19 research outputs found


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    Neformalni načini znanstvene komunikacije postoje već neko vrijeme i stvaraju mreže socijalno-tehničke interakcije u kojima informacijske tehnologije poboljÅ”avaju komunikaciju između znanstvenika. Blog zajednice posvećene su raspravi o znanosti i tehnologiji. Znanstveni blogovi mogu povećati transparentnost znanstvenog procesa pregledom i raspravom o znanstvenoj kulturi općenito, a posebno o znanstvenim istraživanjima. Omogućuju neformalnu recenziju nakon objavljivanja. Znanstveno bloganje postalo je sve popularnije tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća, ali joÅ” uvijek se njime bavi samo mali dio znanstvenika koji rade. To može djelomično odražavati nesigurnost oko toga čemu blogovi služe


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    Brojna istraživanja u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća ukazuju na porast uporabe novih sintetičkih droga i tzv.ā€œovisnosti bez drogaā€œ uz istovremeni pad uporabe opijata. Globalizacija i razvoj informacijske tehnologije su važni pokretači u ovom smjeru. Razumijevanje ukupnih trendova u koriÅ”tenju novih sintetičkih droga složeno je zbog činjenice da one često jedna drugu zamjenjuju, budući da potroÅ”ači donose odluke prema njihovoj dostupnosti, cijeni i percipiranoj ā€˜ā€™kvalitetiā€™ā€™. Modifikacijom molekula poznatih droga dobivaju se spojevi potentnijih farmakodinamskih svojstava. Proizvode se u formi praha, tableta, kapsula ili rastvora. Imaju stimulativno ili depresivno djelovanje, a konzumiraju se oralno, uÅ”mrkavanjem praha, injekcijom i sl. Dizajnirane droge imaju i vrlo neugodne, čak potencijalno smrtne neželjene efekte. Nove sintetičke (dizajnirane) droge su naÅ”a stvarnost, a zanimanje druÅ”tva za te tvari sve je veće. Posebnu pozornost liječnika privlači metamfetamin, jer korisnici tog pripravka sve čeŔće dospijevaju na odjele intenzivne njege, Å”to predstavlja veliko opterećenje za sustav zdravstvene zaÅ”tite. Iako su kaznene mjere za proizvodnju i distribuciju dizajniranih droga stroge, to ne sprječava njihovu daljnju proizvodnju i distribuciju.Stalni porast broja dizajniranih droga, kao i učinaka koje proizvode, doveo je do pojave novih obrazaca ponaÅ”anja u svezi s koriÅ”tenjem tih tvari. Otkako je ecstasy pokrenuo raverevoluciju, ovisnici su u potrazi za novim ā€œsuper drogamaā€.I pored brojnih Å”tetnih učinaka na zdravlje ovisnika i negativnih posljedica na njegovu okolinu popularnost novih sintetičkih droga raste i u njihovom sprečavanju potreban je timski rad u sklopu integralnog i multidiscplinarnog pristupa liječenja te potpora cjelokupnog druÅ”tva


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    Introduction: The mental health of the human being and a higher level of the self-esteem have the positive effects on the peace surrounding, stability, success and the personal satisfaction of any individual. The fundamental opinion is that the dance has the affect on the body and the psychical health of the people. To explore if the dancers have their less-expressed psychical symptoms and higher self-esteem. Subjects and methods: The examination was performed on the sample of 310 examinees, mostly of the young life age and who identified themselves as the dancers or non-dancers. For the requirements of the investigation there were used the socio-demographic question-form, the psychical symptoms estimation scale (RCL-90-R) and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES). Results: The dancers show the smaller appearance of the psychical symptoms and that almost in all sub-scales, but their difference is not statistically significant. The statistically significant difference among the men and the women was recorded in the subscales of the somatisations, then the interpersonal vulnerability, the depression, the anxiety and the phobias. The dancers possess their higher self-esteem then the non-dancers, but statistically their difference is not significant. Comparing the results against the sex, the persons of the female sex possess the higher self-respect than the persons of the male sex. Conclusion: The dancers possess less of the psychical symptoms and their higher self-esteem than the non-dancers, but the difference within the results is not significant statistically


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    Introduction: The mental health of the human being and a higher level of the self-esteem have the positive effects on the peace surrounding, stability, success and the personal satisfaction of any individual. The fundamental opinion is that the dance has the affect on the body and the psychical health of the people. To explore if the dancers have their less-expressed psychical symptoms and higher self-esteem. Subjects and methods: The examination was performed on the sample of 310 examinees, mostly of the young life age and who identified themselves as the dancers or non-dancers. For the requirements of the investigation there were used the socio-demographic question-form, the psychical symptoms estimation scale (RCL-90-R) and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES). Results: The dancers show the smaller appearance of the psychical symptoms and that almost in all sub-scales, but their difference is not statistically significant. The statistically significant difference among the men and the women was recorded in the subscales of the somatisations, then the interpersonal vulnerability, the depression, the anxiety and the phobias. The dancers possess their higher self-esteem then the non-dancers, but statistically their difference is not significant. Comparing the results against the sex, the persons of the female sex possess the higher self-respect than the persons of the male sex. Conclusion: The dancers possess less of the psychical symptoms and their higher self-esteem than the non-dancers, but the difference within the results is not significant statistically

