215 research outputs found
Introduction: Many children and adolescents have mental problems that undermine their normal development and functioning.
It is estimated that about 10% of children and adolescents suffer from mental disorders at a sufficiently severe level to cause some degree of damage and require treatment.
Aim: The aim of this paper is to determine whether there have been changes in the diagnostic categories in developmental
psychiatry in children and adolescents treated at the Department for Children and Adolescent Psychiatry for the last fifteen years.
Subjects and methods: The survey includes 844 patients treated at the Department for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of
University Clinical Center of the Republic of Srpska in the period from April 2002 to September 2017, involving only children and adolescents who were hospitalized for the first time. The sample consisted of 453 female subjects (54, 67%) and 391 male subjects (46, 33%). Subjects were divided into three groups: group 1 - hospitalization in the period from 2002 to 2007; group 2 - hospitalization in the period from 2008 to 2012; group 3 - hospitalization in the period from 2013 to September 2017.
Results: Female subjects accounted for more than half of the subjects within each group, with a mild increase in the number of
patients in the last 4 years. In the overall sample, adolescents, aged 13 to 18 (51.66%) were the most frequent, with the lowest
number of subjects under 6 years of age (3.91%). In the overall sample, the most frequent are: psychotic disorders in 18.60% of
subjects; behavioral disorders and emotions in 17, 42% of subjects; suicide attempt, in 14.34% of subjects. By comparing data by groups, there has been a decline in psychotic disorders, and since 2008, adapting disorders and behavioral and emotional disorders have been most frequently diagnosed. There is an increase in the number of respondents who come from incomplete families in the last few years. About one-third of the sample (33.89%) were exposed to one or more types of abuse. 43.13% of children and adolescents with poor socio-economic status. Comorbid diseases are present in 5.92% of children and adolescents. In 26.18% of the sample, psychiatric disorders are present in the family history. The abuse of psychoactive substances was observed in 2.61% of adolescents, and this number has been increasing for the last five years. Family dysfunction is present in 57.35% of children and adolescents.
Conclusion: In our study, there was an increase in the number of children and adolescents with behavioral disorders and
adjustment disorders, as well as an increase in family dysfunctionality and psychoactive substances abuse in adolescents
Assessment of mental health and prevention of mental disorders among University students
Studenti se uglavnom smatraju zdravom grupacijom stanovništva, ali ipak
oko 30% njih svake godine doživi neki problem iz oblasti mentalnog zdravlja.
Mentalno zdravlje studenata sve više postaje sfera interesovanja na globalnom nivou,
jer sučeljavanje sa brojnim životnim situacijama koje nosi ovaj period života ubrzava nastanak depresivnih i anksioznih poremećaja. Studija predstavlja jedno od najvećih istraživanja koje se bavi procenom mentalnog zdravlja kod studentske populacije na teritoriji Srbije.
Istraživanje sugeriše na potrebe uvođenja skrininga na depresivnost i
anksioznost kod studentske populacije, odnosno rano detektovanje neprepoznatih
poremećaja zdravlja u presimptomatskoj fazi poremećaja.
Ovakvo istraživanje bi moglo da pomogne u kreiranju preventivnih programa kod
studentske populacije, kako na lokalnom tako i na naciopnalnom nivou, što bi
rezultiralo sugestijama za dopune i izmene odgovarajućih zakonskih i podzakonskih
akata u ovoj oblasti.Previously obtained data in Serbia showed that about 30% of university
students population manifested signs of psychological distress and has mental problems.
Mental health of university students is under increasing concern worldwide, because they face challenges which predispose them to depression and anxiety. This is one of the largest study examining mental disorders in a sample of university students in Serbia.
AIM: to estimate the mental health and detection of depressive and anxiety symptoms among
university students.
The study was a cross-sectional survey of students attending
University of Kragujevac. Our research instrument was standardized questionnaires (adapted to students), from the WHO research protocol of Health behavior.
We randomly selected 1,940 students. Symptoms of depression were evaluated through the
scale BDI-IA. Symptoms of anxiety were evaluated through the BAI scale.
The prevalence of depressive symptoms in students was 23.6%, while the
prevalence of anxiety symptoms was 33.5%. Female students, older students, students who
reported low family economic situation, not owning the room, dissatisfaction with graduate education were more likely to show depressive symptoms. Female students, students who reported parents high expectations of academic success, students who reported environmental pressure of academic success were more likely to show anxiety symptoms. Questions from the questionnaire that were related to the presence of certain somatic symptoms in patients over the last six months, served as the basis for creating a new variable (the sum score of somatic symptoms) for assessing the risk of presence depressive or anxiety symptoms. By collecting responses, a new variable which sum the somatic symptoms might be indicate the presence of depressive or anxiety symptoms.
