11,721 research outputs found

    The Performance of Different Organisations under Different Marked Conditions An Empirical Analysis of the Organisational Structure and Performance of 1900 Danish Firms [Revised Feb. 12th. 1999]

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    Among some scholars of management, organisation and also economists as well as policy makers it is argued that certain new forms of firm organisation such as flexible and learning organisations increasingly are becoming “best practice”, in an increasingly learning and global economy. On a policy level, in eg. Denmark and OECD, questions are already asked as to how policies should be set up to stimulate such organisational forms. A crucial aspect that is recognised by some scholars, is that it is in certain competitive structures where flexible and learning organisations are well suited, though tends to be overlooked within the debate. The analysis in this paper applies performance data from Statistics Denmark merged with survey data of organisational forms, management, work practices and employee skills collected through a questionnaire in 1900 Danish firms in manufacturing as well as services. Applying regression analyses we show that the flexible or learning organisational forms in some parts of the economy, characterised by innovation turbulence and cumulativeness, are best performers though not in general. We argue that a quantitative analysis as ours is vital to both avoid idiosyncratic generalisations among scholars as well as policy makers, and to give rigid and more detailed implications for policy regarding firm organisation, both at present and in a dynamic setting.Organisation of the firm, performance, learning, innovation.

    Three Years (2008-2010) Measurements of Atmospheric Concentrations of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) at Station Nord, North East Greenland

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    Atmospheric concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have been measured for the first time at Station Nord, North-East Greenland, from 2008 to 2010. The data obtained are reported here. Hexachlorobenzene (HCB), endosulfan I and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) were the predominant compounds detected in the atmosphere, followed by p,pâ€Č-DDE and dieldrin. Chlordane isomers and related compounds (trans- and cis-chlordanes, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide, trans- and cis-nonachlor) were also detected. Atmospheric concentrations of the investigated compounds were correlated with temperature using the Clausius–Clapeyron equation in order to obtain information about their transport properties. The correlation between atmospheric concentrations and temperature was not significant for endosulfan I, Îł-HCH and p,pâ€Č-DDT, which indicates that direct transport from direct sources is the dominating transport mechanism for these compounds. A significant correlation with temperature was found for all the other studied pesticides and pesticide degradation products, which indicates that re-emission of these compounds from previously contaminated surfaces is an important factor for the observed variation in concentrations. Pesticide concentrations were also correlated with sea ice cover. Concentrations of the compounds that have not been in use for decades correlated with temperature and ice cover, while concentrations of compounds still in use did not correlate with either of these parameters. These observations indicate that processes such as revolatilization from the open sea surface are important mediating factors in the dynamics of anthropogenic persistent pollutants in the Arctic environment under the expected influence of climate change processes

    Studies of Clusters as a Basis for Industrial and Technology Policy in the Danish Economy

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    The main focus of the paper is on the recent development of clusters defined as “resource areas”. The concept has been a cornerstone in the technology and industrial policies laid out from the Danish Ministry of Business and Industry, since 1993. Earlier studies (industrial complexes) identified clusters using transactions, often in an input-output framework, while the present clusters are to a larger degree based upon a demand perspective. The paper firstly describes and assess the earlier industrial complex studies, and other related case studies of clusters of particular positions of strength in the Danish economy. The industrial complexes and micro-founded studies of Danish clusters, have all been either a direct input, or a reference point when developing the resource areas. However, the most direct influence have been the Danish Porter studies. Denmark participated as one of ten countries in M. E. Porter’s analysis of clusters of competitive advantages. Accordingly, the Danish Porter studies are summarised. In continuation hereof, the development of the methodology applied for developing the resource areas, is discussed in a historical perspective. Furthermore, different techniques for identifying industrial clusters are considered, including input-output approaches. Finally, the paper warns that theoretically based studies and practical policy actions do not always combine easily. Striking a balance between allowing for pragmatic policy making (with more than a single aim) on the one side, while not losing the theoretical foundation on the other, is an important task.Cluster based policies; industrial complexes; resource areas, innovative clusters

    Vintervandringer hos sĂžfisk

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    Geddehug & mÄnefaser

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    Udfyld fangstjournal

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    Metabolomics – an analytical strategy for identification of toxic mechanism of action

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    Spatiotemporal variability in methane emission from an Arctic fen over a growing season : dynamics and driving factors

