526 research outputs found

    The Education-growth Nexus Across OECD Countries: Schooling Levels and Parameter Heterogeneity

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    More education is good for growth but what kind of education? This paper tries to contribute to this discussion along two dimensions. We try to disentangle the relative growth returns of primary, secondary and tertiary education, while at the same time accounting for heterogeneity in the relationship among OECD countries. To achieve our goal we estimate a convergence regression derived from a human capital-augmented exogenous growth model using the Pooled Mean Group estimator proposed by Pesaran, Shin and Smith (1999) that imposes common long-run relationships across countries while allowing for heterogeneity in the short run responses and intercepts. The use of estimators that allow for a greater degree of parameter heterogeneity than is common in empirical growth studies improves the results of the estimation of the education-schooling levels-growth link: we detect a positive and significant relationship not only between higher education and growth but also between growth and either secondary or primary education. Thus, the evidence analyzed here points to the need to develop empirical growth studies that consider the existence of a higher degree of heterogeneity in cross-country studies, provided there are enough time series observations.schooling levels, education, economic growth, dynamic heterogeneous panels

    Channels of transmission of inequality to growth: A survey of the theory and evidence from a Portuguese perspective

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    We review the theoretical and empirical literature on the relationship between inequality and economic growth from the perspective of the Portuguese economy in order to identify the correct (predicted) sign for the relationship in this particular country and the underlying mechanisms that explain it. Different mechanisms relating inequality and economic growth can be at stake explaining why different countries can experience different outcomes in the same period of time or why the same country experiences different outcomes in different periods of time. It is thus fundamental to correctly identify the channels of transmission of inequality to growth in the Portuguese economy. Ideally, all the mechanisms selected should be tested, but prior judgments should also lead us to produce a ranking of the mechanisms according to its relevance for the economy under analysis. This correct identification and ranking leads to more accurate policy recommendations as far as redistributive policies for the Portuguese economy are concerned.Inequality; Growth; Portugal.

    Education and growth: an industry-level analysis of the Portuguese manufacturing

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    TThis paper investigates the education–growth link at the more disaggregate industry level in the Portuguese manufacturing sector with a focus on different levels of education. The insights from new growth theory and a modified and augmented version of the Benhabib and Spiegel (1994) specification are the basis for the empirical analysis of the role of education in innovation and imitation activities highlighting a role for specific schooling levels across industries according to their technological characteristics and its interaction with international trade. We use data for the period 1986–1997, fourteen Portuguese manufacturing industries and panel data econometric techniques. Our most robust finding concerns the relevance of technology spillovers embodied in imports for productivity growth, as long as manufacturing industries employ workers with skills provided by secondary education. The Portuguese manufacturing industry cannot rely on automatic technological catch up for productivity growth so active trade and education policies are crucial to recover from the present bottom position in the rank of OECD productivity levels.education, innovation, technology diffusion, productivity growth, panel data

    Outras vidas para o cinema

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    O projecto “Principais tendências no cinema português contemporâneo” nasceu no Departamento de Cinema da ESTC, com o objectivo de desenvolver investigação especializada a partir de um núcleo formado por alunos da Licenciatura em Cinema e do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Projecto Cinematográfico, a que se juntaram professores-investigadores membros do CIAC e convidados. O que agora se divulga corresponde a dois anos e meio de trabalho desenvolvido pela equipa de investigação, entre Abril de 2009 e Novembro de 2011. Dada a forma que ele foi adquirindo, preferimos renomeá-lo, para efeitos de divulgação, “Novas & velhas tendências no cinema português contemporâneo”.QUAIS SÃO, hoje, as principais características do desenvolvimento de projectos para cinema em Portugal? O que pensam realizadores cinematográficos, produtores, distribuidores e exibidores sobre o cinema português? Que conclusões tirar das suas opiniões, relatos de experiências e análises da situação contemporânea? Que novas tendências surgiram no cinema português, nos primeiros anos do séc. XXI?Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação, Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual, Ministério da Cultura, Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema

