15 research outputs found

    Plant breeding for organic farming: current status and problems in Europe

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    Compendium is a part of Deliverable 4 of 6th FP SSA project ā€œEnvironmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed productionā€ (ENVIRFOOD) and contains information about current status and problems in EU regarding to organic plant breeding


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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is mostly suitable for growing in moderate climate conditions at temperature 20 Ā° C. Yields are influenced by many factors: soil characterization, available nutrients, distribution of pests and weeds, agrotechnology, genotype or variety and climatic conditions during the vegetation period. In recent years summary of meteorological conditions (precipitation and air temperature), showed that stressful conditions during the vegetation period had a diverse influence on the growth and development of plants.  Excess or lack of humidity in soil or drought and heat affected the size and shape of the potato tubers. The heat stress is the problem of agriculture in many regions of the world in the last years. The aim of the study was to evaluate cultivars and clones from the breeding material under the stress conditions at the Stende Research Centre. The field trials were set up due to project of the Latvian Ministry of Agriculture: "Evaluation of breeding material to implement integrated and organic agriculture crop production technologies"(2015-2018). The article summarizes results of nine potato clones and nine varieties in both integrated and organic systems during 2017-2018, when 2018 was one of the driest and hottest in the last 100 years. The evaluation of the varieties and breeding material phenological phases in two years showed that germination and flowering differed from year to year.  Due to hot and dry weather conditions flowering was weak for several varieties and the bud flowering was observed. In 2018 germination for some varieties was slower compared to the previous year, but for many varieties (ā€˜Lenoraā€™, ā€˜Prelmaā€™, ā€˜Imantaā€™) and breeding material germination was not delayed (Table 1). The earlyest germination and flowering were observed for variety 'Monta'. Earlier germination compared to other varieties and clones was recorded to S01085-21 and S03067-33 and the variety ā€˜Rigondaā€™.  In the organic field earlier germination was observed for the varieties 'Rigonda', 'Monta', 'Prelma' and clones S01085-21, S07169 -35. The yield of varieties and breeding material lines in both years was good but still lower tuber yields were obtained in the integrated growing system and only one line (S01085-21) and variete ā€˜Gundegaā€™ had significantly higher yield in comparison 2017. In the organic growing system tuber yields of all varieties and breeding material lines were significantly lower than the 2017 year. Yield reduction is not significant for 3 breeding material lines: S10063-128, 19922.29 and S2008-6.5

    Parstrades prasibam atbilstosu pazimju izpete kartupelu selekcijas izejmateriala

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    Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLELVLatvi

    Kā palielināt bioloÄ£iski audzētas sēklas ražoÅ”anu un izmantoÅ”anu

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    How to increase production and use of organic seed material. why it is important to use organic seed material. What Latvia do to increase this number, what is LIVESEED project and how Latvia participate in it. How it's affecting not only Latvia but also others Baltic countries. It is important to assess the situation at different points of view and to set up cooperation groups to increase seed material in Baltic countries

    Value For Cultivation and Use (VCU) Protocol. For Selection of Potato Varieties Suited for Organic Farming in LATVIA

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    Speech about improving approaches for variety and population testing for the organic sector, how it can work with European commissions regulation 834/2007(Art 4) and EC 889/2009 (Art 45). Speech was also about how to manage organic trials and why its needed. How much Latvia is included in this process with potato breeding in LIVESEED project

    BioloÄ£iskās lauksaimniecÄ«bas nozares pilnveidoÅ”ana, veicinot bioloÄ£iskās sēklaudzÄ“Å”anas un selekcijas attÄ«stÄ«bu Eiropā

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    speech about how improve performance of organic farming by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe, and summary of main organic farming points in long perspective. Assessment of the situation in Baltic countries and Latvi

    Pre-sprouting of potato seed tubers (Liveseed Practice Abstract)

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    Practical Recommendations - 2 to 8 weeks before planting, place seed tubers in the light, avoiding direct sunlight. Longer exposure to light causes bigger tuber size of new yield, while shorter exposure promotes higher tuber number. - Split seed tubers in shallow boxes with higher corners, stack filled boxes, leave space between stacks OR pour seed potatoes in net-bags and hang them up. - Favourable temperatures are 12-15 Ā°C during the day and 4-5 Ā°C during the night. Make sure the tubers are protected against night frost. - Strong and short light sprouts will appear on tubers, they will be durable to mechanical damages. Potato planters can be safely used. - Lower night temperature tempers the sprouts

    Laukaugu selekcija bioloģiskajā lauksaimniecībā

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    Speech about best varieties that we use in Latvia for organic farming aspects that are affecting biodiversity loss. Presenting main goals of organic breeding in future and possible opportunities and also challenges in the process

    How to become an organic seed grower in Latvia

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    PRACTICE ABSTRACT No. 32 Target audience: farmer

    The assessment of some crop management methods in barley and potato seed production for organic farming

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    The aim of investigation was to evaluate different crop management methods in production of qualita-tive seed material of barley and potato. The late blight damages on potato leaves depended on genotype resistance; more resistant variety had less damaged leave area. The genotype determined potato yield and average weight of tubers. The tuber pre-sprouting before planting accelerated plant germina-tion and promoted formation of bigger yield tubers. Presprouting influence on yield was not observed. Higher yield and smaller tuber weight was obtained if seed material was planted with shorter distance. Influence of planting distance on late blight develop-ment on leaves was not observed. The best yielding barley genotype was breeding line PR-2797, which is resistant to loose smut. The optimum seed rate for barley ā€˜Idumejaā€™ and PR-2797 was 400 germinating seeds per m2, but for variety ā€˜Rujaā€™ seed rate 550 germinating seeds per m2 increased yield. Seed treat-ment with warm and hot water was effective for reduction of loose smut infection of susceptible vari-ety ā€˜Ruja