    Matricide by Person with Borderline Personality Disorder

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    Matricide is a very rare form of murder and comprises approximately 0.68% of all murders. This scientific paper aims to present a psychiatric evaluation of one of the most macabre murders committed in Kosovo in 2023. The accused temporarily stayed in Germany and committed the act during his stay in Kosovo for vacation. Murder has been associated with marked brutality. Until the moment of committing the act, he has not behaved aggressively towards his sibling or parents because family members have avoided confrontation by fulfilling his wishes. The murder took place in a joint house, where he first stabbed his mother and then decapitated her by placing her head in the basement. After the crime, he manifested the symptoms of acting out by standing on the stairs of the house and quietly waiting for the police. Other family members reported that he never manifested aggressive behavior towards his mother, and she was the one with whom he had the best relationship. This case shows how unpredictable are borderline personality disorders and how a lack of impulse control can lead to murders


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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by highly traumatic experiences. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the neuropeptide S receptor 1 (NPSR1) and the glutamate decarboxylase 1(GAD1) gene on PTSD and its psychopathological aspects among individuals affected by the Balkan wars during the 90s. Subjects and methods: This study was conducted as part of the South Eastern Europe (SEE) study on molecular mechanisms of PTSD. It comprised 719 participants (539 males), including those with current PTSD, remitted PTSD and healthy volunteers. Psychometric evaluation was performed using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), the Clinician Administrated PTSD Scale (CAPS) andthe Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). We examined NPSR1 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs324981 and GAD1 variant rs3749034 genotypes. Case-control analyses were carried out using logistical regression to determine genotype differences between all patients that had either current or remitted PTSD and control individuals. To analyse the influence of the analysed SNPs on PTSD severity, we performed linear regression analyses with CAPS and BSI within each of the two patient groups separately. All of the calculations were performed for additive allelic, recessive, dominant and genotypic models. Results: We observed a nominally significant association for the major allele (G) of GAD1 rs3749034 with an increased risk to develop PTSD in a case control analysis in the recessive model (P=0.0315, odds ratio=0.47, SE=0.35). In contrast, a nominally significant association of the minor allele (A) with higher CAPS scores was identified within the patient group with lifetime PTSD in the dominant model (P=0.0372, ????=6.29, SE=2.99). None of these results did withstand correction for multiple tests. No nominal significant results of GAD1 rs3749034 were found with regard to the intensity of psychological BSI symptoms. Case control analyses of NPSR1 rs324981 revealed a nominally significant higher risk for homozygous T allele carriers to develop PTSD (P=0.0452) in the recessive model. On the other hand, the T allele showed a nominally significant association with higher BSI scores in patients suffering from lifetime PTSD in the recessive model (P=0.0434). Again, these results were not significant anymore after correction for multiple tests. No associations of NPSR1 rs324981 and CAPS score was identified. Conclusion: The findings of this study provide some evidence that the NPSR1 and GAD1 polymorphisms might play a role in the development of war-related PTSD and its related psychological expressions. Further research is needed to elucidate the interactions of specific gene variants and environmental factors in the development of PTSD


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    Background: Individuals who are exposed to traumatic events are at an increased risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a condition during which an individual\u27s ability to function is impaired by emotional responses to memories of those events. The gene coding for neuropeptide Y (NPY) and the gene coding for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are among the number of candidate gene variants that have been identified as potential contributors to PTSD. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between NPY and BDNF and PTSD in individuals who experienced war-related trauma in the South Eastern Europe (SEE) conflicts (1991-1999). Subjects and methods: This study included participants with current and remitted PTSD and healthy volunteers (N=719, 232 females, 487 males), who were recruited between 2013 and 2015 within the framework of the South Eastern Europe (SEE) - PTSD Study. Psychometric methods comprised the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS), and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). DNA was isolated from whole blood and genotyped for NPY rs5574 via PCR - RFLP and NPY rs16147 and BDNF rs6265 using the KASP assay. Results: Tests for deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium showed no significant results. Analyses at the categorical level yielded no associations between the affected individuals and all three SNPs when compared to controls. Within lifetime PTSD patients, the major alleles of both NPY variants showed a nominally significant association with higher CAPS scores (p=0.007 and p=0.02, respectively). Also, the major allele of rs5574C>T was associated with higher BSI scores with a nominal significance among current PTSD patients (p=0.047). The results did not withstand a Bonferroni adjustment (????=0.002). Conclusion: Nominally significant associations between NPY polymorphisms and PTSD susceptibility were found that did not withstand Bonferroni correction


