2 research outputs found

    Maternal anamnesis and newborn’s health in monochorial and bichorial twins

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    The analysis of the somatic, obstetrical and gynecological anamnesis of mothers and newborn’s health from 33 pairs of monochorial and 33 pairs of dichorial twins has been carried out. It was shown that the maternal anamnesis of monochorial twins was more complicated: they had cytomegalovirus and bacterial intrauterine infection, medical abortions 1.5 times more often; 2 times more often – hypertension. The placental dysfunction and fetal growth retardation were demonstrated in monochorial cases more often. The newborn infants from this group also suffered from maladaptation, CNS hypoxic (80%), cardiorespiratory (32%) disorders and perinatal infections (22%). The monochorial type of placentation is suggested as a key factor of hypoxia and hypertension of one of the twin fetuses and production of the vasoactive factors able to trigger preeclampsia.Проведен анализ соматического, акушерско-гинекологического анамнеза матерей и состояния здоровья новорожденных детей из 33 пар монохориальных и 33 пар дихориальных двоен. Показано, что анамнез матерей монохориальных двоен был более отягощенным: у них в 1,5 раза чаще встречались цитомегаловирусная и бактериальная внутриматочная инфекция, аборты, в 2 раза чаще — гипертония. В ходе беременности у этих женщин чаще наступали нарушения маточно-плацентарного кровообращения и задержки развития плода, что приводило к дезадаптации новорожденных, проявлению гипоксических нарушений ЦНС в 80% случаев, кардиореспираторных нарушений — в 32%, инфекции перинатального периода — в 21%. Предполагается, что основной причиной наблюдаемого является монохориальный тип плацентации, способствующий частому развитию гипоксии и гипертензии одного из плодов и запуску реакций, лежащих в основе преэклампсии


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    Introduction: Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality in Kazakhstan. Among all CVDs, hypertension is the most common and leads to remodeling of myocardium, which significantly increases cardiovascular risk. Some studies have been carried out to elucidate the genetic markers associated with target organ damage in hypertension, but not in Kazakh population. The aim of this study is to find out SNPs associated with myocardium remodeling in Kazakh population. Materials and methods: The sample size is 500 people There were 2groups of 250 hypertensive individuals, age - up to 61years. 1. Group without remodeling 2. with myocardial remodeling (MR) LVMI ≥115 in men, ≥95 in women, relative wall thickness ≥0.43 Clinical, laboratory, instrumental data were gathered. Рeripheral blood was taken for genotyping for SNPs known by association with target organ remodeling in HTN based on GWAS Catalog - EMBL-EBI and Varsome Clinical and PubMed publications. Genotyping was made using QuantStudio 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System by array technology. Results: Out of SNPs, seven SNPs were associated with myocardium remodeling. rs17016480 OR=1.80 (1.07-3.02) p=0.029, rs923109* OR=0.45 (0.20-1.03) p=0.033, rs11646213 OR=1.69 (1.14-2.53) p=0.009, rs113296370 OR=1,14 (0,68-1,93) p=0.036, rs591044 OR=0,49 (0,27-0,87) p=0.0095, rs2407103 OR=2.04 (1.18-3.52) p=0.011rs7016717 OR=3,74 (1.20-11.67) p=0.026 * marked polymorphisms associated with myocardium remodeling, but differing from the Hardy-Weinberg inheritance equilibrium in the control group