Results show that the sum score of somatic symptoms might be a very good marker for the
separation of students with depressive symptoms from students without which means that an
increase in the value of the sum score of somatic symptoms by 1 increases the risk of
depressive symptoms by 5.2%. Results also shows that the sum score of somatic symptoms
might be an excellent marker for the separation of students with anxiety symptoms, from
students without anxiety symptoms which means that an increase in the value of the new
variable by 1 increases the risk of anxiety by 5.6%.
These results demonstrate that the high rates of depressive and anxiety
symptoms among university students are related to academic, nonacademic and cultural
backgrounds. The last several years have provided data that highlight a neglected public
health problem in institutes of higher education. The importance of early identification,
especially the minor signs of depression, could prevent or reduce its severity and chronicity.
From a public health perspective, onset and development of mental illness in students is a potentially critical area for intervention programs. A particular challenge is to promote the early diagnosis of depression by initiating community-based intervention programmes and to reduce the stigma of mood disorders. Such efforts hold substantial promise for the development of interventions that may have a positive impact on the health and well-being of college students
Discourses on domestic violence and narratives of women victims of partners' violence
Nasilje u porodici se u savremenom društvu smatra jednim od najtežih oblika
nasilja jer se njegovim ispoljavanjem krše osnovna ljudska prava i slobode članova
porodice. Međutim, značenje nasilja u porodici može se konstruisati na različite načine
u različitim diskursima. Cilj ovog rada je istraživanje konstruisanja značenja nasilja u
porodici u pravnom i medijskom diksursu i u narativima žena žrtava partnerskog nasilja.
Teorijsko utemeljenje ovog istraživanja predstavlja socijalni konstrukcionizam,
Fukoovo razumevanje diskursa, odnosa moć/znanje i subjekta i feminističko
razumevanje nasilja nad ženama u porodici. Istraživački pristup problemu je
kvalitativan i podrazumeva upotrebu analize sadržaja, diskurzivnu analizu i narativnu
Analiza pravnog diskursa ukazuje na konstrukcionističku prirodu fenomena
nasilja u porodici što se ilustruje praćenjem promena u definisanju značenja nasilja u
porodici u različitim pravnim dokumentima. Analizom su obuhvaćeni određeni članovi
zakona u kojima se definiše značenje nasilja u porodici (Zakon o javnom redu i miru iz
1994. godine, Zakon o izmenama i dopunama Krivičnog zakona iz 2002. godine,
Krivični zakonik iz 2005. godine, Porodični zakon iz 2005. godine) i Nacionalna
strategija za sprečavanje i suzbijanje nasilja nad ženama u porodici i u partnerskim
odnosima, usvojena 2011. godine. Sprovedena analiza pokazuje promenu u značenju
nasilja u porodici tokom posmatranih godina. Promene u označavanju se konstruišu
promenom u značenju nasilnog postupka koji će se smatrati nasilnim, promenom
označavanja posledica koje takvo nasilje izaziva i promenom označavanja članova
porodice na koje se usvojeni zakoni odnose.
Analiza medijskog diskursa podrazumevala je analizu novinskih članaka u
dnevnim novinama Blic i Politika u 2003, 2007. i 2011. godini. Analizom je
obuhvaćeno 432 novinska članka o nasilju u porodici...In modern society domestic violence is considered as one of the worst forms of
violence because its manifestations violate basic human rights and freedom of family
members. However, the meaning of domestic violence can be constructed in different
ways through different discourses. The aim of this work is to explore constructing
meanings of domestic violence in legal and media discourses and in narratives of
women victims of partners’ violence.
The theoretical foundation of this research is social constructionism, Foucault's
understanding of discourse, his understanding of the relation between power /
knowledge and the subject, as well as the feminist understanding of domestic violence
against women. The research is based on the qualitative approach to the problem which
implies the use of content analysis, discourse analysis and narrative analysis.
The law discourse analysis indicates the constructionist nature of the
phenomenon of domestic violence, as it is illustrated by tracking the change in the
meaning of domestic violence in different legal documents. The analysis refers to some
articles of the Serbian national laws which define the meaning of domestic violence
(Law on Public Peace and Order – 1994; The Law on Amendments to the Criminal Law
– 2002; Criminal Code – 2005; Family Law - 2005) and to National Strategy for
preventing and combating domestic and partners’ violence against women, adopted
2011. The conducted analysis shows a change in the meaning of domestic violence
during these years. Changes in labeling of domestic violence are constructed by
changing the meaning of actions that would be considered as violent, by changing
labeling of consequences caused by such violence, as well as by changing labeling of
family members to which these laws apply.
