2,091 research outputs found

    Home-ownership and Economic Performance of Immigrants in Germany

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    This paper analyzes the home-ownership gap between native and immigrant households in Germany, paying particular attention to the assimilation process of immigrant households.A double cohort approach is applied to investigate the effect of the duration of residence in Germany on the homeownership probability of immigrant households.Moreover, focusing on homeowners, differences in the housing quality between native and immigrant households are being examined.The estimates indicate that immigrant households are less likely to own their primary residence than comparable native households. Since the effect of the duration of residence in Germany on the home-ownership probability turns out to be insignificant, the empirical findings suggest that an assimilation process in home-ownership between native and immigrant households does not take place. Finally, differences in housing quality measures become insignificant after controlling for socioeconomic characteristics and contextual factors of native and immigrant households in an interacted model.Home-ownership, International Migration, Assimilation

    Wealth and Asset Holdings of Immigrants in Germany

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    This paper examines the relative wealth position and the portfolio choices of immigrants in Germany. The empirical findings reveal significant differences in overall wealth and various wealth components between German natives and immigrants. Differences in real estate constitute the major part of different levels of net worth, indicating that disparities in home-ownership rates are responsible for the main part of the overall wealth gap. Moreover, migrants' degree of portfolio diversification is significantly lower than that of comparable natives. The results of a decomposition analysis suggest that differences in wealth and asset holdings may be explained by disparity in educational attainment to a sizable extent, while the effects of income differentials and differences in demographic characteristics are insignificant.International migration, wealth accumulation, decomposition analysis, multiple imputation

    Determinants of Savings and Remittances – Empirical Evidence from Immigrants to Germany

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    This paper investigates the determinants of migrants’ financial transfers to their home country using German data.A double-hurdle model is applied to analyze the determinants of the propensity to send transfers abroad and the amount of transfers.The findings reveal that return intentions positively affect financial transfers of immigrants to their home country. Moreover, while the effect of the household size on migrants’ transfers abroad turns out to be significantly negative, remittances are higher if close relatives live in the sending country. Finally,Vuong-tests indicate that the double-hurdle model is the correct specification for the analysis of migrants’ savings and remittances rather than the conventional Tobit model usually applied in the literature.International migration, savings, remittances, double-hurdle model

    There Goes the Neighborhood? People’s Attitudes and the Effects of Immigration to Australia

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    This paper compares the effects of immigration flows on economic outcomes and crime levels to the public opinion about these effects using individual and regional data for Australia. We employ an instrumental variables strategy to account for non-random location choices of immigrants and find that immigration has no adverse effects on regional unemployment rates, median incomes, or crime levels. This result is in line with the economic effects that people typically expect but does not confirm the public opinion about the contribution of immigration to higher crime levels, suggesting that Australians overestimate the effect of immigration on crime.effects of immigration, attitudes towards immigrants, international migration

    Student Loan Reforms for German Higher Education: Financing Tuition Fees

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    Due to the unknown future economic situation of students, private banks are unwilling to provide student loans in the absence of collateral. This market failure requires government intervention to prevent socially sub-optimal and regressive outcomes. Income contingent loans, whose repayment depends on the borrowers' future capacity to pay, can offer a possible solution to this problem. In this paper, we compare alternative income contingent loans for financing tuition fees at German universities. Several German states have introduced tuition fees at their universities since summer 2007 and publicly owned banks have started to offer student loans to cover these fees. Our empirical findings highlight the benefits of income contingent loans and demonstrate that tuition fees at German universities could increase considerably if an income contingent loan system would be implemented to provide students with the financial resources they need to pay these fees.Educational Finance; Student Financial Aid; State and Federal Aid; Government Expenditures on Education

    Inter-ethnic Marriage and Partner Satisfaction

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    This paper investigates immigrant assortative mating and relationship satisfaction. Using a modified random effects ordered probit model, the paper demonstrates that spouses of mixed couples are significantly less satisfied with their partner than native-only and foreign-only couples.international migration, assortative mating, partner satisfaction

    People‘s Attitudes and the Eff ects of Immigration to Australia

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    This paper compares the eff ects of immigration fl ows on economic outcomes and crime levels to the public opinion about these eff ects using individual and regional data for Australia. We employ an instrumental variables strategy to account for non-random location choices of immigrants and fi nd that immigration has no adverse eff ects on regional unemployment rates, median incomes, or crime levels. This result is in line with the economic eff ects that people typically expect but does not confi rm the public opinion about the contribution of immigration to higher crime levels, suggesting that Australians overestimate the eff ect of immigration on crime.International migration; eff ects of immigration; attitudes towards immigrants

    The Savings Behavior of Temporary and Permanent Migrants in Germany

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    This paper examines the relative savings position of migrant households in West Germany, paying particular attention to differences between temporary and permanent migrants.Our findings reveal significant differences in the savings rates between foreign-born and German-born individuals. These differences disappear, however, for temporary migrants, if their remittances are taken into account. The results of a decomposition analysis indicate that differences in the savings rate between Germans and foreigners can mainly be attributed to differences in observable characteristics.We do not find strong evidence for an adjustment of the savings rate between immigrants and natives over time.Savings, Migration

    Distributional Changes in the Gender Wage Gap

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    This paper analyzes changes in wage differentials between white men and white women over the period 1993-2006 across the entire wage distribution using Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) data. We decompose distributional changes in the gender wage gap to assess the contribution of observed characteristics measuring individual productivity. We find that the gender wage gap narrowed by more than 13 percent at the lowest decile and by less than 4 percent at the highest decile. The decomposition results indicate that changes in the gender wage gap are mainly attributable to changes in educational attainment at the top of the wage distribution, while a sizeable part of the changes is due to work history changes at the bottom. Our findings suggest that the educational success of women could reduce the gender wage gap at the bottom of the distribution both before and during the 1990s but did not trigger a strong decline at the top of the distribution until today.gender wage gap, decomposition analysis, unconditional quantile regression

    Labor Market Effects of Immigration: Evidence from Neighborhood Data

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    This paper combines individual-level data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) with economic and demographic postcode-level data from administrative records to analyze the effects of immigration on wages and unemployment probabilities of high- an
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