10 research outputs found
Anxiety-depressive disorders and quality of life of patients with primary gonarthrosis in combination with obesity
The purpose of the study is to assess the quality of life of patients, concomitant diseases and anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with primary osteoarthritis of the knee joints and obesity.Цель исследования – оценить качество жизни больных, сопутствующие заболевания и тревожно-депрессивные расстройства у пациентов с первичным ОА коленных суставов и ожирением
Shape of the ender part of T wave and dispersion of QT intervals at patient with cad
We studied the changes of dispersion QT and QTa intervals during exercise stress test at patients with CAD. This study was designed to determine if changes of dispersion QT intervals is associated with degree of atherosclerosis of coronary vessels. It examined 82 patients with angina pectoris. Treadmill-test and selective CAG were done for all patients. Duration and dispersion of the QT, QTa, QTc, QTac intervals were measured before and immediately after testing. This study demonstrates that changes of QT interval’s dispersion during stress testing may be due to changes of ending part of wave T.В работе изучалось изменение дисперсии интервалов QT и QTa при проведении больным ИБС стресс-теста на тредмиле и возможная зависимость этих изменений от результатов нагрузочной пробы и степени выраженности атеросклероза коронарных сосудов. Было обследовано 82 больных со стенокардией напряжения. Всем больным проведен стресс-тест на тредмиле и селективная коронароангиография. До нагрузки и сразу после нагрузки измерялась длительность и дисперсия интервалов QT, QTa, QTc и QTac. На основании полученных результатов сделан вывод, что изменения дисперсии интервала QT у больных ИБС при выполнении нагрузочного теста, могут быть обусловлены изменениями конечной части зубца Т
Aim. To study the prevalence of ischemic heart disease as one of the most common cardiovascular disorders, together with arterial hypertension (AH), diabetes mellitus (DM) and liver diseases (LD) in adult (25-64 y.o.) population of selected RF regions, the variance of those with gender and age, and association of cardiovascular risk factors (FR).Material and methods. Into analysis we included the results of representative selections studies from 13 RF regions, studied according to the program of multicenter study ESSE-RF during the years 20122014; totally 21923 patients studied. Investigation included standard questioning, including anamnesis. For statistics we used applied software SAS.Results. In men the prevalence of IHD is associated with the growth of comorbidity from 0 in the age group 25-34 y. to 77% in the age 55-64 y., almost duplicating every decade. For women there is analogic tendency, less prominent. In men there are significant associations only with AH, which increases the risk of IHD 2,5 times, though in women together with AH the associations are significant for LD. Comorbidities with DM do not influence the prevalence of IHD in men and women. At the same time, any association with two diseases increases the risk of IHD >304 times. The most negative is the association of all three diseases, with which IHD is 8,7 times more prevalent, than in their absence. Using multidimensional logistic regression after correction for the age and comorbidity in the patients with IHD of both genders, there are associations revealed of high density cholesterol lipoproteids (HDL) in blood and abdominal obesity. In men there are also positive associations with smoking and negative — with increased cholesterol.Conclusion. Comorbidities of IHD with AH, DM and LD in adult population are common, are associated with the general FR, are increasing with the age. Taking modern tendencies of population ageing, it is plausible to expect an increase of the prevalence of comorbidities, that requires a necessity of the healthcare services to these changes
Life quality of the Russian population by the data from ESSE-RF study
Life quality (LQ) is an integrated parameter of the health, applied for integral characterization of population health, and as the parameter of healthcare interventions effectiveness.Aim. To assess LQ in Russian population at the age 25-64 y. o. in general and in various socio-economical groups using EQ-5D, by the results of ESSE-RF (2012-2013) study.Material and methods. LQ was assessed on representative selections of inhabitants of 13 Russian Federation regions, aged 25-64 (males 8327, females 13497) with response 80%. LQ was assessed via international questionnaire EUROQOL — EQ-5D: 1) no decline; 2) mild decline; 3) significant decline; scoring also performed with visualanalogue scale (VAS). Integral LQ by EUROQOL performed with Shaw JW et al. method (ranging from 0,0 (death) to 1,0 (perfect health)).Result. EQ-5D index of Russian population was 0,87 with no gender difference. By the increase of the age LQ declines. Educational gradient of LQ was significant only in VAS (p<0,05). Wealth level negatively associated with LQ. Most common (p<0,0005) were disorders by the components pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. Part of those with lower LQ among males is lesser than in females, by all 5 factors of the LQ, and in all educational states. Regional specifics of LQ by EQ-5D index: from 0,82 in Vladikcaucas to 0,95 in Orenburg (p<0,0005). There was significant correlation of EQ-5D index with unemployment level (0,4) and consumer prices index (0,29) in regions.Conclusion. Monitoring of LQ is necessary condition for assessment of efficacy of population health improvement interventions, and the LQ values obtained will be useful as populational norms for health condition assessment in addition to morbidity and mortality factors
Aim. To assess rate of familiarity and specifics of treatment with statins among the citizens of economically active age with various cardiovascular risk by the data from epidemiological study ESSE-RF (Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases in Different Russian Federation Regions). Material and methods. In the work the data from ESSE-RF study was used, of representative selection of non-organized male and female inhabitants aged 25-64 y.o. from 13 regions, investigated during 2012-2014. Responded ~80%. The study included questionning by standard scale that included data on the anamnesis, etc. Lipid profile, including total cholesterol (TC), cholesterol of lipoproteids low and high density were measured at SSRCPM and RSPCC.Results. Analysis of the whole selection showed that 20% of men and 32% of women knew their TC, and 13,6% and 18,2% were even familiar having increased level of TC. Part of those with high and very high risk was 31,3%, incl. men — 42,2%, women — 30,9%. Statins took ~7,0% of patients from this risk category. Effectiveness of treatment (target levels reached of low density cholesterol) in these groups of men and women was 14,4% and 4,8%, respectively.Conclusion. The data obtained in populational study points on insufficient knowledge and low rate of statin treatment of the persons with high and very high cardiovascular risk in RF, which confirms the anxiety provoking data of registries and other studies. The data dictates necessity of development and implementation of specific educational programs for citizens, of physician improvement and availability of cheap but effective lipid-lowering medications
Aim. To study social and economic gradients — educational and occupational statuses, wealth level, behavioral risk factors (FR) in Russian population by the ESSE-RF data.Material and methods. The data for the analysis consisted of representative selections of 13 regions of RF (n=22906) participants of the study, incl. men (n=8353) and women (n=13553) of 25-64 y.o., with response 80%. We calculated the odds ratios for the presence of behavioral FR: smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, insufficient physical activity (IPA), nonrational food consumption, anxiety and depressive disorders, — in persons from different social and economic groups by education level, type of inhabitation, professional status, wealth level.Results. Higher education was associated with better FR profile, except IPA (negative association) and alcohol consumption (absence of association). "White in general had less FR probability than Blue, excl. IPA and psychoemotional deviations (in men). As for the wealth association with the FR there is backward gradient, i.e. lesser the income, higher the risk of FR presence, excl. IPA and excessive alcohol intake in women. For example, in very wealthy men the odds ratio for depressive states was 3,09 [95% CI 2,08-4,57] comparing to the persons with low income. The type of territory of inhabitance was associated with less behavioral FR in Russian population, as significant associations are found only for depression and excessive salt consumption in both genders and IPA in men. Conclusion. The significant social and economic gradients of behavioral FR prevalence are found, the direction of those is not necessary the same as in European countries. The analysis of association with social and economic parameters would help to develop the directed preventive interventions