The analysis of media discourse entailed an analysis of newspaper articles edited
in daily newspapers Blic and Politika during 2003, 2007 and 2011. The analysis
included 432 newspapers articles on domestic violence..
Organizations, as a complex systems, in the structure of their subsystems have the human or social subsystem. It is a subsystem that has a significant influence on the functioning of the organization and its competitiveness. The quality of the social organizational subsystem is determined by the quality of the different variables that the subsystem includes. Job satisfaction is one of these variables. It is a variable that can have an adequate impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization, as well as on its performance. The aim of the authors of this paper is to point out the nature, the significance, causes and consequences of job satisfaction, as well as the role of managers in raising the level of these organizational variables. Key words: job satisfaction, staff, management, organizatio
Using the "Mach IV Scale", this paper analyses the level of Machiavellian behavior among the student population in the Republic of Serbia. The obtained results were compared with the outcome of similar studies conducted in the United States and Indonesia. Results indicated that Machiavellianism level, manifested among the student population in the Republic of Serbia, is higher than Machiavellianism level manifested among students in the United States and Indonesia. The mixed results of this study point to the conclusion that economic development of a certain country (expressed by GDP per capita) could not be a base for reliable conclusion regarding the potential expression level of Machiavellian behavior of state’s population. These results can be useful for managers, in general, and for managers in the Republic of Serbia, particularly, in the process of recruiting and selecting new candidates, and in the course of delegating tasks to existing members of the organization.Key words: machiavellianism, economic development, students, managemen
Need to Improve the Natural Aggregate Resources Supply in the City of Belgrade (Serbia)
The City of Belgrade is the largest market for aggregates in Serbia but the production of natural aggregates is rather small, around five percent of total consumption. This reflects the geology of the City of Belgrade territory, dominated by Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary rocks. The production of crushed rock and sand and gravel on the territory of Belgrade was almost equal, while majority of imported aggregates is sand and gravel due to lower price. Consumption of crushed rocks includes around 90 % of limestone and dolomite, the rest being magmatic rocks. The main issue of using crushed rock on the territory of the City of Belgrade is the long transport routes, which are usually near or more than 100 km, creating more logistic problems and increasing cost of aggregates Therefore it is necessary to establish a good supply system with low socio-environmental impact of aggregate production and transport, and the basis for that is the analysis of actual structure of production and supply of natural aggregates and new potential quarries and/or sand and gravel pits
Application of augmentative and alternative communication in persons with speech and language disorders of various etiology
�����ovek kao socijalno biće ima stalnu potrebu da komunicira sa drugim ljudima. Humana
komunikacija, koja se dominantno zasniva na simbolima, jedinstvena je i zbog naše sposobnosti
da stvaramo i koristimo apstraktne simbole. Sposobnost komunikacije pojedinca
odre�����uje kvalitet njegovog života i funkcionisanja u različitim sferama, jer predstavlja
osnovu za uspešno ostvarivanje me�����uljudskih odnosa, obrazovanje, zapošljavanje, i ličnu
promociju. Stoga poteškoće u komunikaciji mogu dovesti do frustracija i otežati ostvarivanje
maksimalnih potencijala čoveka.
Pojedine osobe sa govorno-jezičkim poremećajima nikada ne razviju verbalnu komunikaciju,
i nakon intenzivnog, tradicionalnog logopedskog tretmana. Iz tog razloga, poslednjih
decenija ističe se značaj augmentativne i alternativne komunikacije (AAC), kao dopune
i zamene za prirodan govor i pisanje. Potencijalni korisnici AAC su deca i odrasli sa poremećajima,
stanjima i bolestima različite etiologije koji su udruženi sa poteškoćama u komunikaciji.
Zato bi ova interventna metoda trebalo da predstavlja integrativni deo programa
za sve osobe koje imaju poteškoće u razvoju ili upotrebi jezika i govora kao tipičnog načina
komunikacije. Odluka o tome koji će AAC sistem koristiti i odgovarati detetu ili odrasloj
osobi sa komunikativnim poteškoćama nije nimalo laka, i mora je doneti tim stručnjaka.
U ovom radu su prikazane mogućnosti, kao i prednosti i nedostaci primene augmentativne
i alternativne komunikacije kod osoba sa poremećajima komunikacije, kao i važnost
uloge AAC tima u odre�����ivanju adekvatne komunikacione metode za svakog korisnika pojedinačno.
