4 research outputs found
Siswa kelas X dalam tahapan peralihan dari SMP menuju SMA dituntut untuk segera beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan menguasai materi-materi pelajaran yang belum pernah disiswai sebelumnya. Dengan kecanggihan smartphone siswa kelas X dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan yang harus mereka selesaikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara stres dengan kecanduan smartphone pada siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara stres dengan kecanduan smartphone pada siswa kelas X SMA N 5 Surakarta. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta sebanyak 300 siswa. Sampel sebanyak 148 siswa yang terdiri dari 53 laki-laki dan 95 perempuan diperoleh dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang di analisis adalah Skala Stres (32 item; α = 0,88 ) dan Skala Kecanduan Smartphone (29 item; α = 0,91). Analisis regresi sederhana menunjukkan hubungan positif dan signifikan antara stres dengan kecanduan smartphone subjek (rxy = 0,40; p < 0,001). Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini diterima, yaitu terdapat hubungan antara stres dan kecanduan smartphone pada siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta. Analisis data menunjukkan R2 = 0,16 yang menjelaskan bahwa sumbangan stres terhadap kecanduan smartphone sebesar 16 % sedangkan sisanya 84 % ditentukan oleh faktor lain. Peneliti memberi saran untuk peneliti selanjutnya agar melakukan penelitian kepada kelompok subjek yang memiliki stres dan tingkat kecanduan smartphone yang tinggi
Perubahan Persepsi Mahasiswa Universitas Riau Terhadap Kepemimpinan Joko Widodo Mengenai Permasalahan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Tahun 2014-2016
This research is grounded by a government that is trying to revise the weakening Corruption Eradication Commission law as well as past human rights cases that have been promised to be resolved as soon as possible but to date have not found a bright spot. Leadership Joko Widodo seemed to forget his promise Campaign and Nawa Cita in the field of Law and Human Rights. The formulation of the problem in this research is "How is the perception of University of Riau Students toward the leadership of Joko Widodo in terms of policy of handling Law and Human Rights?".The research approach used is quantitative approach. While the type of research used is a comparative causal study. Data collected by the author using observation, questionnaire / questionnaire, and documentation. The data used are primary data obtained from the research respondents and then supported by secondary data obtained indirectly from the object of research.The result of the research shows that the perception of students of the University of Riau on law enforcement and human rights during the leadership of Joko Widodo, is in good category on 100 days of service because the leadership of Joko Widodo has promised Indonesian people to uphold the law of justice and solve the problem Human rights both past and present. However, the students\u27 perceptions change after 100 days of work so that the category is less good because many cases of law enforcement that is one-sided and solving the problems of Human Rights both in the present and in the past are not assertive even tended to be considered playful by the authorities
This research was arranged based on Factorial Randomized Block Design with two treatmentfactors and three replications, the first factor was the giving of various types of organic fertilizer(P) consisting of 4 levels ie P0 (without treatment), P1 (bokashi cow dung), P2 ( bokashi legum) and the second fator is the application of urea (U) fertilizer consisting of 3 levels ie U0 (control), U1 (10 g / plot) and U2 (20 g / plot). The results of research that treatment of various types of organic fertilizer significantly affect the growth and yield of water spinach. The best treatment was obtained at treatment (P3) yielding 22,10 cm height, 25,33 pieces of leaves, yield per crop 39,29 g and yield per plot 3,87 kg. The treatment of urea fertilizer has an effect on the growth and yield of spinach water. The best treatment was obtained at a dose of 20 g / plot (U2) resulting in plant height of 22.42 cm, number of leaves of 23.42 pieces, production per plant 39.04 g and production per plot of 3.85 kg. Interaction treatment of various types of organic fertilizers and urea fertilizers did not show a significant effect on the growth and yield of water spinach
Psychological Encouragement for High School Students in Preparation for Online Learning During Covid-19
Psychosocial is commonly defined as referring to a relationship that is close in both psychological and social factors. Emotional and cognitive development, as well as social factors such as interpersonal relationships and the community in which a person lives all influence a person's psychological well-being. Psychosocial is focused on the interpersonal aspects that exist alongside psychological aspects (thoughts, emotions, and behavior) (social relations, traditions and culture). Initiated psychological encouragement (commonly referred to as DPA) is also known as PFA (PFA). Psychosocial encouragement is a type of DPA. DPA aims to reduce the detrimental effects of stress, to help individuals recover from disasters, and to assist in the process of their return to normal. A crisis situation is an ongoing (or expected) event that places people, groups, communities, or societies in an unstable and dangerous position, which then impacts those people, groups, or societies. There are both positive and negative impacts that teachers, students, and also parents have to face and deal with during a COVID-19 pandemic. Stress and pressure can arise naturally, for everyone, when someone is in an unpleasant/crisis situation. Emotional expressions, such as crying in children aged 0-3 years, or other non-adaptive behavior, such as aggressive or tantrums, are common indicators of stress in students (venting anger or excessive emotional outbursts at a certain age because there are unfulfilled wants or needs)