1,855 research outputs found
The burden of an ageing society as a public debt
Demographic change in industrialized nations has been a matter of common interest for some time. The financial implications of an ageing society are also increasingly discussed, particularly with regard to pension systems. The impact of this development on public finances is, however, only gradually being realized and the constitutional framework of public finances in Germany and the European Union just falls short of ignoring it entirely. This paper is a preliminary assessment of the burden of an ageing society under the fiscal law, specifically in respect of prospective entitlements to the public pension system. The first part analyses the provisions of the German constitution on finances (Finanzverfassungsrecht) to identify what rules, if any, exist addressing such (potential) expenditures, which lie in the immediate or very distant future. The second part of the paper analyses the fiscal requirements under European Union law. In the third and final part a few comments on the proposed national pact on stability and the recent moves to amend the German Federal Constitution are presented
Controlling root flies with exclusion fences?
Protecting crops with insect fences is currently being considered as an alternative to row cover netting and synthetic insecticides. Previous studies reported efficacies of such fences with 50-90 % reduction in crop damage by root flies. We conducted trials with a 1.70 m fence over two years to monitor carrot rust fly (Psila rosae) in carrots and cabbage root fly (Delia radicum) in radish. There was a significant reduction in cabbage root fly damage in fenced plots whereas no such effect could be found with carrot rust fly. The structure of the overhang at the top of the fence and the mobility of this particular species may be important elements to consider in fence design. The length of the overhang also seemed to be important for cabbage root fly (Delia radicum) control, as a statistically significant treatment effect was observed only when the overhang was 35 cm long. Using radish as a test crop, the fences reduced damage by 55 % in the second year of the trial. The population size of overwintering cabbage root flies was also an important factor, as the number of flies in the year that the fence was effective was lower than in the previous year
The European Central Bank’s outright monetary transactions and the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany
This note reviews the legal issues and concerns that are likely to play an important role in the ongoing deliberations of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany concerning the legality of ECB government bond purchases such as those conducted in the context of its earlier Securities Market Programme or potential future Outright Monetary Transactions
Missachtung rechtlicher Vorgaben des AEUV durch die Mitgliedstaaten und die EZB in der Schuldenkrise
Zusammenfassung und Ergebnisse
1. Es gibt gute Argumente fĂĽr ein generelles Verbot (freiwilliger) UnterstĂĽtzungsleistungen an Euro-Mitgliedstaaten.
2. Die Vereinbarkeit der Leistungen der EU im Rahmen des EFSM mit Art. 122 Abs. 2 AEUV ist fraglich. Die Beurteilung der Kausalitätsfrage ist maßgebend.
3. Die Vereinbarkeit der Leistungen der Mitgliedstaaten im Rahmen der speziellen Griechenlandhilfe und im Rahmen der EFSF mit dem AEUV in der damals geltenden Fassung ist nicht sicher.
4. Die EinfĂĽhrung von Art. 136 Abs. 3 AEUV modifiziert das Vertragsrecht und ist wohl noch in Einklang mit Art. 48 Abs. 6 EUV erfolgt.
5. ESM und Fiskalpakt verstoßen nach der Änderung des Primärrechts wohl nicht gegen den AEUV.
6. Unabdingbar fĂĽr die Schaffung des ESM sind aber das Inkrafttreten von Art. 136 Abs. 3 AEUV und
7. Der Erwerb von Forderungen gegen Mitgliedstaaten über einen längeren Zeitraum und zur Erleichterung von Zinslasten überschreitet die Befugnisse und Zuständigkeiten des ESZB.
8. Der Erwerb von Forderungen gegen Mitgliedstaaten über einen längeren Zeitraum und zur Erleichterung von Zinslasten ist nicht mit dem Verbot der Kreditgewährung durch Zentralbanken an Hoheitsträger nach Art. 123 AEUV zu vereinbaren
9. Die Gewährung von langfristigen Krediten an Banken verstößt ebenfalls gegen die Zuständigkeitsordnung des AEUV und ist bei einer Weiterleitung der Mittel an Hoheitsträger nicht mit Art. 123 AEUV zu vereinbaren.
10. Die Akzeptierung von ausfallgefährdeten Forderungen als Sicherheit für die Gewährung von Krediten durch das ESZB verstößt gegen Art. 18.1., zweiter Spiegelstrich, Satzung ESZB/EZB
Staatslenker und Banken im Wettbewerb : ĂĽber die Entstehung des Papiergelds ; ein rechtshistorischer Ăśberblick
Die ersten »Banknoten« waren Schuldscheine oder Quittungen für hinterlegte Edelmetalle. Erst mit der Abkopplung von Papier und Einlage eröffneten sich neue Möglichkeiten der Finanzierung für Banken und Staatslenker – mit den entsprechenden Risiken. Der historische Blick auf die unterschiedlichen geldpolitischen Interessen von Regierungen, Privat- und Zentralbanken wirft auch ein neues Licht auf die Hintergründe der gegenwärtigen Krise
Happiness and impulse buying: An exploration into the perceptions of female consumers aged between 18 and 35 in Germany
Impulse behaviour in general and impulse buying in particular have a long history of negative associations in research. Consumers are advised by the popular press to refrain from impulse buying. Marketing practitioners, on the other hand, strive to further increase consumer impulse buying expenditures, which have already been on the increase for decades. This may be an indication that impulse buying makes consumers feel happy. Although the topic happiness has received considerable
attention in various fields of research, there is little evidence of an in-depth empirical exploration of the role of happiness in impulse buying, which was addressed by this study.
This thesis was based on the phenomenological paradigm and adopted a subjective stance, exploring happiness in female consumers' impulse buying experiences. In this inductive exploratory study, qualitative data were collected from focus groups and individual interviews with female consumers aged between 18 and 35 years in Germany. This research sought to investigate how happiness evolves over the impulse buying experience, which was addressed by the longitudinal nature of collecting data over a period of three months in weekly individual interviews. The empirical evidence showed that the pursuit of happiness is one of the major motivations for impulse buying and the subsequent evaluation of the purchase. For instance, the presentation of a newly acquired item to other people with the intention of receiving positive feedback is one of the eight themes which emerged from the iterative process of data analysis. The findings indicate that impulse buying is often appreciated by consumers as an enjoyable experience which may yield positive emotions even after careful reflection some time after the purchase. Impulse buying should not generally be devalued as the dark side of consumption. This research underlines the complexity of impulse buying and indicates overlaps and interdependencies with planned buying. Suggestions for marketing practitioners and retail managers on how to increase impulse buying
activities are implicit in these findings
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