Posebno je istaknut značaj primene ovih komunikacionih metoda kod dece na
školskom uzrastu.Man as a social being has a constant need to communicate with other people. Human
communication, which is predominantly based on symbols, is unique because of our ability
to create and use abstract symbols. Communication skills of the individual determines the
quality of his life and functioning in various spheres and represent basis for the successful
realization of interpersonal relations, education, employment, and personal promotion.
Therefore, difficulties in communication can lead to frustration and difficulty of achieving
the maximum of individual potential.
Some people with speech and language disorders never develop verbal communication,
even after an intense, traditional speech therapy. For this reason, in recent decades,
it is emphasized the importance of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
as additional and replacement techniques for natural speech and writing. Potential
users of AAC are children and adults with disabilities, conditions and diseases of different
etiology, which are associated with difficulties in communication. Therefore, this method of
intervention should be an integral part of the program for all persons who have difficulties
in development or usage of language and speech. The decision about which AAC system is
better and more suitable for child or adult with communicative difficulties is not easy, and
must be made by the team of experts.
This paper presents opportunities as well as advantages and disadvantages of
application of augmentative and alternative communication in persons with communication
disorders, and the importance of the AAC team in determining appropriate methods of
communication for each user individually. We particularly emphasized the importance of
applying these methods of communication in children at school age
Uticaj veličine vegetacionog prostora na prinos semena trava
This paper surveys sowing norms (row spacing and seed rate) in both our country and the world, as well as the optimal seed rates in grass seed production. It gives a short overview of row spacings and seed rates applied in our and some other countries. Earlier, grass cultivated for the purpose of seed production was grown on small vegetation area. According to some researches, high seed yields can be achieved by cultivating grass on large vegetation area. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the highest cocksfoot, timothy, meadow fescue, tall fescue seed yield was achieved with plants grown in 50 cm spaced rows employing lower seed rates (8 and 4 kg/ha of seeds). The highest Italian ryegrass and perennial ryegrass seed yield was achieved with plants grown in 20 cm spaced rows employing 20 kg/ha of seeds.U radu je dat pregled setvenih normativa, načina setve i količine semena, u našoj zemlji i u svetu, najoptimalnije količine semena pri setvi u proizvodnji semena trava. Takođe je dat kratak osvrt na način i gustinu setve koji se primenjuje u našoj zemlji i nekim zemljama sveta. U ranijem periodu su se biljke za proizvodnju semena gajile na manjem vegetacionom prostoru. Međutim, istraživanja ukazuju da se visoki prinosi semena trava mogu postići pri gajenju biljaka na većem vegetacionom prostoru. Na osnovu provedenih istraživanja o uticaju načina i gustine setve na prinos semena trava moguće je zaključiti da se visok prinos semena ježevice, mačijeg repa livadskog vijuka, visokog vijuka postiže setvom semenskog useva na 50 cm i primenom nižih doza semena (od 8 do 4 kg/ha). Visok prinos semena italijanskog i engleskog ljulja se postiže setvom na međuredno rastojanje od 20 cm između redova i primenom 20 kg/ha semena
Samoprocena stepena hendikepa osoba sa hipokinetičkom dizartrijom
Hipokinetička dizartrija je motorni poremećaj govora koji se rano
dijagnostikuje kod osoba sa Parkinsonovom bolešću. Ovaj tip dizartrije
podrazumeva veliki broj promena u govoru i glasu i utiče na kvalitet
Cilj istraživanja se odnosio na utvrđivanje stepena hendikepa koji
doživljava osoba sa hipokinetičkom dizartrijom zbog patologije glasa i govora.
Prethodna istraživanja su pokazala da je nedostatak svesti o govornom poremećaju
kod pacijenata sa Parkinsonovom bolešću važan aspekt komunikacionih
deficita. Osim toga, želeli smo da utvrdimo da li postoje razlike vezane za pol
i uzrast prilikom samoprocene kvaliteta komunikacije koju ostvaruju ove osobe.
Istraživanje je izvršeno na uzorku od 30 ispitanika sa Parkinsonovom
bolešću. Ispitanici su bili oba pola (11 muškaraca i 19 žena), uzrasta između
59 i 94 godine. Osobe iz uzorka su odgovorile na 30 pitanja petostepene skale
Likertovog tipa, pod nazivom ,,Indeks glasovnog oštećenja", čime su vrednovale
kvalitet sopstvene komunikacije i procenile stepen hendikepa koji doživljavaju
zbog problema sa glasom.
