145 research outputs found

    Identification of sulfation sites of metabolites and prediction of the compounds’ biological effects

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    Characterizing the biological effects of metabolic transformations (or biotransformation) is one of the key steps in developing safe and effective pharmaceuticals. Sulfate conjugation, one of the major phase II biotransformations, is the focus of this study. While this biotransformation typically facilitates excretion of metabolites by making the compounds more water soluble, sulfation may also lead to bioactivation, producing carcinogenic products. The end result, excretion or bioactivation, depends on the structural features of the sulfation sites, so obtaining the structure of the sulfated metabolites is critically important. We describe herein a very simple, high-throughput procedure for using mass spectrometry to identify the structure—and thus the biological fate—of sulfated metabolites. We have chemically synthesized and analyzed libraries of compounds representing all the biologically relevant types of sulfation products, and using the mass spectral data, the structural features present in these analytes can be reliably determined, with a 97% success rate. This work represents the first example of a high-throughput analysis that can identify the structure of sulfated metabolites and predict their biological effects

    Spectroscopic Evidence for an Oxazolone Structure in Anionic b-Type Peptide Fragments

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    Infrared spectra of anionic b-type fragments generated by collision induced dissociation (CID) from deprotonated peptides are reported. Spectra of the b2 fragments of deprotonated AlaAlaAla and AlaTyrAla have been recorded over the 800–1800 cm–1 spectral range by multiple-photon dissociation (MPD) spectroscopy using an FTICR mass spectrometer in combination with the free electron laser FELIX. Structural characterization of the b-type fragments is accomplished by comparison with density functional theory calculated spectra at the B3LYP/6-31++G(d,p) level for different isomeric structures. Although diketopiperazine structures represent the energetically lowest isomers, the IR spectra suggest an oxazolone structure for the b2 fragments of both peptides. Deprotonation is shown to occur on the oxazolone α-carbon, which leads to a conjugated structure in which the negative charge is practically delocalized over the entire oxazolone ring, providing enhanced gas-phase stability

    On-line mass spectrometry: membrane inlet sampling

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    Significant insights into plant photosynthesis and respiration have been achieved using membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) for the analysis of stable isotope distribution of gases. The MIMS approach is based on using a gas permeable membrane to enable the entry of gas molecules into the mass spectrometer source. This is a simple yet durable approach for the analysis of volatile gases, particularly atmospheric gases. The MIMS technique strongly lends itself to the study of reaction flux where isotopic labeling is employed to differentiate two competing processes; i.e., O2 evolution versus O2 uptake reactions from PSII or terminal oxidase/rubisco reactions. Such investigations have been used for in vitro studies of whole leaves and isolated cells. The MIMS approach is also able to follow rates of isotopic exchange, which is useful for obtaining chemical exchange rates. These types of measurements have been employed for oxygen ligand exchange in PSII and to discern reaction rates of the carbonic anhydrase reactions. Recent developments have also engaged MIMS for online isotopic fractionation and for the study of reactions in inorganic systems that are capable of water splitting or H2 generation. The simplicity of the sampling approach coupled to the high sensitivity of modern instrumentation is a reason for the growing applicability of this technique for a range of problems in plant photosynthesis and respiration. This review offers some insights into the sampling approaches and the experiments that have been conducted with MIMS
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