142 research outputs found

    Lifespan and Glucose Metabolism in Insulin Receptor Mutant Mice

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    Insulin/insulin-like growth factor type 1 signaling regulates lifespan and resistance to oxidative stress in worms, flies, and mammals. In a previous study, we revealed that insulin receptor (IR) mutant mice, which carry a homologous mutation found in the long-lived daf-2 mutant of Caenorhabditis elegans, showed enhanced resistance to oxidative stress cooperatively modulated by sex hormones and dietary signals (Baba et al., (2005)). We herein investigated the lifespan of IR mutant mice to evaluate the biological significance of insulin signaling in mice. Under normoxia, mutant male mice had a lifespan comparable to that of wild-type male mice. IR mutant female mice also showed a lifespan similar to that of wild-type female mice, in spite of the fact that the IR mutant female mice acquired more resistance to oxidative stress than IR mutant male mice. On the other hand, IR mutant male and female mice both showed insulin resistance with hyperinsulinemia, but they did not develop hyperglycemia throughout their entire lifespan. These data indicate that the IR mutation does not impact the lifespan in mice, thus suggesting that insulin signaling might have a limited effect on the lifespan of mice

    Maternal exposure to nanoparticulate titanium dioxide during the prenatal period alters gene expression related to brain development in the mouse

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nanotechnology is developing rapidly throughout the world and the production of novel man-made nanoparticles is increasing, it is therefore of concern that nanomaterials have the potential to affect human health. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of maternal exposure to nano-sized anatase titanium dioxide (TiO<sub>2</sub>) on gene expression in the brain during the developmental period using cDNA microarray analysis combined with Gene Ontology (GO) and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms information.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of gene expression using GO terms indicated that expression levels of genes associated with apoptosis were altered in the brain of newborn pups, and those associated with brain development were altered in early age. The genes associated with response to oxidative stress were changed in the brains of 2 and 3 weeks old mice. Changes of the expression of genes associated with neurotransmitters and psychiatric diseases were found using MeSH terms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Maternal exposure of mice to TiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles may affect the expression of genes related to the development and function of the central nervous system.</p


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    日本の高齢者は病院で亡くなる人が大半であり、病院以外の老人のための施設における死亡はわずか2.6%にすぎない。しかし今後は高齢化の進展に伴い施設での死亡が増加することが予測される。本研究の目的は介護老人保健施設で死の看取りを積極的に行うための要因を明らかにすることである。E県(高齢化率23.0%)の介護老人保健施設4施設の看護管理者4名にインタビューをおこない、死の看取りの現状について尋ねた。その結果以下のことが明らかになった。施設での死の看取りに影響を与える要因は、1)施設が一般病院に併設しているかどうか、2)施設の方針、3)看護管理者の死の看取りに対する姿勢、であった。介護老人保健施設での死の看取りに取り組むにあたっての課題は、個室の整備、高齢者の死の看取りに関する職員教育、夜間の看護師の確保、死の看取りの過程で入所者と家族の希望(どこで、誰に、どのように看取られたいか)を絶えず確認し調整することであった。Introduction: Most elderly people die in hospitals, but only 2.6% in institutions for the aged. We predict, however, that mortality rates for older people in institutions will increase rapidly in the future. The purpose of this study is to clarify the factors in providing terminal care at geriatric intermediate care facilities. Method: Data were generated by interviews with four nurse managers asking them the present condition and problems of terminal care. The nurse managers were associated with geriatric intermediate care facilities in E prefecture (23.0% of the aging rate) in Japan. Results: The results indicated that there were three types of factors which affect terminal care at geriatric intermediate care facilities: 1) whether a facility is established as an annex to hospital or not, 2) the policies of the facility administrator, and 3) the attitude of the nurse manager toward terminal care. Current problems to be addressed for terminal care at geriatric intermediate care facilities are improving on circumstances of elderly residents, providing them with private rooms, training staff with regard to terminal care, retaining night nurses, and consistently confirming and coordinating the will of both the elderly and their families as to where, by whom, and how they want to be treated during their terminal care

    Space Environment Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Seed Germination and Growth

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    An initial limited set of tests of germination rate and seed growth in a controlled environment have identified statistically significant differences between control samples and seed flown in a Russian LEO research flight. Most significantly, average seed germination of space borne seeds was 2 days less than the 6 days for the control seeds. Modification of the seed coat leading to enhanced rate of water uptake, as a result of radiation from the space environment or abrasion due to launch vibrations, is hypothesized to cause early germination. High school students will conduct growth tests on seeds exposed to simulated space environments. The effects of ionizing radiation up to 1 kGy are being studied using a biological exposure test chamber designed by Tsukuba students used in the USU MPG Space Survivability Test (SST) chamber. The SST is a test facility designed to mimic space environments to test environmental-induced modifications to small satellites, or in this case, biological samples. Additional seeds will be exposed to a vibration profile on a shaker table designed to simulate the extreme conditions during flight. Understanding observed space environment effects are important in design of long duration missions, such as to Mars, where food growth is essential. * Supported by USU STARS! GEAR UP partnership. # Partially funded by Japan Student Services Organizatio

    Nurses and care workers' job satisfaction about care practice environment at Geriatric Health Services Facilities.