    Inequality and Growth in Portugal: a time series analysis

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    Following the recent resurgence of interest on the relationship between inequality and growth and the considerable debate that remains on its sign, we examine this nexus for Portugal during the period 1985–2007 using a time series approach. The results, using different time series methodologies, suggest that earnings inequality has a negative impact on output thus confirming the view that inequality is detrimental to growth. Moreover, according to the results from the impulse response functions based on the preferred trivariate structural VAR model, these effects last in some cases for three years after the inequality shock. As far as education is concerned, the third variable apart from output and inequality considered in our SVAR models, the evidence does not support the theoretical prediction that more inequality reduces human capital accumulation, pointing in fact in the opposite direction: an increase in earnings inequality leads to more educated workers. Thus, the evidence of a negative influence of inequality on output seems to be explained not by the fact that more inequality leads to less human capital accumulation but because it implies more redistribution, with the associated distortionary effects from taxes on investment.output, inequality, education, Hendry-Krolzig methodology, causality, SVAR.

    The impact of EU integration on the Portuguese distribution of employees' earnings

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    This paper investigates the impact of Portugal’s accession to the EU on employees’ earnings inequality using data for the years 1985 and 1991 from the Quadros de Pessoal database. The distributions of earnings for the two years are compared using distinct empirical methodologies to better clarify the nature of inequality at the aggregate level: cardinal measures of inequality and the Lorenz stochastic dominance approach (Araar and Duclos, 2007); the Relative Distribution approach; and covariate (education) decomposition. Our results indicate that during the period under analysis the median and average earnings of employees increased, pointing to a sort of honeymoon effect of EU integration on Portuguese employees’ earnings, but which was characterized by an increase in earnings inequality. Relative to 1985, in 1991 there were more employees with very low earnings but also more 1991 employees with high earnings and there were also more employees at the bottom end and at the top end of the earnings distribution. Moreover, the analysis of the relative earnings distribution by level of education reveals substantial differences for the top end of the distributions with the proportion of 1991 employees receiving the highest earnings higher than for the original 1985 cohort. These results deserve a deeper investigation since inequality may jeopardize future growth of the Portuguese economy. Similar analysis should also be carried out for recent and predictable future members of the EU.earnings inequality, education inequality, relative distribution, covariate decomposition

    La convergence réelle selon la Théorie de la Croissance: Quelles explications pour l’Union Européenne?

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    L'Union Européenne est toujours et restera sûrement pendant quelque temps (avec l'élargissement) un groupe de pays marqué par des différences importantes dans les niveaux de revenu. Bien que les pays européens du Sud, qui dans les années 50 étaient classés par la Banque Mondiale comme des pays en voie de développement, fassent maintenant partie du monde développé, la vérité est qu’ils sont encore loin d’atteindre les niveaux de revenu de leur contre-partie nordique. Il semble alors que comprendre le processus de convergence réelle qui s'est produit en Europe, soit tout à fait important et puisse être utile dans un proche avenir. La Théorie Néoclassique de la Croissance peut nous aider à étudier la convergence réelle dans l'UE. Il semble y avoir deux explications qui s’opposent: pour les théoriciens de la croissance exogène, la convergence existe et est due à des productivités marginales décroissantes des facteurs; pour les théoriciens de la croissance endogène, il peut n’y avoir aucune convergence. Après avoir présenté brièvement ces deux approches théoriques, nous évaluerons l'hypothèse de convergence pour les quinze Etats membres entre 1960 et 1990 en utilisant des données en cross section et en séries temporelles et nous vérifierons s' il y a eu convergence due aux rendements décroissants. En plus de l’obtention de résultats qui supportent l’hypothèse de la convergence, nous essaierons également de définir quelques mesures de politique économique qui, selon la théorie de la croissance, doivent stimuler la convergence des Etats membres, présents et futurs.The European Union is still and will probably remain for sometime (with the enlargement) a group of countries with important differences in income levels. Although the southern european countries, which in the 50’s were classified by the World Bank as developing countries, are now part of the developed world, the truth is that they are still far from reaching the income levels of their northern counterparts. It seems then that understanding some of the real convergence process that has occurred in Europe is quite important and can be of use in the near future. The Neoclassical Theory of Growth can help us study real convergence in the EU. Here there seems to be two opposing explanations: for exogenous growth theorists convergence exists and is due to diminishing marginal productivities to inputs; for endogenous growth theorists there can be no convergence. After presenting briefly both theories we test the convergence hypothesis for the 15 member states between 1960 and 1990 using both cross section and time series data and verify if there has been convergence due to diminishing returns. In the presence of results that support the convergence hypoyhesis we also try to establish some economic policy measures that, according to the Theory of Growth, can stimulate convergence between present and future member states.A União Europeia é constituída por países que apresentam diferenciais de níveis de rendimento per capita significativos. Esta situação vai permanecer ainda durante alguns anos e agravar-se-á com o alargamento. Apesar dos países do Sul terem registado taxas de crescimento notáveis nas últimas décadas, podendo ser já classificados como países desenvolvidos, ao contrário do que acontecia na década de 50, a verdade é que o seu rendimento per capita fica ainda muito aquém do dos países do Norte. Tentar perceber se há ou não convergência real no seio da União Europeia e quais as suas causas é assim de extrema importância no contexto actual. Através da Teoria Neoclássica do Crescimento é possível analisar o processo de convergência real na UE. Esta oferece-nos contudo dois tipos de análises, aparentemente contradiórias. A Teoria do Crescimento Exógeno defende a existência de convergência real entre grupos de países na presença de produtividades marginais decrescentes dos factores. A Teoria do Crescimento Endógeno nega a existência de convergência. Depois de uma breve apresentação de ambas as teorias testa-se a hipótese de convergência real para os quinze estados-membros da UE entre 1960 e 1990 com base quer em dados seccionais quer em dados cronológicos. Dado que os resultados apoiam a hipótese de convergência são então propostas algumas medidas de política económica que podem, de acordo com a Teoria do Crescimento, estimular a convergência real entre os actuias e futuros estados-membros

