3 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Oral Status of the Fourth-Year Students of Various Colleges at the University of Zagreb

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    Svrha: Svrha istraživanja bila je usporediti oralni status studenata četvrte godine StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta te studenata četvrte godine ostalih fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Ispitanici i postupci: Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 78 studenata stomatologije i 78 njihovih kolega s ostalih fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Pregledi su obavljeni prema metodologiji i kriterijima SZO-a (WHO-a) stomatoloÅ”kim zrcalom, a parodontoloÅ”kom sondom Community periodontal index (CPI). Rezultati: Prosječna vrijednost KEP-indeksa svih ispitanika bila 7,97 (s.d.= 4,48), a bila je veća kod muÅ”karaca negoli kod žena (p=0,043). Studenti stomatologije imali su prosječan KEP 6,96 (s.d.=4,82), a oni s ostalih fakulteta 8,97 (s.d.=3,88), sa statistički značajnom razlikom (p=0,005). Prosječan CPI statistički se značajno razlikovao (p=0.001) i kod studenata stomatologije je iznosio 1,91 (s.d.=2,40), a kod ostalih 2,99 (s.d.=2,23). Većina studenata ostalih fakulteta ( 66 %) treba, osim preventivnog tretmana, i konzervativno liječenje za razliku od studenata stomatologije od kojih 83 posto ne treba nikakvo liječenje ili treba samo preventivno. Zaključak: Premda je pojavnost karijesa, parodontnih bolesti i potreba za stomatoloÅ”kim liječenjem niža kod studenata stomatologije, razmjerno visoka vrijednost KEP-a u objema skupinama ispitanika upućuje na nužnost boljeg preventivnog djelovanja u druÅ”tvu. Zbog svijesti o oralnom zdravlju i preventivnim mjerama studenti stomatologije mogu biti pozitivan primjer kolegama s ostalih fakulteta.Objectives: To compare oral status of the fourth-year students of the School of Dental Medicine, and other fourth year students from the University of Zagreb. Materials and methods: Research included 78 dental students and 78 students of other colleges of the University of Zagreb. A standard dental check-up was performed following the WHOā€‘prescribed methodology and criteria, and by using a dental mirror and community periodontal index (CPI) probe. Results: Mean DMFT of all examined subjects was 7.97 (s.d. = 4.48), with a higher value for males than females (p =0.043). The dental students had a mean DMFT of 6.96 (s.d. =4.82) and the non-dental students group DMFT of 8.97 (s.d. =3.88). This difference was statistically significant (p =0.005). Average CPI indices difference of the examined groups (dental students ā€“ 1.91, s.d. =2.40; non-dental students ā€“ 2.99, s.d. =2.23) was also statistically significant (p=0.001). The majority of non-dental students (66%) needed, in addition to preventive measures, a conservative dental treatment, in contrast to the dental-students group, where 83% required only preventive or no dental treatment at all. Conclusions: Although the incidence of dental caries, periodontal diseases and treatment need is lower in dental students, the relatively high value of DMFT indices in both groups indicates the need for better preventive measures. Due to an inherent increased awareness of oral health and preventive measures, the dental students could set a good example to their fellowstudents of other colleges

    Comparison of Oral Hygiene Habits of the 4th Year Students of Different Faculties of University of Zagreb

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    Preddiplomsko obrazovanje mijenja percepciju oralno-zdravstvenih i oralno-higijenskih navika i stajaliÅ”ta studenata stomatologije. Svrha istraživanja bila je usporediti te navike i stajaliÅ”ta studenata četvrte godine StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta i njihovih kolega s iste godine na ostalim fakultetima SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, kako bismo odredili opseg i važnost mogućih razlika. Ispitanici i postupci: Sudjelovao je 151 student obaju spolova i to 79 sa stomatologije (četvrte godine) i 72 s ostalih fakulteta (četvrte godine). Svi su odgovorili na 21 pitanje iz prilagođenog upitnika prema Å palju o oralno-higijenskim navikama i stajaliÅ”tima. Podaci su nakon toga statistički analizirani programskim paketom SPSS ver. 16,0. Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da postoji razlika između dviju skupina te da studenti stomatologije imaju bolje oralno-higijenske navike i bolja oralno-zdravstvena stajaliÅ”ta od kolega s ostalih fakulteta. Bili su bolje podučeni u tehnici četkanja zuba, zube čeŔće četkaju, koriste se dodatnim sredstvima za održavanje higijene, rjeđe imaju probleme s krvarenjem gingive te posjećuju stomatologa čeŔće nego njihovi kolege s drugih fakulteta. Zaključak: Zbog svjesnosti o problemima oralnoga zdravlja i većeg znanja o preventivnim mjerama, studenti stomatologije mogli bi pozitivno pridonositi oralnom zdravlju svojih pacijenata i kolega i to ne samo educirajući ih, nego i vlastitim primjerom.Undergraduate dental education changes studentsā€™s perception of oral health, as well as oral hygiene habits and attitudes. Aim of this study was to compare oral hygiene and oral health habits and attitudes between 4th year students of dental medicine and 4th year students of other faculties of University of Zagreb in order to determine the possible extent and significance of differences. Material and Methods: Total number of subjects was 151 which included 79 dental students (4th year) and 72 students of other faculties (4th year) of University of Zagreb, of both genders. Modified oral hygiene habits and attitudes questionnaire according to Å palj consisting of 21 questions was used. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS ver. 16.0 software. Results showed difference between two groups, where dental students had better oral hygiene habits and better oral health attitudes compared to their colleagues from other faculties. Dental students were better instructed in brushing techniques, brush more often, use additional means of oral hygiene, have lesser prevalence of gingival bleeding and visit dentist more often then their colleagues from other faculties. Conclusion: Because of greater awareness of oral health problems and improved knowledge on preventive measures, students of dental medicine could positively contribute to the oral health of their patients and their colleagues by education, but also by their own example as a role ā€“ model