13 research outputs found

    Trust in e-procurement

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    The efficiency of e-Procurement is based on the imperatives, trust and perceived risk. Trust is established as a major factor moderating transaction processes on the internet. It has implicit relational properties and therefore needs the context of a relationship to develop. Previous works have suggested that lack of trust is a major impediment to e-Procurement. Trust and perceived risk exhibits inverse relationships and, paradoxically have causative effect on e-Procurement. EProcurement organisations are in continuous search on how their consumer’s trust can be evaluated. In this study, based on a synthesis of literature, we offer an integrative model of consumer trust in e- Procurement. It is a mathematical model that not only maps trust behaviour, but also sensitive and accommodative of an acceptable risk threshold in electronic transaction environments. It also proffers solution to the exploration of consumer’s trust evaluation

    Virtual environment behaviours: a case for culture inclusion in existing information systems theories

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    In this paper we present a case for culture to be incorporated as a major construct in existing behaviour dependent IS research theories relevant for investigating virtual environment behaviours. We identify these theories and examine its previous use within IS researches. We argue that culture with regards to information systems should be seen as primary identifier, identifying behaviour unique to certain groups of people thus its importance in IS theories particularly those aimed at predicting virtual environment behaviours

    e-Government security implications

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    The electronic government (eGovernment) is mainly concerned with providing quality services and value added information to citizens, and it has potentials to build better relationships between government and the public by making interactions between citizens and government agencies smoother, easier, and more efficient. The use of Internet medium has helped government organisations and nongovernment organisations to increase their productivity, reduce costs and also improve services. The most security implications in egovernment is the protection of the data security, whereby the privacy of the citizens are not guaranteed, because the access to the data are not controlled by authorised agents, and due to human interaction it is vulnerable to so many attacks. Hackers developed sneaky ways attacking the digital communicating system by phishing into the information systems. There are problems about security vulnerability in government websites, which has made the public to be extremely concerned, and third party routinely invade government websites for fraudulent purposes. Attitudes of people interrogating this system will go a long way by having a strong principle of sincerity and honesty so as to help rectifying the security issues and strict legislative rule cannot be undermined in dealing with offenders. This paper proposed a model of five blocks of steps to bring security in eGovernment systems


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    XML (extensible markup language) is becoming the current standard for establishing interoperability on the Web. XML data are self-descriptive and syntax-extensible; this makes it very suitable for representation and exchange of semi-structured data, and allows users to define new elements for their specific applications. As a result, the number of documents incorporating this standard is continuously increasing over the Web. The processing of XML documents may require a traversal of all document structure and therefore, the cost could be very high. A strong demand for a means of efficient and effective XML processing has posed a new challenge for the database world. This paper discusses a fast and efficient indexing technique for XML documents, and introduces the XML graph numbering scheme. It can be used for indexing and securing graph structure of XML documents. This technique provides an efficient method to speed up XML data processing. Furthermore, the paper explores the classification of existing methods impact of query processing, and indexing

    Virtual-Flow Multipath Algorithms for MPLS

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    Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) can improve the routing efficiency of Internet Protocol (IP) networks through its intrinsic Traffic Engineering (TE) capabilities. In this paper, a centralised and a distributed virtual-flow routing algorithms are proposed, which aggregate IP flows entering the MPLS domain and optimally partition them among virtual flows that are routed on multiple paths. The routing algorithms dynamically select multiple Label Switched Paths (LSPs), taking into account the available bandwidth of links in the network to balance the traffic load and avoid network congestion. The multipath routing problem is formulated as a Multicommodity Network Flow (MCNF) problem, and is solved by implementing online the Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition method. The proposed multipath algorithms are shown through simulations to outperform single-path routing solutions, such as the Constraint Shortest Path First (CSPF) and the Bandwidth-Based Shortest Path (BSPR) routing algorithms

    Electronic healthcare information security

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    The legal developments in healthcare have been driven by the public concern for personal privacy and confidentiality within the context of an increasingly connected world centred on the Internet. The developments in standardisation within e-Healthcare have been influenced by the two key paradigms of patient-centred and managed care that necessitated demands for lowering costs and increasing quality of patient care. The technical challenge of these paradigm shifts is inter-operability for supporting the delivery of care at multiple locations by multiple carers who need to share the patient health recor


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    The effective processing of semi-structured data queries is a preliminary part of data mining stage. XML queries employ regular path expressions to find structural patterns within XML documents. The operation of structural join is a crucial part of XML query processing. Existing approaches reduce complex join expressions to several binary structural joins. In this paper, we are proposing a new structural join algorithm called sequence join algorithm, for sequential regular path expressions in securing XML query processing storage. It exploits information about position of the elements in a product to skip generation of the redundant intermediate lists. This paper further discusses the algorithm that performs the merge of several input lists of nodes in one pass. We carried out comparative experiments, and the results prove that the algorithm is better than multiple binary joins algorithm for queries of both small and large cardinality

    Traffic classification and packet detections to facilitate networks security

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    Traffic classification has a vital role in tasks as wide ranging as trend analyses, adaptive network-based QoS marking of traffic, dynamic access control and lawful interception. The identification of network applications through observation of associated packet traffic flows is vital to the areas of network management and surveillance. An important role of this work is to show the need for thorough comparisons between the plethora of proposed solutions in traffic classification and packet detections. Certainly there are other learning algorithms, other features, other performance measures, different approaches to traffic classification and packet detection, in general more research have been done, and within the same lane, we propose a novel strategy called ‘separator’. This paper is an attempt to create discussion and inspire future research in this direction. The method proposed is theoretically proved to have tight error bound and small space usage. We then show that it is useful to differentiate algorithms based on computational performance rather than classification accuracy alone, as although classification accuracy between the algorithms is similar, computational performance can differ significantly. Comprehensive experiments conducted also verify our mechanism accuracy and efficiency