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    Resume. Metanudledning fra Nordlige vĂ„domrĂ„der udgĂžr en betydelig del af den naturlige udledning af metan, en potent drivhusgas. BĂ„de fysiske og biologiske faktorer influerer produktion, oxidation og transport af metan og dermed netto udledningen. Udledningen af metan fra Nordlige vĂ„domrĂ„der viser stor rumlig og tidslig variation. Eftersom mange faktorer indvirker pĂ„ udledningen af metan er viden om disses karakteristika og indbyrdes forhold nĂždvendig for at forstĂ„ hvordan miljĂžmĂŠssige ĂŠndringer vil pĂ„virke den naturlige metanudledning. I dette studie vil den rumlige variation i metanudledningen bliver undersĂžgt mellem 10 plot (0.6 x 0.6 m), som er placeret pĂ„ en ’fugtig til vĂ„d’ gradient nĂŠr randen af et hĂžj-Arktisk kĂŠr. Udledningen blev mĂ„lt i vĂŠkstsĂŠsonen 2013 og varierede bĂ„de rumligt (med op til en faktor 10 mellem de to fjerneste plot) og sĂŠsonmĂŠssigt. VĂŠkstsĂŠsonen bestod af to ’peaks’ af sammenlignelig stĂžrrelse i metanudledning. Den gennemsnitlige sĂŠsonmĂŠssige udledning var relativ lav sammenlignet med tidligere Ă„r og andre studier fra circumpolare regioner og netto optaget af kuldioxid var lavt, med netto udledningen i store dele af sĂŠsonen. Dette tilskrives hovedsagligt den meget lave mĂŠngde af vinternedbĂžr, de tidlige snefrie forhold og en efterfĂžlgende usĂŠdvanlig tĂžr vĂŠkstsĂŠson. Den sĂŠsonmĂŠssige udvikling i metanudledningen korrelerede sĂŠrdeles godt med de fysiske parametre; jordtemperatur, vandstand og aktiv lag, pĂ„ trods af at karakteren af deres indvirken pĂ„ metanproduktionen er forskellig. I den vĂ„de del af gradienten var metanudledningen desuden negativt korreleret med netto udledningen af kuldioxid. Det faktum at alle disse korrelationer var stĂŠrke, fremhĂŠver den store grad af autokorrelation mellem parametrene og deres lighed i forhold til den sĂŠsonmĂŠssige udvikling. Densiteten og sammensĂŠtningen af karplanter har tilsyneladende en dominerende rolle i forhold til stĂžrrelsesordenen af metanudledningen. Analyser af organiske syre og oplĂžst organisk stof viste intet ensartet mĂžnster med hensyn til placering pĂ„ gradienten. SĂ„kaldte ’ekstreme’ metanudledninger i den sidste halvdel af vĂŠkstsĂŠsonen blev undersĂžgt separat, men ingen atmosfĂŠriske parametre, sĂ„som vindhastighed, ĂŠndring i lufttryk eller temperatur viste korrelationer med disse events. For de relativt tĂžrre plot pĂ„ gradienten udgjorde disse events op mod 25 % af udledningen og kan altsĂ„ i randomrĂ„derne af kĂŠr udgĂžre en betydelig del af den sĂŠsonmĂŠssige udledning. Ingen events blev mĂ„lt fra de ’vĂ„deste’ plot. Dette studie belyser vigtigheden af integrerede studier af de parametre der er styrende for metanudledningen, da bĂ„de de fysiske og biologiske parametre ofte er afhĂŠngige og udviser de samme sĂŠsonmĂŠssige mĂžnstre.Methane emissions from Northern wetlands constitute a substantial part of the total natural emission of methane, a strong greenhouse gas. Both environmental and biotic factors influence the production, oxidation and transport of methane and hence its net flux. The methane emission from Northern wetlands is highly variable both spatially and temporally. As many factors influence the methane flux, knowledge about the interrelation and character of these factors is needed in order to comprehend how environmental changes will affect natural methane emissions. Here the small scale variability in methane emission is investigated using ten plots on a ‘moist to wet’ gradient, from the fringe towards the central part of a high-Arctic fen. The fluxes were measured during the growing season of 2013 and varied greatly both spatially (with up to a factor ten between the relatively dry and wet plots) and seasonally. The growing season had two peaks of comparable size. The mean growing season emission of methane was relatively low compared to previous years and other circumpolar sites and the uptake of CO2 was small and turned into a loss for the most of the growing season. This was mainly ascribed the unprecedented low amount of snowfall, early snowmelt and subsequent dry growing season conditions. The seasonal development in methane emission was found to correlate very well with the environmental parameters; soil temperature, water level and active layer, although the character of the causal relationships are different. In the wetter part of the gradient the methane flux was also significantly correlated with the net ecosystem exchange. These strong correlations accentuate the autocorrelation and seasonality in these driving factors. Density of vascular plants and species composition appear to play a pivotal role in relation to the magnitude of the methane fluxes. Qualitative analysis of organic acids and dissolved organic carbon did not show any uniform pattern with regards to the location on the moisture gradient. So-called extreme emission events were investigated separately and no correlations with atmospheric variables like wind speed, air pressure, air temperature or changes within these were found. These events were found to constitute up to 25 % of the seasonal methane emission from the relatively dry plots (no extreme events were detected from the ‘wettest’ plots) and hence constitute a rather significant portion of annual emissions. This study qualitatively highlights the importance of studying controls on methane emission in an integrative manner, as both environmental and biotic controls are interrelated and often display the same seasonal patterns
