109 research outputs found

    Immunostimulatory Effects of a Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) Cell Wall Feed Supplement on Rohu (Labeo rohita), an Indian Major Carp

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    The immunostimulatory role of an orally administered yeast cell wall preparation from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (NutrifermTM) was assessed in the Indian major carp, rohu (Labeo rohita). Fish were fed a diet containing the preparation for 15 days and then returned to the con- trol diet for 20 days. Non-specific immunity was assessed at the end of the experimental feed- ing period (day 0) and on days 10 and 20. In vitro oxidative radical production, phagocytosis of leukocytes, nitrite production, and proliferation of lymphocytes were determined. All four para- meters remained stable in control fish but, in fish fed the supplemented diet, reached a peak on day 10 and remained higher than in the control until day 20, indicating that ingestion of the diet containing the yeast cell wall preparation for 15 days had significant immunostimulatory effects

    Reviving the informal sector from the throes of demonetisation

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    While recent measures announced by the government indicate some awareness of the hardships inflicted on the informal sector by the note ban, more needs to be done. In this article, Kaushik Bhattacharya, Siddhartha Mitra, Sarmistha Pal and Bibhas Saha summarise the emerging evidence on the significant adverse impact of demonetisation on the informal sector, and suggest policy measures to ensure a steady recovery

    Vitamin D kao sastojak luminalne tekućine pasjemenika važan je za sazrijevanje spermija u nerasta pasmine veliki bijeli jorkšir

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    Vitamin-D (VD) is known to modulate reproductive processes through the expression of VDR in the male reproductive tract. To understand its influence in the initiation of sperm motility in epididymis, VD concentration was measured in serum, epididymal luminal fluid (ELF) and sperm cytosolic fluid (SCF) from the caput, corpus and cauda epididymis of Large White Yorkshire (LWY) boars (n = 30) of around 3-4 years of age. The relationship of VD concentration with sperm motility in epididymal segments was then observed. A progressive increase in sperm motility from caput to cauda epididymis was found with highest in cauda followed by corpus. Motility was found absent in the caput region. VD levels in serum were positively correlated with spermatozoan motility from the corpus (r = 0.819) and cauda (r = 0.961), and this was highly significant (P0.05) from sections of caput to cauda epididymis was in concurrence with the increasing concentration of VD from the caput to cauda epididymis suggesting the influence of VD in the initiation of sperm motility in the excurrent duct. VD levels in serum may also pave the way for the development of specific marker(s) to assist in the prediction and early diagnosis of idiopathic infertility in males due to epididymal dysfunction resulting from VD deficiency. This will help clinically in improving treatment modalities of this idiopathic male infertility.vu mužjaka. Kako bismo razumjeli njegov utjecaj na pokretanje spermija u pasjemeniku, izmjerena je koncentracija vitamina D u serumu, luminalnoj tekućini pasjemenika (ELF) i citosolnoj tekućini spermija (SCF) uzetoj iz glave, tijela i repa pasjemenika nerasta pasmine veliki bijeli jorkšir (n = 30) dobi 3 - 4 godine. Promatran je odnos koncentracije vitamina D i pokretljivosti spermija u dijelovima pasjemenika. Uočeno je progresivno povećanje pokretljivosti spermija od glave (gdje su mirovali) preko tijela do repa pasjemenika. Razine vitamina D u serumu pozitivno su korelirale s pokretljivošću spermija iz tijela (r = 0,819) i repa (r = 0,961), što je bilo statistički znakovito (P0,05) iz dijelova od glave do repa pasjemenika porasla je istodobno s porastom koncentracije vitamina D što upućuje na utjecaj vitamina D na početak pokretljivosti spermija u odvodnim kanalima. Razine vitamina D u serumu mogle bi utrti put razvoju specifičnih markera koji bi mogli pomoći u ranom dijagnosticiranju idiopatske neplodnosti u mužjaka uzrokovane disfunkcijom pasjemenika zbog manjka vitamina D. To može klinički pomoći u unapređenju modaliteta liječenja idiopatske neplodnosti u mužjaka

    Analysis of Hepatitis C Viral Dynamics Using Latin Hypercube Sampling

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    We consider a mathematical model comprising of four coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for studying the hepatitis C (HCV) viral dynamics. The model embodies the efficacies of a combination therapy of interferon and ribavirin. A condition for the stability of the uninfected and the infected steady states is presented. A large number of sample points for the model parameters (which were physiologically feasible) were generated using Latin hypercube sampling. Analysis of our simulated values indicated approximately 24% cases as having an uninfected steady state. Statistical tests like the chi-square-test and the Spearman's test were also done on the sample values. The results of these tests indicate a distinctly differently distribution of certain parameter values and not in case of others, vis-a-vis, the stability of the uninfected and the infected steady states

    Certified Organization, Volume3, Special Issue 6

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    ABSTRACT: This paper illustrates the designing of microstrip patch antenna utilizing defected ground structure. The major purpose of designing such kind of antenna is to attain multiband purpose which is vital for requirement of technology nowadays. Initiation of such kind of antenna with imperfect structure of ground increases the antenna functioning. In this case the ground element of the recommended antenna is regarded as defected ground structure (DGS). Moreover the optimization of this kind of antenna is made so as to achieve a return loss of -10db. Furthermore in comparison to simple ground, the recommended design augments the bandwidth and develops the input return loss of the antenna. The antenna design parameters and performances have been studied by means of simulations. The substrate utilized behind designing is of glass with a dielectric constant of 2.2. Moreover the design invariants of antenna consist of single layer thickness of 2mm as well as operating frequency of 4 GHz. The design was optimized so that we can get the finest probable effect. To conclude the microstrip antenna without DGS effects in narrow bandwidth with high return loss. In contrast, microstrip antenna with DGS offers higher operating bandwidth with less return loss

    Certified Organization, Volume3, Special Issue 6

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    ABSTRACT: In this paper a new mushroom like electromagnetic band gap arrangement for development in antenna parameters is represented. The represented arrangement also gives an extra degree of liberty to regulate the band gap position, which is useful to design a new reconfigurable multiband EBG construction. The major purpose behind utilizing EBG structures in Microstrip Patch Antenna is to attain enhanced gain, effectiveness and isolations amongst array elements by restraint of surface wave modes.The major concept illustrated in this paper is by drawing numerous correct shapes in the metal surface of the mushroom-like compact EBG cell so as to initiate stop band in electromagnetic band gap arrangement. EBG structures includes two chief configurations, first EBG substrate and second EBG superstrate. In first case, the patch of antenna is enclosed with EBG arrangement that restrain the propagation of surface wave and in second case, layer of EBG structure that call EBG superstrate or metamaterial superstrate set beyond the patch of antenna. Simulated consequences authenticate the development in performance of the antenna array compared to the array antenna without EBG. From the simulated effects it is observable that radiation patterns are unaffected by EBG arrangements that are on the feedline and other antenna functioning parameters are developed by utilizing antenna with EBG arrangements. Ultimately EBG Patterns insertion in Microstrip Antenna increases the bandwidth of the antenna by placing the feedline below the center of the patch.