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    Background: Previous research showed inconsistent results concerning a possible association between solute carrier family 6 member 3 (SLC6A3) gene polymorphisms and dopamine symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Several studies also indicate that the myelin basic protein (MBP) gene is of importance in the etiology of several psychiatric disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation of distinct SLC6A3 and MBP gene polymorphisms with PTSD and whether SLC6A3 and MBP genotypes contribute to PTSD symptom severity. Subjects and methods: The study included 719 individuals who had experienced war trauma in the South Eastern Europe (SEE). Genotypes of variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism within the SLC6A3 gene were assessed in 696 participants, and the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs12458282 located within the MBP gene region was genotyped in a total of 703 subjects. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, the Clinical Administrated PTSD Scale (CAPS) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), were used for data collection. Results: No significant differences concerning the investigated SLC6A3 and MBP polymorphisms was identifiable between PTSD and non PTSD participants. Also we could not detect significant influence of these distinct SLC6A3 and MBP alleles on the severity of PTSD symptoms (CAPS) or BSI scores. However, the results of MBP rs12458282 within the patients with lifetime PTSD may point to a possible correlation of the major allele (T) with elevated CAPS scores. Conclusions: Our results do not support an association of the analysed SLC6A3 and MBP gene polymorphisms with PTSD in war traumatized individuals. We found that there is a possibility for a correlation of the T allele rs12458282 within the MBP gene with higher CAPS scores in lifetime PTSD patients which would need to be tested in a sample providing more statistical power


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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a highly frequent and disabling psychiatric condition among war-affected populations. TheFK506-binding protein 5 (FKBP5) gene and the corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) gene have previously been implicated in an elevated risk of peritraumatic dissociation and PTSD development. Our aim was to investigate the association between FKBP5 and CRHR1 genotypes and PTSD diagnosis and severity among individuals who were affected by the Balkan wars during the 1990s. Subjects and methods: This study included participants with current PTSD, remitted PTSD and healthy volunteers (N=719, 487 males), who were recruited between 2013 and 2015 within the framework of the South Eastern Europe (SEE) - PTSD Study. Psychometric methods comprised the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), the Clinician Administrated PTSD Scale (CAPS), and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). FKBP5 rs1360780 and CRHR1 rs17689918 genotypes were determined using a KASP genotyping assay. Results: Tests for deviation from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium showed no significant results. Logistic and linear regression was used to examine the associations between the FKBP5 SNP rs1360780 and the CRHR1 SNP rs17689918 with PTSD diagnosis and severity, as well as general psychiatric symptom severity, separately for current and remitted PTSD patients. There were nominally significant associations under a dominant model between the rs1360780 C allele and PTSD diagnosis as well as symptom severity, which however, were not significant anymore after Bonferroni adjustment (????=0.002). For CRHR1 rs17689918 no significant associations were detected. Conclusion: We found nominally, but not Bonferroni corrected significant associations between the FKBP5 polymorphism rs1360780 and PTSD susceptibility among individuals affected by the Balkan wars. For elucidating this geneā€™s real resilience/ vulnerability potential, environmental influences should be taken into account


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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that occurs in some people who have experienced a severe traumatic event. Several genetic studies suggest that gene encoding proteins of catechol O-methyl-transferase (COMT) may be relevant for the pathogenesis of PTSD. Some researchers suggested that the elevation of interleukin-6 (IL6) correlates with major depression and PTSD. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the single nucleotide polymorphisms COMT rs4680 (Val158Met) and IL6 rs1800795 are associated with PTSD and contribute to the severity of PTSD symptoms. Subjects and methods: This study comprised 747 participants that experienced war between 1991 and 1999 in the South Eastern Europe conflicts. COMT rs4680 (Val158Met) and IL6 rs1800795 genotypes were determined in 719 participants (369 with and 350 without PTSD). The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), the Clinician Administrated PTSD Scale (CAPS) questionnaire and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) were used for data collection. Results: Regarding the COMT gene polymorphism, the results of the regression analyses for BSI total score were significant in the lifetime PTSD group in the dominant (P=0.031) and the additive allelic model (P=0.047). Regarding the IL6 gene, a significant difference was found for the recessive model predicting CAPS total score in the lifetime PTSD group (P=0.048), and indicated an association between the C allele and higher CAPS scores. n the allelic, genotypic and rezessive model, the results for BSI total score were significant in the lifetime PTSD group (P=0.033, P=0.028 and P=0.009), suggesting a correlation of the C allele with higher BSI scores Conclusion: Although our nominally significant results did not withstand correction for multiple tests they may support a relevance of the COMT (Val158Met) and IL6 rs1800795 polymorphism for aspects of PTSD in war traumatized individuals