48 research outputs found

    Research notes: The frequency of chlorophyll mutations in soybeans

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    The first mutations of soybeans in the USSR were received by Leschenko A. in the 30\u27s. In the late 50\u27s, through direct selection of mutations, the first variety called \u27Universal 1\u27 was received in the USSR. The second strain-- \u27Wonder of Georgia\u27 --was received through crossing of induced mutants of soybeans

    Research notes: Morphological mutat ions of soybeans induced with chemical mutagens and ganma rays

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    The method of experimental mutagenesis is effective in investigating the hereditary alterations of plants with their further use in selection. Year by year the research in this field grows wider, covering new research institutions and crops. The purpose of this article was to investigate the efficiency of a number of chemical mutagens and gamma rays in induction of morphological mutations in soybeans with their further use in selection of this crop

    Research Notes : Segregation of the F2 populations and F3 families

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    To determine the number of genes determining cold resistance, the method proposed by Merezhko (1983) was used. According to the distribution of the F2 plants, it was concluded that the part of the progenies like a recessive parent averaged 25%. From this, we concluded that parental forms in the crosses differ from each other by the alleles of one gene

    Research notes: Distant hybrids of soybean

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    In the process of soybean selection a number of hybrids were obtained through crossing of wild (Glycine ussuriensis R. et Maack) and semicultured (Glycine gracilis Skvortz) soybean with a number of distinct and prospective varieties. The results showed that cultured varieties have good crossing with wild and semicultured soybean and the ovary percentage of hybrid soybean is rather high (Table 1). The hybrids obtained have a number of advantages

    Research Notes : Varietal differences of soybeans sensitivity to low temperatures during germination

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    Developing of cold-tolerant soybean varieties is one of the new main trends in soybean breeding. Such studies were started in the USA (Veitenheimer et al., 1984; Unander and Orf, 1984; Harrison and Nickell, 1984; Hillsman et al., 1977; Hicks, 1978; Seddigh and Jolliff, 1984; Littlejohns and Tanner, 1976; Hume and Jackson, 1981; Voldeng et al., 1984; Sanbuichi, 1980; Goto and Yamamoto, 1972; Schmid and Keller, 1980; Szyrmer and Janicka, 1985; Gromova, 1975; Lunin, 1981; Malysh and Bobrikov, 1984; Sherepitko and Balashow, 1985). The experiments demonstrated that low temperatures reduced germination, field emergence, the rate of early growth and soybean yield

    Research Notes : Protein content in grain and lysine content in protein of soybean mutants, induced by chemical mutagens and gamma rays

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    During the study of genetic activity of a number of chemical and physical mutagens about 1000 morphological mutants of different types were derived. Such mutagens as nitrosomethyl urea (NMU), nitrosoethyl urea (NEU), ethylenimine (EI), ethylenoxide (EO), nitrosodirnethyl urea (NDMU), dimethyl-sulfate (DMS), and gaunna rays were used. As the initial material for mutations induction, varieties \u27Lanka\u27, \u27Hybrid 89-10\u27, \u27Kirovogradskaya 4\u27, \u27VNEEMK 9186\u27 and \u27Peremoga\u27 were used

    Research Notes : Inheritance of hardseededness in soybean

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    Soybean is often characterized by hardseededness or seed impermeability, when the seeds do not imbibe water and they germinate very slowly. Germination period of such seeds is very prolonged for a month or more. Hardseededness is caused by reduced water permeability of seed coat. We meet this character in many plant species, but more often in Leguminosae, Rosaceae, Lilium (Chorniy, 1980)

    Research Notes : U.S.S.R : Some characteristics of lectins in soybean seeds

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    Natural complex of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vita-mins in legume seeds makes them nonsubstituted in establishment of stable feed-ing base for livestock. In human diet use of legumes is increasing, too. But some seed substances reduce nutritive and feeding qualities of legumes very much