Rezultati su pokazali da većina osoba iz uzorka ne primećuje promene u
glasu kao ni abnormalnosti u sopstvenom govoru. Blag poremećaj zabeležen je kod
73,3% ispitanika, umeren kod 6,7% i težak kod 20% ispitanika. Takođe je
utvrđeno u kojim komunikacionim situacijama osobe sa hipokinetičkom
dizartrijom imaju najviše problema. Pokazalo se da ne postoji statistički
značajna razlika između muškaraca i žena ni na jednom ajtemu skale. Međutim,
statistički značajna negativna korelacija zabeležena je između varijable uzrasta
i pojedinih ajtema na funkcionalnoj, fizičkoj i emocionalnoj supskali čime se
pokazalo da mlađi ispitanici u odnosu na starije imaju više problema u vezi sa
pojedinim tvrdnjama.
Potrebno je istaći da je samoprocena stepena hendikepa i kvaliteta
komunikacije pojedinaca sa hipokinetičkom dizartrijom veoma važna kako bi se
odredio adekvatan tretman i kako bi se utvrdilo da li te osobe imaju realnu sliku
o težini sopstvenog govornog poremećaja
Application of augmentative and alternative communication in persons with speech and language disorders of various etiology
�����ovek kao socijalno biće ima stalnu potrebu da komunicira sa drugim ljudima. Humana
komunikacija, koja se dominantno zasniva na simbolima, jedinstvena je i zbog naše sposobnosti
da stvaramo i koristimo apstraktne simbole. Sposobnost komunikacije pojedinca
odre�����uje kvalitet njegovog života i funkcionisanja u različitim sferama, jer predstavlja
osnovu za uspešno ostvarivanje me�����uljudskih odnosa, obrazovanje, zapošljavanje, i ličnu
promociju. Stoga poteškoće u komunikaciji mogu dovesti do frustracija i otežati ostvarivanje
maksimalnih potencijala čoveka.
Pojedine osobe sa govorno-jezičkim poremećajima nikada ne razviju verbalnu komunikaciju,
i nakon intenzivnog, tradicionalnog logopedskog tretmana. Iz tog razloga, poslednjih
decenija ističe se značaj augmentativne i alternativne komunikacije (AAC), kao dopune
i zamene za prirodan govor i pisanje. Potencijalni korisnici AAC su deca i odrasli sa poremećajima,
stanjima i bolestima različite etiologije koji su udruženi sa poteškoćama u komunikaciji.
Zato bi ova interventna metoda trebalo da predstavlja integrativni deo programa
za sve osobe koje imaju poteškoće u razvoju ili upotrebi jezika i govora kao tipičnog načina
komunikacije. Odluka o tome koji će AAC sistem koristiti i odgovarati detetu ili odrasloj
osobi sa komunikativnim poteškoćama nije nimalo laka, i mora je doneti tim stručnjaka.
U ovom radu su prikazane mogućnosti, kao i prednosti i nedostaci primene augmentativne
i alternativne komunikacije kod osoba sa poremećajima komunikacije, kao i važnost
uloge AAC tima u odre�����ivanju adekvatne komunikacione metode za svakog korisnika pojedinačno.
Posebno je istaknut značaj primene ovih komunikacionih metoda kod dece na
školskom uzrastu.Man as a social being has a constant need to communicate with other people. Human
communication, which is predominantly based on symbols, is unique because of our ability
to create and use abstract symbols. Communication skills of the individual determines the
quality of his life and functioning in various spheres and represent basis for the successful
realization of interpersonal relations, education, employment, and personal promotion.
Therefore, difficulties in communication can lead to frustration and difficulty of achieving
the maximum of individual potential.
Some people with speech and language disorders never develop verbal communication,
even after an intense, traditional speech therapy. For this reason, in recent decades,
it is emphasized the importance of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
as additional and replacement techniques for natural speech and writing. Potential
users of AAC are children and adults with disabilities, conditions and diseases of different
etiology, which are associated with difficulties in communication. Therefore, this method of
intervention should be an integral part of the program for all persons who have difficulties
in development or usage of language and speech. The decision about which AAC system is
better and more suitable for child or adult with communicative difficulties is not easy, and
must be made by the team of experts.
This paper presents opportunities as well as advantages and disadvantages of
application of augmentative and alternative communication in persons with communication
disorders, and the importance of the AAC team in determining appropriate methods of
communication for each user individually. We particularly emphasized the importance of
applying these methods of communication in children at school age
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