    Capacidade para o trabalho em cuidadores formais de idosos

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    Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da SaúdeO presente estudo exploratório pretendeu avaliar a relação entre variáveis psicopatológicas, vulnerabilidade ao stress e capacidade para o trabalho em cuidadores formais de idosos institucionalizados. A amostra foi recolhida em instituições de terceira idade entre fevereiro de 2011 e março de 2012, sendo constituída por 104 trabalhadores de sete instituições que prestam cuidados a idosos. A recolha da informação realizou-se a partir de questionários de auto - relato. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o BDI, o STAY-1, o STAY-2, o BSI, o 23 QVS, e o ICT. Os resultados mostraram que os cuidadores mais velhos apresentavam piores resultados no índice de capacidade para o trabalho e que quanto maior era o nível de sintomatologia psicopatológica experienciada pelo cuidador formal, menor era a sua capacidade para o trabalho. Constatou-se igualmente que uma maior vulnerabilidade ao stress estava relacionada com um menor índice de capacidade para o trabalho e com níveis superiores de sintomatologia psicopatológica. Quanto às habilitações dos cuidadores, verificou-se que quanto maior o nível de escolaridade, melhor a capacidade para o trabalho. Estes resultados demonstraram a importância da ligação entre a investigação e a intervenção. A avaliação da capacidade para o trabalho poderá constituir um bom indicador para identificar os trabalhadores mais vulneráveis a desenvolver sintomatologia psicopatológica e, neste sentido, as instituições poderão promover ações de formação e estratégias de promoção da saúde para os seus colaboradores. A melhoria da capacidade para o trabalho destes profissionais deverá, em consequência, refletir-se numa prestação de cuidados de maior qualidade para os idosos a seu cargo.With this exploratory study we aimed to evaluate the relationship between psychopathological variables, vulnerability to stress and ability to work in formal caregivers of institutionalized elderly. The sample was collected in institutions for the elderly between February 2011 and March 2012, and was consisted of 104 workers from seven institutions that provide care for the elderly. The data collection involved self - report questionnaires. The instruments used in this study were the BDI, STAY-1, STAY-2, BSI, 23 QVS and the ICT. The results showed that older formal caregivers had worse results in the ability to work index and that the greater the level of psychopathological symptoms experienced by the caregiver, the lower was their ability to work. It was also found that a greater vulnerability to stress was associated with a lower capacity for work and higher levels of psychopathological symptoms. Regarding the qualifications of caregivers, it was found that the higher the educational level, the better the ability to work. This study demonstrated the importance of the link between research and intervention. The assessment of work capacity could be a good indicator to identify the caregivers that are more vulnerable to develop psychopathological symptoms, in order that institutions may therefore promote training actions and strategies to support health for its employees. A better ability to work of these professionals should therefore be reflected in the provision of a higher care quality for seniors that are at their responsability