31 research outputs found

    Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Digital Era: The Cascading Effect through Operations

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    This study examines a firm’s response to perceived changes in the environment, such as the growth of the digital era, at different levels of a firm—beginning with the adoption of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) down to process renewal (PR). We further explore if the technological intensity of a firm, high-tech or low-tech intensity, influences its choice of mode for organisational renewal (OR)—use of internal competence or outside acquisition—to exploit the opportunities created by the digital era. Using survey data from 170 firms, we test a sequential relationship among environmental changes (growth of the digital era), CE, OR and finally PR that involves operating procedures at the functional level. We conclude by identifying the study’s interdisciplinary contributions, which open new research avenues in the field of CE

    Mast Cell Tumour in a Dog and Its Surgical Management

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    Abstract An 8-year-old male Labrador dog was presented with a history of inappetence, occasional bloody diarrhoea and two ulcerated pea-nut sized swelling in the groin region. On the basis of complete blood cell count and cytological examination of the tumour aspirate it was diagnosed as a case of mast cell tumour. Under general anaesthesia the tumour nodules were excised and three doses of vincrystine sulphate were given at recommended dose with dextrose normal saline. Post-operatively antibiotics, analgesics and supportive therapy were followed and the dog recovered well without any recurrence

    A study of the PfNT3 in Plasmodium falciparum

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    Previous genetic studies demonstrated that survival and proliferation of Plasmodium falciparum parasites is dependent on salvage of essential purines from the host. Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of the most lethal form of human malaria lacks the enzymes required for de novo synthesis of purines. Analysis of the hypothetical nucleoside/nucleobase transporter protein, the gene product of PfNT3 (PF14_0662) gene in P. falciparum parasites was carried out by localisation, in view of a novel chemotherapeutic target. Immunoblotting, immunofluorescent and immunoelectron microscopic localization of PfNT3 was demonstrated using polyclonal antiserum in in vitro cultured Plasmodium falciparum parasites, propagated in human red blood cells. PfNT3 protein, the translated product of PfNT3 gene was detected in intraerythrocytic ring, trophozoite, and schizont stages. PfNT3 was localized primarily to the PPM (Parasite Plasma Membrane). The endogenous PfNT3 putative nucleoside transporter with the predominant location to the parasite plasma membrane may serve not only as routes for targeting of purine analogs/cytotoxic agents into the intracellular parasite but may also serve as drug targets. Being genome encoded the vital transporter protein can be prevented from expression by silencing of the gene, validating it to be a novel drug target

    Autologous stem cell therapy to treat chronic ulcer in heifer- A case study

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    Aim: The study was conducted to reveal the efficacy of Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) based therapy in healing of chronic non-healing and ulcerative wound in bovine species. Materials and Methods: One 2 years old Jersey heifer affected with chronic ulcerative wound involving full thickness skin and under lying muscle at dorsal side of lumbar region since four months at the time of presentation. Bone marrow was collected from tibia, cultured and grown and after achievement of optimum confluence it was applied at the site. Different parameters of clinical, physiological, haematological, biochemical, histochemical, histological, tensile strength and photographic evaluations were done during the study period. Results: The estimated values of above mentioned parameters on zero day and after healing (18 days) showed significant difference (P<0.05) in relation to collagen content, tensile strength and physical characteristics of wound like extent of wound, size of wound, type of exudates and photography. But clinical, haematological and biochemical data showed no significant difference. Conclusion: The BM-MSCs were the main pioneers to bring the chronic ulcerative wound towards healing. The procedure is simple, safe and effective in bringing out healing without showing any adverse effect on host. [Vet World 2012; 5(12.000): 771-774