4 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Differentiation of Driving Behavior towards Violations and Accidents based on Demographics Aspect at Lombok Island – West Nusa Tenggara

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    Based on the accident data’s, which recorded that 2016 until 2019, there were everage 225 traffic accidents involving students and college student riders. From these accident data’s, was found that the male rider dominated traffic accidents than female rider. This study aims to determine how a simple model can be done based on difference a demographic aspect such as differences of gender influences, differences of economic and social aspect on the driving behavior of student and college students on traffic accidents in Mataram City. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method, with the help of the AMOS program was used in this study. The number of respondents in this study were 792 people, consisting of 391 students and 391 college students. The model in this study consisted of 3 variables, namely behavior, violations and accidents. Driving behavior has a significant effect on traffic violations with a probability value (P) = 0.000 (<0.001), and a testing value of C.R> 1.64. The size of the estimated value in the student group shows that the effect of behavior on violations in male student rider is 30.08% stronger than that of female rider. And the effect of behavior on violations among female students is 0.8% stronger than college students. Traffic violations have a significant effect on traffic accidents with a probability value of 0.000 (<0.01), and a test value of C.R> 1.96. Traffic violations on male students have an effect on accidents by 0.992, 50.1% stronger than female students. The effect of traffic violations on student rider on accidents is 2.44% stronger than female student rider. Gender differences have a significant effect on driving behavior based on the probability value (P) = 0.000 (<0.001). On the otherhand, the results of the analysis show that the driving behavior model of the community on the Mataram City based on the review of the economic and social aspects shows a model with a variety of patterns where the GRDP review follows the Polynomial model, based on the number of cityzen population, the tendency of the Exponential model and the review of the gender probability aspect follows the Logarithmic model patter

    Pengaruh Kadar Aspal Efektif dan Tebal Selimut Aspal Terhadap Proporsi Rongga pada Campuran Laston: Influence of Effective Asphalt Content and Film Thickness on Voids Proportion of Asphalt Concrete

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    In the mixing process between asphalt and aggregate, absorption of asphalt by the aggregate occurs through the pores of the aggregate. The volume of asphalt not absorbed by the aggregate can be defined as effective asphalt content which determines the percentage of airspaces in the compacted mix. The proportion of voids formed in the mixture contributes to the durability of the mixture against temperature and climate conditions. This study aims to examine the effect of effective asphalt content and the asphalt film thickness on the voids proportion in asphalt mixture. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the particle size distribution of the aggregate affects the total surface area of the aggregate in the mixture and the pores of the aggregate affect the effective percent of asphalt content. Aggregate with a small grain size produced a larger total surface area of aggregate. Meanwhile the use of aggregate with small pores produced a higher effective percent of asphalt content. The higher the effective asphalt content and the asphalt film thickness, the larger the voids in mineral aggregate and the voids filled with bitumen. In contrast, the voids in the mixture decreases with increase the effective asphalt content and the asphalt film thickness. In all the voids proportions analyzed, the effective asphalt content and the asphalt film thickness have a very significant effect

    Analyzing the influence of age groups of motorcycle riders on traffic violations and accidents in small city using a structural equation model

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    Over the last three years, there has been a tremendous increase in the amount of road accidents in Mataram City-Lombok with majority of the victims being motorcycle riders between the ages of 16-40 years. The age difference may have an impact on the rider’s behavior which in turn leads to road accidents. This study aims at investigating the influence of age groups on motorcycle riders resulting to traffic violations and road accidents in Mataram City. Data was collected using questionnaire survey for which 600 respondents participated covering 6 sub-districts in Mataram City. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS V.22.0 was constructed to analyze the motorcycle rider behavior. The developed model was made up of behavioral, violation and accident latent variables, with four variables of behavior, three variables of violation, and two observed variables of accident. Three age groups were used in this study with three categories consists of 15-24 years, 25-44 years, and 45-64 years old. This study found that these riders behaviors varied significantly with regards to traffic violations. The age groups of riders between 15-24 years and 45-64 years has a 65% influence on traffic violation compared to those between the ages of 25-44 years. Traffic violations with regards to road accidents was however, found to be less significant for all age group. Traffic violations committed by riders between ages of 45-64 years were found to be 14% less than those between the ages of 15-44 years. The analysis obtained from the data indicates that there are differences among the three listed age groups

    Analyzing the influence of age groups of motorcycle riders on traffic violations and accidents in small city using a structural equation model

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    Over the last three years, there has been a tremendous increase in the amount of road accidents in Mataram City-Lombok with majority of the victims being motorcycle riders between the ages of 16-40 years. The age difference may have an impact on the rider’s behavior which in turn leads to road accidents. This study aims at investigating the influence of age groups on motorcycle riders resulting to traffic violations and road accidents in Mataram City. Data was collected using questionnaire survey for which 600 respondents participated covering 6 sub-districts in Mataram City. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS V.22.0 was constructed to analyze the motorcycle rider behavior. The developed model was made up of behavioral, violation and accident latent variables, with four variables of behavior, three variables of violation, and two observed variables of accident. Three age groups were used in this study with three categories consists of 15-24 years, 25-44 years, and 45-64 years old. This study found that these riders behaviors varied significantly with regards to traffic violations. The age groups of riders between 15-24 years and 45-64 years has a 65% influence on traffic violation compared to those between the ages of 25-44 years. Traffic violations with regards to road accidents was however, found to be less significant for all age group. Traffic violations committed by riders between ages of 45-64 years were found to be 14% less than those between the ages of 15-44 years. The analysis obtained from the data indicates that there are differences among the three listed age groups