85 research outputs found

    The Religious Field during the Long Fifteenth Century:Framing Religious Change beyond Traditional Paradigms

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    Introducing a thematic section, this article presents an overview and some of the theoretical considerations resulting from COST Action IS1301, an international research network devoted to the study of lay religious culture during the long fifteenth century. A particular aim of this network was to discuss new European narratives framing the important transformations of lay religious culture during the period c. 1350–1550—a complex historical process that is still often obscured by the competing older narratives of Reformation, humanism, and Renaissance which shape the historiographical heritage. To get beyond the “methodological nationalism” and “methodological modernism” inherent in older paradigms, the article suggests viewing the transformation of lay religious culture as a long-term process of cultural evolution. It closes with an overview of the most important aspects of this evolutionary process during the long fifteenth century

    Kulturen des Entscheidens

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    Der Band thematisiert Entscheiden als eine soziale Praxis, die keineswegs selbstverständlich sondern in hohem Maße voraussetzungsvoll ist und die mit unterschiedlichen Zumutungen einhergeht. Entscheiden nimmt je nach sozialen Umständen ganz unterschiedliche Formen an und unterliegt demnach dem historischen Wandel. Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen anhand ausgewählter Fallbeispiele, die vom mittelalterlichen Europa bis hin zum gegenwärtigen Indien reichen, unterschiedlichen Aspekten von Kulturen des Entscheidens nach. Sie nehmen Narrative und Praktiken des Entscheidens ebenso in den Blick wie den Einsatz von Ressourcen in Prozessen des Entscheidens und diskutieren Ansätze, Entscheiden in einer geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Perspektive zu analysieren. Der Band zeigt so die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten auf, wie Entscheiden untersucht werden kann, wenn dieses als eine historisch wandelbare soziale Praxis und als kulturell diverses Phänomen begriffen wird

    The Briefbuch (Strasbourg, Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin, Cod. H 2185) of the Commandery of the Order of St John zum Grünen Wörth in Strasbourg

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    By Stephan Lauper, Universität Freiburg (Schweiz) ([email protected]) The so-called Briefbuch, on which I focus in my PhD thesis, occupies an important role within an ensemble of manuscripts written in the late fourteenth century in the convent of the Order of St- John in Strasbourg. This convent was founded by Rulman Merswin (1307–1382), a rich merchant and patrician of Strasbourg, who withdrew from secular life at the age of 40. From then on, he dedicated himself to a religious life, ..

    Opening congress of COST Action IS1301: New Communities of Interpretation. Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe

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    As I am writing this, the first Congress of a new European network is being opened: Since last September, COST Action IS1301 has been under way, with over 100 researchers setting out to study 'Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation'. Many people working on religion and/or book history in the Late Medieval and Early Modern period will already have heard of this COST Action, but for those who haven't, some basic facts: COST Action networks are very large research network..

    Call for applications: Training school "Passionate Devotions. Emotions in religious texts, images and music in late medieval and early modern Europe", Muenster, 26.-28. April 2017

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    Call for applications: Training school "Passionate Devotions. Emotions in religious texts, images and music in late medieval and early modern Europe", Muenster, 26.-28. April 2017 Deadline for Applications: 15. December, 2016 COST Action IS1301 „New Communities of Interpretation. Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe“ is a research network uniting over 150 researchers from 24 European countries. To contribute to the creation of..

    Steckel, Sita (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

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    Name/Nom: Steckel Vorname/PrĂ©nom: Sita Titel/Fonction: Juniorprofessorin Universität/UniversitĂ©: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität MĂĽnster Forschungseinrichtung/Institution de recherche: Historisches Seminar Email/Couriel: [email protected] Adresse/Adresse: WWU MĂĽnster, Historisches Seminar, Domplatz 20-22, D-48145 MĂĽnster Homepage/Site internet: http://www.uni-muenster.de/Geschichte/histsem/steckel/steckelstart.html, diversitas.hypotheses.org  Social Networks/RĂ©seaux sociaux (acad..

    The Briefbuch (Strasbourg, Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin, Cod. H 2185) of the Commandery of the Order of St John zum Grünen Wörth in Strasbourg

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    By Stephan Lauper, Universität Freiburg (Schweiz) ([email protected]) The so-called Briefbuch, on which I focus in my PhD thesis, occupies an important role within an ensemble of manuscripts written in the late fourteenth century in the convent of the Order of St- John in Strasbourg. This convent was founded by Rulman Merswin (1307–1382), a rich merchant and patrician of Strasbourg, who withdrew from secular life at the age of 40. From then on, he dedicated himself to a religious life, ..

    Claudia Daiber on the "Judensau" and "Practicing Pogroms Against Jewish Populations on Stage"

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    As announced in a previous post, scholars from several different fields will come together for two sessions entitled "Fear, Love and Loathing in the Middle Ages: Emotions and the body in polemic and boundary-making". Within the sessions, Claudia Daiber's paper "Practicing Pogroms Against Jewish Populations on Stage" will deal with the important theme of anti-Jewish polemics. The paper will focus on a carnival play authored by Nuremberg-based meistersinger Hans Folz (1435/40-1513), a barber an..

    Andrea Mancini: Emotions and Penance. The penitential summa of the Franciscan Observant Nicholas of Osimo

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    Penitential literature is a valuable source for the study of emotions in relation to sin, custom and morality. The development of the private sacramental penance after the IV Lateran Council (1215) promoted an increasing production of penitential texts which were meant to provide confessors the necessary knowledge to administer the sacrament of penance. Penitentials' composers resorted to the scholastic analysis of human emotions in order to describe to confessors the condition of of the sinn..

    CFP WG 2 Meeting, Ghent, June 1-2, 2017: Winning Hearts and Minds - Multimedia Events, Religious Communication and the Urban Context in the Long Sixteenth Century

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    Call for papers: Working Group 2 Meeting, Ghent, June 1-2, 2017 For members or affiliates of COST Action 1301- New Communities of Interpretation: Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Winning Hearts and Minds: Multimedia Events, Religious Communication and the Urban Context in the Long Sixteenth Century During the long sixteenth century a media revolution took place that offered unprecedented possibilities to adopt, express an..
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