5 research outputs found

    Light conditions in nursing homes : visual comfort and visual functioning of residents

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    Verlichting in Nederlandse verpleeghuizen

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    Dit artikel behandelt een studie naar de lichtsituatie in veelgebruikte ruimten van zeven verpleeghuizen in Nederland. Er is onderzoek verricht naar de horizontale en verticale verlichtingssterkte (combinatie kunstlicht en daglicht) en kleurtemperatuur. De lichtsituatie blijkt matig te zijn. Het is van belang dat (zorg) professionals zich bewust worden van deze gegevens, zodat zij de lichtsituatie kunnen verbeteren

    A nursing home staff tool for the indoor visual environment : the content validity

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    In the Netherlands, over 40% of nursing home residents are estimated to have visual impairments. This results in the loss of basic visual abilities. The nursing home environment fits more or less to residents’ activities and social participation. This is referred to as environmental fit. To raise professional awareness of environmental fit, an Environmental Observation tool for the\u3cbr/\u3eVisually Impaired was developed. This tool targets aspects of the nursing home environment such as ‘light’, the use of ‘colours and contrasts’ and ‘furnishing and obstacles’. Objective of this study is to validate the content of the observation tool to have a tool applicable for practice. Based on the content validity approach, we invited a total of eight experts, six eye care professionals\u3cbr/\u3eand two building engineering researchers, to judge the relevance of the items. The Item Content Validity approach was applied to determine items to retain and reject. The content validity approach led to a decrease in the number of items from 63 to 52. The definitive tool of 52 items contains 21 for Corridors, 17 for the Common Room, and 14 for the Bathroom. All items of the definite\u3cbr/\u3etool received an Item-Content Validity Index of 0.875 and a Scale-Content Validity Index of 0.71. The content validity index of the scale and per item has been applied, resulting in a tool that can be applied in nursing homes. The tool might be a starting point of a discussion among professional caregivers on environmental interventions for visually impaired older adults in nursing\u3cbr/\u3ehomes