145 research outputs found

    Book review: Almost Englishmen: Baghdadi Jews in British Burma

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    This article reviews the book: “Almost Englishmen: Baghdadi Jews in British Burma”, by Ruth Feeman Cernea

    Book review: No Place of Rest: Jewish Literature, Expulsion, and the Memory of Medieval France (Middle Ages)

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    This article reviews the book “No Place of Rest: Jewish Literature, Expulsion, and the Memory of Medieval France”, by Susan L. Einbinder

    Cracking the Stonewall

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    Why Great Britain Entered the Great War

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    Charles-Valentin Alkan (1813-1888): Marrano Musical Composer

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    Charles-Valentin Alkan (1813-1888): Marrano Musical Compose

    “Devoured by wild animals”. Trauma and post-traumatic stress in the children of São Tomé

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    Fugindo para Portugal, em 1492, para escaparem às conversões forçadas em Castela, os mais pobres e provavelmente os mais devotos Sefarditas foram confrontados com a inevitabilidade de pagaram um imposto à Coroa portuguesa. Esses judeus e os seus filhos viviam, na realidade, como escravos do rei de Portugal. O monarca passou aos capitães de São Tomé dois milhares de crianças destas escravizadas famílias, enviadas para uma nova colonização na ilha de S. Tomé. Muitos deles morreram no caminho ou nos primeiros meses, supostamente, devorados por animais selvagens, pois existiriam crocodilos e serpentes negras gigantes. Ficaram marcadas traumaticamente ao longo de gerações, pelo menos até ao século XVI, quando muitos dos descendentes seguiram para o Brasil, para a indústria nascente do açúcar. Alguns dos descendentes, em terceira ou quarta geração, destes acontecimentos traumáticos de 1493 pareceterem regressado ao Judaísmo aquando do domínio holandês no Recife. Este ensaio examina as evidências de um continuado e forte trauma, assim como os diferentesníveis de uma possível memória do Judaísmo que terão vivido ainda em crianças

    The Italian-American Image During the Twentieth Century

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    Alfred Dreyfus

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    This groundbreaking book focuses on Alfred Dreyfus the man, with emphasis placed on his own writings, including his recently published prison workbooks and his letters to his wife Lucie. Through close reading of these documents, a much more sensitive, intellectual, and Jewish man is revealed than was previously suspected. He and Lucie, through their family connections and mutual loyalty, were interested in and supported the artistic, scientific, philosophical and historical movements that formed their Parisian milieu. But as an Alsatian Jew, Alfred was also critical of many aspects of technological and ideological developments, making his mentality one of skepticism as well as idealism