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    Aim:The aim of this study was to evaluate the job satisfaction of nurses and care worker staff in relation to the care practice environment at Geriatric Health Services Facilities. Methods:We conducted semi-structured interviews involving two nurses, two head nurses, eight care workers and three head care workers, who work at a Geriatric Health Services Facility. The interview audiotapes were transcribed verbatim and the transcriptions were analyzed using interpretive data. Results:We found a correlation between job satisfaction and workers, recognition what is the rewarding and attractive job as well as the type of job, age, and sex of the staff person. Care staff believe that in order to provide high quality care for the elderly as well as the best services and staff training, it is important to have a strong and cooperative environment between the nursing staff and the care workers. The care workers believe that they have additional job stress due to a lack of cooperation from nurses. There is a disparity in views between the nurses and care worker staff regarding the level of cooperation and work sharing that occurs. Conclusions:In order to provide a positive work environment that is rewarding and attractive to staff members, nurse executives must recognize the different concerns and needs of the employees.【目的】介護老人保健施設(老健)の看護・介護職が認識している職場の働きやすさを、個人属性、仕事や職場に求める魅力・やりがいとの関連から明らかにする。【方法】調査対象は、老健1施設の准看護師1名、看護師1名、看護主任1名、看護師長1名、介護助手2名、介護福祉士6名、介護主任3名で、調査内容は「職場の働きやすさ(働きにくさ)、職場の魅力、仕事のやりがい」について半構成的面接を行い、逐語録を作成し内容分析した。【結果および考察】老健に勤務する看護・介護職が職場に求める働きやすさは、職種、年齢、性別、仕事や職場に求める魅力・やりがい、によって異なっていた。良いケアを提供し、業務改善や人材育成にやりがいを感じる職員の働きやすさは、看護・介護職の協力体制、適切な業務分担などだったが、介護職だけが人手不足による負担感と看護職の非協力を感じていた。管理者は職員の個人属性や、やりがいのタイプ別に働きやすさを捉え、職場環境を整えていくことが重要であることが示唆された

    How the Space Environment Affects Seed Germination and Growth

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    Understanding observed space environment effects on biological organisms such seeds are important in design of long duration space missions, such as to those planned for Mars, where appropriate storage and growth of food resources is essential. Evaluation of the effects of the real and simulated space environment on seed germination and growth in space is the purpose of this research. Preliminary tests of germination rate and growth of radish seeds in a controlled environment have identified statistically significant differences between control samples and seeds flown for 30 days in low earth orbit on the Bion M-1 launch capsule Russian research flight in 2013. Most significantly, average germination of space exposed radish seeds was 2 days less than the 6 days observed for the control seed group. Seed coats of the control group, space-exposed, and vibration-exposed seed were also inspected by LHS and USU students for physical changes. Observed changes in both the space-exposed and vibration-exposed seeds coats included the production of proteins presumably related to defense of the embryo from soil pathogens during seed germination. Previous research by others has shown production of anti-fungal proteins in radish seed coats is initiated by disturbance. Effects to germination rate from ionizing radiation up to 1 kGy were studied. Radiation exposure occurred with a custom biological exposure test chamber designed by Tsukuba students for the USU Materials Physics Group Space Survivability Test (SST) chamber, which is designed to mimic low-earth and geosynchronous orbital environments. * USU STARS! GEAR UP partnership # Partially funded by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), and University of Tsukub

    Radiation exposure and circulatory disease risk: Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor data, 1950-2003

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    Objective To investigate the degree to which ionising radiation confers risk of mortality from heart disease and stroke

    VEGF Polymorphism rs3025039 and Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus 1 (HTLV-1) Infection among Older Japanese Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Previous studies have reported a close correlation between vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which plays an important role in angiogenesis, and human T-cell leukemia virus 1 (HTLV-1). However, an association between genetic characteristics related to VEGF and HTLV-1 infection has not yet been reported. Because the VEGF polymorphism rs3025039 is inversely associated with serum concentrations of VEGF, we focus on rs3025039 in the present study. To clarify the association between the VEGF polymorphism rs3025039 and HTLV-1 infection, a cross-sectional study of 1924 Japanese individuals aged 60–79 years who participated in general health check-ups was conducted. Using logistic regression, odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for HTLV-1 infection in relation to rs3025039 genotype were calculated with adjustment for known confounders. Compared with rs3025039 CC-homozygotes, (T) allele carriers had a significantly lower OR for HTLV-1 infection. The adjusted OR and 95% CI for HTLV-1 infection was 0.70 (0.54–0.91) (p = 0.009). Genetic characteristics related to lower angiogenesis activity might be associated with a lower chance of establishing HTLV-1 infection. Although further investigation is necessary, angiogenesis might play a crucial role in the establishment of HTLV-1 infection