 95% CI 1.14-3.26); patients having a cervicomedullary decompression also had higher odds of undergoing spine surgery (OR 1.85, 95% CI 1.30-2.63); and having lower extremity surgery increased the odds of spine surgery (OR 2.05, 95% CI 1.45-2.90). CONCLUSIONS: Orthopedic surgery was a common occurrence in achondroplasia with 29.7% of patients undergoing at least one orthopedic procedure. Spine surgery (12.7%) was less common and occurred at a later age than lower extremity surgery (21.2%). Cervicomedullary decompression and hydrocephalus with shunt placement were associated with an increased risk for spine surgery. The results from CLARITY, the largest natural history study of achondroplasia, should aid clinicians in counseling patients and families about orthopedic surgery

    Achondroplasia Natural History Study (CLARITY): 60-Year Experience in Orthopedic Surgery from Four Skeletal Dysplasia Centers

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to describe the frequency and risk factors for orthopedic surgery in patients with achondroplasia. CLARITY (The Achondroplasia Natural History Study) includes clinical data from achondroplasia patients receiving treatment at four skeletal dysplasia centers in the United States from 1957 to 2018. Data were entered and stored in a Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) database. RESULTS: Information from one thousand three hundred and seventy-four patients with achondroplasia were included in this study. Four hundred and eight (29.7%) patients had at least one orthopedic surgery during their lifetime and 299 (21.8%) patients underwent multiple procedures. 12.7% (n = 175) of patients underwent spine surgery at a mean age at first surgery of 22.4 ± 15.3 years old. The median age was 16.7 years old (0.1-67.4). 21.2% (n = 291) of patients underwent lower extremity surgery at a mean age at first surgery of 9.9 ± 8.3 years old with a median age of 8.2 years (0.2-57.8). The most common spinal procedure was decompression (152 patients underwent 271 laminectomy procedures), while the most common lower extremity procedure was osteotomy (200 patients underwent 434 procedures). Fifty-eight (4.2%) patients had both a spine and lower extremity surgery. Specific risk factors increasing the likelihood of orthopedic surgery included: patients with hydrocephalus requiring shunt placement having higher odds of undergoing spine surgery (OR 1.97, 95% CI 1.14-3.26); patients having a cervicomedullary decompression also had higher odds of undergoing spine surgery (OR 1.85, 95% CI 1.30-2.63); and having lower extremity surgery increased the odds of spine surgery (OR 2.05, 95% CI 1.45-2.90). CONCLUSIONS: Orthopedic surgery was a common occurrence in achondroplasia with 29.7% of patients undergoing at least one orthopedic procedure. Spine surgery (12.7%) was less common and occurred at a later age than lower extremity surgery (21.2%). Cervicomedullary decompression and hydrocephalus with shunt placement were associated with an increased risk for spine surgery. The results from CLARITY, the largest natural history study of achondroplasia, should aid clinicians in counseling patients and families about orthopedic surgery

    Achondroplasia Natural History Study (CLARITY): 60-Year Experience in Orthopedic Surgery from Four Skeletal Dysplasia Centers

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to describe the frequency and risk factors for orthopedic surgery in patients with achondroplasia. CLARITY (The Achondroplasia Natural History Study) includes clinical data from achondroplasia patients receiving treatment at four skeletal dysplasia centers in the United States from 1957 to 2018. Data were entered and stored in a Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) database. RESULTS: Information from one thousand three hundred and seventy-four patients with achondroplasia were included in this study. Four hundred and eight (29.7%) patients had at least one orthopedic surgery during their lifetime and 299 (21.8%) patients underwent multiple procedures. 12.7% (n = 175) of patients underwent spine surgery at a mean age at first surgery of 22.4 ± 15.3 years old. The median age was 16.7 years old (0.1-67.4). 21.2% (n = 291) of patients underwent lower extremity surgery at a mean age at first surgery of 9.9 ± 8.3 years old with a median age of 8.2 years (0.2-57.8). The most common spinal procedure was decompression (152 patients underwent 271 laminectomy procedures), while the most common lower extremity procedure was osteotomy (200 patients underwent 434 procedures). Fifty-eight (4.2%) patients had both a spine and lower extremity surgery. Specific risk factors increasing the likelihood of orthopedic surgery included: patients with hydrocephalus requiring shunt placement having higher odds of undergoing spine surgery (OR 1.97, 95% CI 1.14-3.26); patients having a cervicomedullary decompression also had higher odds of undergoing spine surgery (OR 1.85, 95% CI 1.30-2.63); and having lower extremity surgery increased the odds of spine surgery (OR 2.05, 95% CI 1.45-2.90). CONCLUSIONS: Orthopedic surgery was a common occurrence in achondroplasia with 29.7% of patients undergoing at least one orthopedic procedure. Spine surgery (12.7%) was less common and occurred at a later age than lower extremity surgery (21.2%). Cervicomedullary decompression and hydrocephalus with shunt placement were associated with an increased risk for spine surgery. The results from CLARITY, the largest natural history study of achondroplasia, should aid clinicians in counseling patients and families about orthopedic surgery

    Growth in Achondroplasia including Stature, Weight, Weight-for-Height and Head Circumference from CLARITY: Achondroplasia Natural History Study-A Multi-center Retrospective Cohort Study of Achondroplasia in the US

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    BACKGROUND: Achondroplasia is the most common genetic skeletal disorder causing disproportionate short stature/dwarfism. Common additional features include spinal stenosis, midface retrusion, macrocephaly and a generalized spondylometaphyseal dysplasia which manifest as spinal cord compression, sleep disordered breathing, delayed motor skill acquisition and genu varus with musculoskeletal pain. To better understand the interactions and health outcomes of these potential complications, we embarked on a multi-center, natural history study entitled CLARITY (achondroplasia natural history study). One of the CLARITY objectives was to develop growth curves (length/height, weight, head circumference, weight-for-height) and corresponding reference tables of mean and standard deviations at 1 month increments from birth through 18 years for clinical use and research for achondroplasia patients. METHODS: All available retrospective anthropometry data including length/height, weight and head circumference from achondroplasia patients were collected at 4 US skeletal dysplasia centers (Johns Hopkins University, AI DuPont Hospital for Children, McGovern Medical School University of Texas Health, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health). Weight-for-age values beyond 3 SD above the mean were excluded from the weight-for-height and weight-for-age curves to create a stricter tool for weight assessment in this population. RESULTS: Over 37,000 length/height, weight and head circumference measures from 1374 patients with achondroplasia from birth through 75 years of age were compiled in a REDCap database. Stature and weight data from birth through 18 years of age and head circumference from birth through 5 years of age were utilized to construct new length/height-for-age, weight-for-age, head circumference-for-age and weight-for-height curves. CONCLUSION: Achondroplasia-specific growth curves are essential for clinical care of growing infants and children with this condition. In an effort to provide prescriptive, rather than purely descriptive, references for weight in this population, extreme weight values were omitted from the weight-for-age and weight-for-height curves. This well-phenotyped cohort may be studied with other global achondroplasia populations (e.g. Europe, Argentina, Australia, Japan) to gain further insight into environmental or ethnic influences on growth